The shy, quiet Uni girl. [M/F]

After Writing Edit: Sorry you guys this is really long. I got carried away with the little details but hopefully you should still enjoy!

Bit of background first: I'm a guy, about 6'1, pretty lean with brown hair and a pretty average dick. I am currently at university studying history. Awfully boring but the night-life is good and it ultimately means I don't have to make a serious decision in my life for a few more years.

I have the odd friend, not too many, I'd probably say my roommate is my best one, but we're like polar opposites, so it's quite weird that it works. Anyway, another person studying History is this girl. I feel quite ashamed that I never noticed her before, but that's how well she blends in.

For the first month of Uni, I didn't know her name, because I didn't dare go and ask her, and because nobody else did, I don't think she had a single friend.

Eventually I see some kind of name list on the professors desk and snoop through it. I know pretty much everyone's name for our lectures, and there's one that stands out. Yaara. It had to be her. I look it up on facebook and sure enough, there she is. One mutual friend. And I had asked the guy if he knew her, he said no.

So, being the scared little shit that I am, I shoot her a friend request. Couple days later, nothing. I check her profile and it still says 'Add Friend'. I think it hasn't sent so I send it again. Same thing, couple days later, still says it. I ask my roommate and he says that's what happens when they decline it. Ouch.

So it now turns out I've sent this poor girl two friend requests to which she's both declined. Awkward.

In our dorm there is obviously the boys and the girls part, and we share one common room type thing, its a cross between a library/computer room with couches and shit to kick it on.

I start to realise that this girl literally does not talk to a single person. She goes from our dorm, to a locker type thing, to a PC, to our lectures, and then either out the door or back to our dorm. Never says a word. I feel awful for her, cos I didn't have many friends and I know how it is. I just can't bring myself to strike up conversation with her.

One day we're in the common room and I walk over to make myself some coffee from our little communal kitchen, and that's near to where the PC's are. As i'm leaving it, I see a pair of feet sticking out from underneath one of the desks. I work IT repair part time, so I stop and ask if anythings wrong. You guessed it.

Out comes her pretty little face, and she looks at me asif to say "oh shit you're the guy I declined twice" and I wish I'd never opened my mouth. But, she tells me that "The monitor won't come on" she has the sweetest voice I've ever heard, so innocent and quaint. I say no problem and hop under the desk.

I ask her what her name is and she replies. I don't know why I asked her, we both know I know what she's called, but she plays it cool and I really wanted to thank her for it, I was so embarrassed.

I introduce myself and after trying a few plugs and trying different wires it boots and she thanks me. Now or never I guess.

I ask her what she's working on, she tells me the History assignment. Turns out it's in a day later and I hadn't even started. "I could help you, i-i-if you like." It was so fucking cute. I could tell it was hurting her to say it but it was asif she felt like she owed me.

I asked her if she was sure and she said yes, so I pulled out my laptop and we got to work. We found out common interest and common hates, the music we liked and the food we liked to eat. We had a surprisingly lot in common.

It was time to bite the bullet and try and give her my number. "Thanks so much for the help, how about I take you out for something to eat sometime?"

"Oh, uh, I dunno, I'm quite busy and y'know with all this work and stuff and-"

I interrupt and write down my number and hand it to her, and tell her if she changes her mind to text me or something.

Fast forward about two weeks and I see her everyday not talking to a soul. It kills me, but one night me and my roommate are getting high and my phone buzzes. Its unknown and is asking if I've done the research. I ask who it is and its Yaara.

In my dozy state I simply put. "Ah shit, no. Made your mind up on that offer yet?"

"Well, I'm not busy this weekend but I'm sure you have plans."

I did, but I cancelled everything. "Nope, I'm free. Saturday at 6?"

"Oh, well if you're sure you're not busy then ok."

