Cornered – a short story for her [m/f]

Our kisses and caresses are hot and passionate, as I have you pinned into the corner of the kitchen. My hand unfastens the button of your jeans and yanks down its zipper. I Force my hand inside your panties, over that neat trim, searching for pleasure. My fingers find the warm, wet gate to pleasure and you gasp to the jolt of need that rushes over you.

As my one hand continues to assault your clit and pussy in a firm manner, my other hand wrestles its way up your sweater, overcoming the obstacle of your bra as I squeeze and fondle your nipples, causing them to harden in pleasured reaction to my touch.

You move to pull your sweater over your head and as you do, I retreat to begin pulling your jeans and panties from you. I get them all the way off of you just as you’re pulling your bra off and you’re completely naked before me.

You quickly hop up onto the counter behind you and splay your legs apart, opening your pussy before me as you plant one foot in each direction down the countertop. I need no further encouragement as I quickly kneel before you and dive my tongue into you. A moan of pleasure escapes from you as both of your hands find their way to the back of my head, pulling me in even deeper.

Your sexy, sweet taste encourages me, your incredible aroma intoxicating me. I work from your clitoris all the way down as deep into your pussy as my tongue can stretch, searching for that perfect combination of stimulation that will bring you to that climax.

Your hands continue to direct me; your legs alternate between closing in around my head and spreading wide to open yourself more to me. Your clit grows harder and more erect in reaction to the attention it’s receiving, your pussy getting wetter and wetter at the same time. This turns me on beyond belief.

You begin thrusting against me, your hands holding my head deep in your pussy, as your orgasm overtakes you. Sloppy, hot, passionate convulsions as I attempt to suck every bit of liquid pleasure your body is giving, your pussy pulsing in ecstasy as I lap you up. I can barely breathe, as your flesh surrounds me, but it is incredible pleasure as we try to wring every bit from this climax.

Finally, your orgasm subsides, your body relaxes, and you pull me up, wrapping your legs and arms around me in contentment.


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