Angry Sex with someone I Hate (M19/F19)

In college I somehow ended up in a clique. There were 6 of use; 3 guys and 3 girls. There was this girl Em in the group, and she was kind of a bitch. Everyone acknowledged it at some point but the group got together because we all had some interconnected friendships prior to college and she was kind of close to one of the guys in the group from before and in the orientation group with one of the other girls.

She and I kind of had clash of personalities, so to speak. We would get into arguments and small fights sometimes, but mostly we managed to be civil to one another for everyone else's sake. The group was quite aware of this dynamic. Em and I wouldn't hang out just the two of us.

Anyway, the six of us managed to get into a project group for one of the classes we were taking together and we were over at Em's doing the work.

We were doing the work on Em's desktop and some of us had our laptops. I'm kinda the go-to-IT-person for people who know me and I have this pet peeve for computers that are slow, especially because of poor maintenance. So I offered to sort this out for Em. (We weren't the best of friends but we did try to get along.)

We got through the project soon enough and we're just chilling about awhile while I was updating her software, and defragging her hard disk and what. The rest of the group left one after the other for other engagements, and it ended up being just the two of us left.

Now Em was fairly attractive, a little skinny for my taste, a little taller than me. And not much going on in the ass and boobs dept as is common for Singaporean Chinese girls. (Did I mention that we were all Singaporeans and this takes place in Singapore? Well it is.) I knew she slept around a little but Em and I didn't really have much chemistry between us. And I never quite thought about her like that.

Cos she was at home, she was wearing these short shorts and a tight tank top.

It was a little awkward for the two of us being left alone together and I was kind of in the middle of sorting out her PC. She tried to make herself busy, walking in and out of her room and stuff. She asked me if I wanted a drink or something cos she was about to shower and get changed for he plans later.

She went into her ensuite bathroom and I guess maybe she's used to not closing it as its her room and all, I wasn't really aware of this since my back was towards the bathroom door.

I needed to ask her something about the computer settings and I turned towards the door and there she was just in her shorts, her perky tits on display. She turned to see me the same time as I turned around. She yelped in shock and managed to get behind the door just as I turned away.

I remembered having a little mixed feelings at this point, cos I thought she was a bitch but boobs!

Plus she didn't really look that bad and any 19yr old would get excited for boobs.

She didn't come out immediately after, took her about 5 mins or so, and I did just contemplate leaving without a word, but I stuck around for some reason.

Anyway, she came out a while later in this tight pencil skirt and loose white blouse which was just the slightest bit sheer and just acted like nothing happened earlier. All this made the situation more awkward than before.

Well, two could play that game.

Not long after, she got around to my right and was bent over picking up something off the floor. I happened to glance over and got a good view down her blouse. She caught my eye and stood up suddenly in a huff and called me a pervert. As she walked away she sarcastically asked if I enjoyed the view before calling me an asshole.

I told her there wasn't much to see. She turned around at that and came over and punched me in the shoulder.

I shoved her back with my right arm which caused her to fall backwards. She held on to my arm on her way down and pulled me down with her. I was suddenly on top of her with one knee between her legs, my hand on her (left?) boob and our faces inches apart.

We were just like that a moment. Seems like she was contemplating me a moment. Then she suddenly put her arm around my neck and kissed me. I was caught unaware a moment but next thing I knew I was kissing her back.

I started massaging her boobs and she got to rubbing her knee on my crotch. It didn't take long to get me hard. She paused awhile to call me a perv before continuing the kiss.

I started unbuttoning her blouse and reached in her bra to play with her stiff nipples. For some reason I really wanted to get rough with her and started pinching hard, she moaned in pain and ecstasy. We rolled over so now that she was on top and she tried to take off her blouse. I pushed myself up to kiss and bite her neck, and ended up pushing her back so I was back on top and her arm was stuck behind her in her blouse. I groped her roughly as I kissed/bit/lick her from everywhere between. I pulled up her skirt and wanted to make my way up to kiss her when my head hit the top of the roller chair that I fell off earlier.

This managed to snap us out of this moment of passion a little and she shoved me off with her body as she untangles her arms from her blouse behind her. I got up from my knees and watched her stand in front of me, blouse open.

I went in for a kiss and she shoved me. I guess the moment was over. But then she shoved me again and I fell to sit on the bed. She promptly got to her knees, took off her blouse and started unzipping my jeans. I got up a little so that she could pull my jeans down.

My cock was fully erect and pulsating a little. I twitches a little as she ran her fingers along the tip. She was looking right in my eyes and it was obvious she liked it when I squirmed. She took my dick to her mouth and started sucking it hard and rough. Really rough.

It hurt a little, but it didn't occur to me to ask her to be gentle. I reached back to unhook her bra. And started feeling up her tits. I squeezed and pinched her nipples and groped her hard.

She came up for air and told me to slide back. As I did, she straddled me and moved up but turned when she got to my chest and shoved her pussy in my face to give me a generous helping of her soaking cunt.

My tongue got in there and I groped her ass as I ate her out. She got to sucking my cock as I was doing this. I got one hand rubbing her clit as I ate her. My other hand tried to finger her asshole a little but as soon as I got close she got off me.

She glared at me and maintained eye contact as she mounted me again this time facing me. As she rode me, she played with her tits. It really seemed that she was just using my cock and not paying attention to myself in general. I got bored quickly enough and decided that that was enough. I pushed her off to the right so she was on all fours and took her from behind. She didn't seemed to mind this change as I started pounding her and she begun moaning. She put her face onto the pillow and got even louder.