I wait for her outside our dorm and she comes down in this gorgeous flowery dress, and I realize how beautiful she really is. Yaara is about 5'5, brunette hair, with brown eyes. She has the most pretty face, and a really slim figure. At this point I can't really tell more because she usually wears dresses or casual clothes, but I wasn't bothered about any of that. I take her out to the fanciest place I know. Between working two jobs and Uni I've racked up quite a bit of money, so I knew I was spoiling her before we'd even made plans. I drove her to the restaurant and we ate some awesome food with some awesome wine (water for her, she doesn't drink) and I paid for it all. She wouldn't let me, but I refused any money from her and she got quite emotional saying nobody had done that for her before. I just smiled and after driving back we took a walk through our campus, her hand kept brushing against mine but then she would quickly dart away, it seemed like it was all new to her. She said thankyou and I asked her same time next week? She had the biggest smile on her face as she said yes and went back to her dorm.

Over the next month I took her out every weekend, treating her to dinner and treats and buying her the odd little present, like I said I wanted to spoil this girl. She opened up to me and told me that she's never been in a relationship and had only ever held hands with one guy years ago, and has never been treat this way. I told her she deserved it and hugged her. When I did she kind of melted in to me asif she'd never felt this kind of affection, it was adorable. From then on she started sitting next to me in lectures and we did work together and the odd project, and I couldn't have been happier.

One night, my roommate is out and I'm watching films and we're texting. She says she's bored and I tell her me too, but i'm watching movies if she wants to come over. She asked a few questions before being sure and finally agreed. She comes over in some leggings and a t shirt with no makeup and her hair done up, and fuck she is perfect. I let her in and as she walks through my room I finally see her pert little ass, she's always worn dresses when I've took her out. It's not massive but looks soft and round, and I start thinking dirty thoughts about her. We settle on my sofa bed thing, and watch a shitty movie. Halfway through I get up for a piss and come back and sit down. I notice she's closer than she was but I think nothing of it. Unconsciously, I start twirling her hair that she's since let down, and she get's startled. I say sorry and she replied something like "oh, uh no its, its fine it was kinda nice." So I carry on.

I start thinking things through about how she's never had this kind of affection shown to her and I feel so bad for her so eventually, I take her waist and pull her up to me, and now we're spooning watching the film. "Is this okay?" "This is great." I'm so happy at this point. I put my arm around her waist and we hold hands, and I can see her cute little smile as I look over her. The film finishes and she goes to get up but I hold onto her and tell her that she can stay. She tries coming up with some excuses and I tell her that nobodies coming back, it'll just be us two. Eventually she says ok and we lay spooning.

We eventually get onto sex she starts asking me how it feels. I tell her if she wants, and only if she wants to, that I can show her. She asks me if I'm being serious and I tell her its entirely her choice, if she wants to leave she can do. She says she does so we get up, and I start undressing her. I take off her top and wow, her tits are great. Not huge, but good handfuls. I take off the leggings, and she has these cute little pants on, they show off her ass great. I stand up, and finally kiss her. She doesn't really know what to do and its adorable, so I carry on kissing her until she gets a feel for it, and then we go over to the bed. I pull down her pants and tease around her a little bit. She's heavily breathing now and shuddering, and I've not even touched it yet. I go to work making sure I make her feel good, playing with her and moving with her and reading her body signals.

Before very long at all she's shuddering and convulsing, so I step back to watch because its so fucking beautiful watching the joy take over her body. Then, I take out a condom and get ready. I spread her legs a little and pull down her hand to take my now fully solid dick. I'm not the biggest but I know it could hurt her, so I let her guide me in. I tell her to take it slow and steady, and we can stop if she needs to. Eventually, she gets to the bottom of my dick, and so I stay for a little, letting her get used to it.

She's now soaking wet and her pussy is so tight, so I slowly start dipping in and out of her, until eventually I begin to go harder and deeper. I keep checking on her, sometimes not getting a 'yes' but just a moan or whimper, and I know she's having a good time. I flip her over for doggy and take hold of her cute little ass, playing with it and lightly smacking it, getting a moan each time. After a little while and various positions, I go back to missionary because I know I'm close. She has come a few times over the course but I want to be close to her when I do, so we begin kissing deeply again until I burst inside of her, slowly finishing.

