Bad RA. (M and F)

When I was 19 years old, I was an RA for a program that helps high school seniors and juniors from low income backgrounds prepare for college.

One of my favorite student's name was Amalia. A grad from a particularly bad school district, Amalia was smart and funny, a natural leader. She was way further read than I was when I was in high school., but one of those overachievers who seemed unfazed by how much more put together they are than their peers. She was also cute as hell. Only about 5 feet tall with long, black hair she usually kept in a ponytail, big doe eyes, and the biggest, brightest smile I’d ever seen.

It was no secret to any of the RAs or to most of the students that she had a crush on me. I was the only one she ever asked for help on homework, even though she was way better at math then I am. When she was accepted to the most prestigious school in the state, she told me first. And when she broke up with her boyfriend, she cried on my shoulder. And she was constantly flirting with me, waiting for me to be on duty at the desk, changing into short shorts and tight tops when she knew I was around.

A week or two before the program ended, I was making rounds. basically to make sure none of the students were sneaking out. Amalia was heading back to her room from the girl’s showers,wearing nothing but a small pink towel.

“Just heading back to my room, boss man,” she teased.

“Ok. good night,” I said, trying to keep my eyes level with hers. As I walked down the hall some more she called my name. I turned around and she opened the towel for a moment, revealing her full front. She turned without saying a word and walked into her room.

My. God. I had seen her wear some tight things over the course of the summer, but I had never pictured her looking like that. She couldn’t have hidden how wide her hips were if she tried, but nude they were breathtaking . Her stomach was toned -every free moment not spent studying or flirting with me she had spent in the gym or on the basketball court and it showed.I immediately went back to my room and rubbed on out, using her facebook profile for occasional guidance.

The next morning at breakfast when we were alone she asked, “did you jack off last night,” I a low voice. More curious than anything, it seemed. I had stammered through something about how inappropriate the comment was and she said, “I take it as a compliment. Glad you approved.”.

At the end of the program, we hold a dance. I was a bit nervous to see her there. Sure enough, she was standing outside, wearing a tight black dress.

"I was afraid you’d be a no show,” she said, smiling and hugging me.

“wanna fuck in my room before move out?” She asked. The upbeat, matter of fact way she asked made my head spin. I didn’t answer. “look, I am not asking to be your girlfriend or anything. I just want to sleep with you once before I don’t see you again for a however.. if we hang out after, whatever.” I told her how inappropriate it is for me to sleep with a student .She went on about being a consenting adult only a little younger than me.

“Also not my student anymore,” I teased. I gave her a playful tap on the ass. “meet me on the top floor in like 15 minutes. Don’t make it obvious.” I said.

Sure enough, almost 15 minutes on the dot, she met me on the staircase outside the top floor. “going to your room?” she asked, smiling. “Not exactly,” I say, unlocking the roof service ladder. “Ladies first,” I said. “I suggest you take off your pumps.” “You’re just looking at my ass,” She joked. “One of the perks of this plan,” I laughed.

I had set up the roof earlier that day when no one was around. I left a mattress laying out from surplus. “I wanted to fuck you since may,” She teased, “You better be worth the wait.” She unzipped her dress, walking to me after it fell, wearing a black thong and black bra.She took me out, began stroking me until I was as hard as a rod. She just stopped and stared for a moment. “Something wrong?” I asked. “… it’s… Jesus. A lot thicker than I expected. “is that a problem?” I asked. “You talk too much,,” she laughed. She sat on the bed and patted a spot next to her. I sat down. kissing her neck. Her hand found its way back to my cock again, so I began lightly biting her neck. :”finger me, please,” I she said, a bit of a whimper in her voice. I did as she asked. Sliping first one, then two fingers inside of her. I did not expect her to be so tight. there was almost too much resistance for my second finger at first. I began to wonder about logistics.

But she didn’t leave me much time to consider anything. Before I knew what was going on the condom was on and she had pushed me back, was already straddling me.

She lowered herself on me gingerly. Taking her time. Letting herself get used to me. I stayed still, letting her take lead. She began to grind against me, putting those wide hips and years of dance and sports to good use.

She closed her eyes, tight. Her breathing began to grow heavy. I would thrust in tempo with her. Gentle. Careful not to be too rough. My hands supported her plump, tender breasts, my thumbs caressing her small nipples as we rode one another.

She began to bite her lip to keep her voice down. she would occasionally let slip a word. Sometimes english. Sometimes Spanish. Her words became clipped. high pitched. Urgent.

“I don’t speak Spanish,” I said, stopping, concerned. “I was saying ‘don’t stop,’ stupid,” I she laughed, giving me a punch. I thrust once, deep inside her. my ass off the bed entirely and she gave a series of very fast grinds against me. Her eyes shot open. Her mouth was wide. She tensed. not obviously breathing. It was as if someone had hit the pause button. I covered her mouth and she shrieked as she came to a crashing orgasm.She collapsed on my chest. her breathing heavy. Finally she grabbed my cock again. “this thing is still hard?” She laugh. “fuck, what does it take to please you. She rolled on her back again. “You don’t have to hold back this time,” she almost purred these words into my ear as I slid inside. “Deeper.” She begged. “Dámelo-uh.. fuck. Just fuck me.” Ever the gentleman I did as she asked, thrusting deeper and harder. Slowly building up power. She went wild. arched her back. wrapped her legs around me. Scratched my back so hard that she chipped a nail. She tensed up in another of her open mouthed silent orgasms, but this time, she just collapsed as if defeated, not shrieks or screams. I erupted shortly after and rolled next to her.

“worth the wait?” I teased her as she put her dress on. She kissed my forehead and said “You go down stairs, I have to wait for my legs to quit shaking.

I waited to make sure she got down and then went to bed myself.

The next morning I awoke to what I thought must have been a wet dream. A head wit a familiar black pony tail was slowly bobbing on the tip of my hard cock, humming lightly to herself as she did. “sssh,” she whispered. and got back to work. She worked the shaft with her hand as she bobbed her head, slowly taking more and more of me in her mouth. pausing occasionally to lick the tip. Whenever she looked up I could see straight down her shirt to her cleavage. I didn’t last very long at all and when I came she swallowed every bit as if she was hungry. She looked up smiling.

“Come visit me at my dorm some time,” she said, swinging her hips as she left the room.



  1. Thanks. I’m really starting to enjoy this whole /r/gonewildstories thing. Anywhere else, if I share exploits like this it’s douchey.

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