I pounded her harder and harder. It was like I wanted to punish her, and that I had so much pent up aggression to take out.

It got quite rough and I felt that maybe I should mellow out a little but she started to beg me to go harder.

"Harder… Unh… Harder… Fuck me harder…"

This was turning me on more and I promptly forgot about wanting to be careful earlier.

I turned her around eventually but continued with the rough pounding. She pulled me in close and had her arms around my neck. We were chest to chest and her skirt that was bunched up around her navel was moist with our sweat.

She started asking me to harder again, more like grunting actually. But she also started calling me names, "fuck me harder, harder you fag. That's all you got? Fuck me, asshole."

I started feeling her scratches on my back, this was going on awhile, but I was only aware of it when I saw some specks of blood on her bedsheets from her nails.

Her face changed and it dawned on me that she was moaning harder for awhile. Her pussy squeezed my dick and pulsed as she came. It shocked me a little, as I never managed to get my GF to come before. (Oh, I was seeing someone at this point.) This feeling led me on my own path to come. I was pounding for the homestretch as she was coming down her climax.

I realised I hadn't planned on where to come. But I just didn't care and suddenly felt Tay is just come in this bitch. I figured that she was on the pill. Maybe. Who cares. I know, kind of rude, and I'm not usually like this, but I was in an aggressive mood and didn't know what to expect of myself anymore. So I just blew my load in her and slowed down as I came.

The realisation that I came in her came to her, her eyes widened and she slapped me. Nice and proper right across the face as she called me an asshole. I got pushed off her and she got on me as she started hitting me.

I grabbed her arms and and rolled back over her all this while she's calling me names. With me on top, I crawled forward and pinned her arms under my knees as her legs kicked in effectively behind me. Now my cock is in her face, a little soft but still a little erect. It rested on her face and she shut up as she looked up at me.

My voice was a little hoarse as i haven't said anything all this while; "blow me, bitch."

She almost grudgingly but obediently arched her neck to take my cock in her mouth and sucked me off while looking doe-eyed up at me. I eased off the pressure off her arms so she could pull out her hands. She got to massaging my balls and stroking my shaft. I could see my cum around the sides of her mouth as she sucked me off, and this got me really hard all over again.

I got off her and she this time we got to it again but with her on me.

"Don't come in me again, fucker."

I just rolled my eyes and got rewarded with another slap, not as bad as before, I made to get up but she shoved me back down.

"Tell me when you're close."

She took me glaring at her as acceptance of her terms. She lost herself again as she bounced up and down. It was hot watching her like this and I felt up her thighs and waist. She lowered herself over me and I groped her breasts again. They weren't much but still a handful. I twisted her nipples and she just threw her head back and moaned.

I started pounding her again from the bottom and we switched around a few positions but ended up like this again. I felt my climax approaching and seriously contemplated just cumming in her just to spite her again but somehow I caught her eye and told her, "now."

She got off me and took my cock to her mouth and sucked me till I came. I blew a load in her mouth and she must not have done this before or often enough cos she gagged and ran off to her bathroom to spit in the sink.

I just laid there panting awhile. She had closed the bathroom door and I guess she was washing up a little. I didn't really know how to proceed from here.

She came out with her short shorts and t shirt that she had on earlier. I was just lying there naked and looked at me with a slight disgust. She walked over a little and grabbed my jeans from off the floor and threw them to me. I guess that was my cue to get dressed. I pulled on my boxers and jeans and found my shirt under the bed.

I felt a little sore and I guess she must be feeling worse from all that rough pounding. I picked my bag while she was at the her computer squinting at the screen.

"Can you get this done before you go?" She probably figured I was trying to make a move. I thought for a moment before just complying.

We walked around each other and I think it got back to being weird. I got back to work and saw her tossing her blouse and skirt into her laundry basket.

I finished soon enough but she was in the shower. So I just knocked to let her know that I was gone and that I was leaving. She just managed an "uh..ok." There was a pause and I left it at that.

When we got back to school things were a little awkward, I didn't know if she would tell anyone else in the group about this thing we had; girls gossip. Or not. You can never know. But things were the same as they were before. Maybe initially she ignored me a little more than usual but eventually she was nicer to me, so much so that someone remarked that we were so nice to one another and not fighting any longer. But that led us being mean to one another again.

Almost a year till we hooked up again and once more after that. But no feelings, just rough angry sex. I wish I could have been more descriptive about how rough the sex was; basically we came away with scratches, bite marks and she had a few bruises too, I think.



  1. I shoved her back with my right arm which caused her to fall backwards. She held on to my arm on her way down and pulled me down with her. I was suddenly on top of her with one knee between her legs, my hand on her (left?) boob and our faces inches apart. Is that part of an anime plot ??

  2. Haha, sounds like it but it really isn’t. I shoved, she fell, and pulled me down too. I didn’t expect her to fall or pull me down so it kinda just happened

  3. Between this story and Australian guy, this sub is giving me a fetish for angry sex

  4. I don’t think this has ever happened to me. :( Though I have been locked in closets and girl locker rooms with girls in them. :)

  5. I quit reading at Singaporeians. That can’t be right can it? Maybe Singapories, Singaporite, or something else.

  6. I read another angry sex story once and the end was the same. Only happened once and the sex made the relationship go from scorn to nice to each other. But never love or friends

  7. It’s kind of an awkward demonym sure, but it made you quit reading? Slight overreaction some might say.

  8. Awesome story. What’s the relationship like with her now? I assume no babies? What about your girlfriend at the time?

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