She tells me it was the best thing she's ever done, and thanks me loads for everything I've done for her. I tell her it isn't going to stop and I'm still taking her out every week, and she just kisses me and smiles. I tell her she can use my shower and stay if she likes, and she takes me up on the shower, does watch a couple episodes of Family Guy with me before telling me she's tired and would like to go back to her dorm. I take her back over to it and we kiss once more, telling her goodnight. She even told me she wants to "Fuck again." which was totally unexpected because I'd never heard her use the word, but I'll be sure to update you guys when we do.



  1. when are you gonna make it official? She sounds like she needs a good guy like you around!

  2. Not only was that a hot story, but it was romantic and adorable! It’s the quiet ones who are goldmine. She obviously didn’t recognize your Facebook photo. But sounds like it is working out. Are you guys gonna date? Do you love her? You think she loves you? Or falling for you? This is a nice story to read. Well- written. I had a long day at work and this is great to read after.

  3. Aw, thanks so much, that’s great to hear :) I think I already have fallen for her, but because she’s usually so closed off I can’t really tell if its the same for her. She’s opening up more though, and I took her away a few days ago so I guess I could share that soon.

  4. I’d love to, I just don’t know if its the right time yet or not. I’m still not too sure how she feels about me.

  5. Absolutely, more to write sir! I wait eagerly. I got 12.5 hour shift tomorrow, I wanna read something awesome! Don’t disappoint!

  6. Lovely story, really brought me back to my youth… loved your writing style, so genuine!

  7. Good story, thanks for posting. Hope it goes well for you. You sound like a nice respectful guy. Not overly agressive like a lot of guys can be when go off to uni!

  8. Awesome story dude, I hope it just gets better and better for the both of you. :) Also why are there no women like you :(.

  9. I have always liked ‘that shy girl’ and this just sent me nuts. Great story.

  10. That’s so romantic and sweet. The innocent girls never forget their firsts

  11. She let you fuck her, man. I think that’s a pretty good sign that she’s into you.

  12. Holy crap, congrats to you for getting her to open up to you! This was so adorable! Also, regarding the FB thing, maybe she just didn’t use FB very often. A "Friend Request Sent" button doesn’t necessarily mean she rejected you– maybe she just hadn’t logged in in a while.

  13. Aww that was sweet :) and hot! Hope I don’t end up quite like her, though I can see such happening since I’m shy :/

  14. That was adorable and hot, you gotta make it official. It’s obviois this girl is really into you but doesn’t know how to express herself yet.

  15. Being a virgin in university means you are quite unlucky or saving it for someone special. /u/UniGuy123, don’t fuck this up.

  16. You’ve slept with her. She is into you. Stop being a lil bitch and ask her to be your gf. You won’t regret it bud =)

  17. This was very very romantic and looks like you’re both really into each other. I don’t want to be a downer but from what you described her as, she seems to be a very very private person. If that is the case, will she really be okay of you posting stories of your relationship online? Somewhere down the line you’ll have to tell her and I don’t see it going very well. Please don’t sacrifice a real relationship because of people on the internet. We would love to read more of your stories but not at the expense of your relationship.

  18. Aww, that was adorable! If it’s true, you better (continue to) treat her well, OP!

  19. I 100% agree. I want to read more, but I honestly don’t think you should be posting this considering how private she seems to be. Most people wouldn’t want to be posted on here, but some people would be incredibly hurt by it too.

  20. >quiet cute girl >name is Yaara >wears long dresses >doesn’t speak to much anyone except you You won the jackpot

  21. A little late for the party, but being this innocent uni girl, I still have some things to say: 1. She’s definitely into you, otherwise she wouldn’t have opened up to you, let alone giving her virginity. 2. As some other people mentioned, don’t update too much. this could really hurt if she finds out and doesn’t appreciate it which is probably the case. 3. Don’t play with her. Or let her interpret your signs. This is so exhausting and misleading and difficult if you do not yet have that many experiences. 4. Keep up the dates, let her know what you feel. This will make things easier for both of you. 5. Show her what one can do in bed, make these experiences with her, she’ll never forget them and you. And 6. thanks for sharing this well-written adorable story with us!

  22. There’s no way someone that shy would respond so positively if she wasn’t so into you, yo. You got it, man.

  23. This is sweet, but I really have to point out that ‘asif’ is not a word…

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