The Dining Chair – a short story for her [m/f]

The conversation is relaxed after dinner, as we each slouch in our dining chairs, occasionally taking a sip from our wine. We’re angled more towards each other, your legs draped over one of mine, allowing me to caress your shin and lower leg. The heat has slowly been building, known to each of us through the emotion passed in the glances at each other. Your move off of your chair to kneel in front of me is so smooth, that it catches me off guard. You’re between my legs, hands running up each, running over my clothed crotch, up under my shirt, as your eyes look up and meet mine. Your expression is smoldering, with a look of knowing determination.

After a quick pinching and tweaking of my nipples, your hands work their way back down my torso to my jeans. You make quick work of releasing the bindings, and instead of reaching in to gain access to my hardening cock, you grasp my pants and underwear at the waist and begin to pull it off. Mmm… you’re not messing around, I see. I lift myself off the chair to assist as you pull them off me effectively, then quickly move to pull my shirt over my head and off, leaving me naked in this chair in front of you.

Your hands again move back down my shoulders, chest and torso, both of them reaching and grasping the base of my shaft in perfect timing with your mouth reaching my head. A shudder of pure pleasure courses through me as you squeeze, suck, and lick my manhood in concert.

Your intensity and drive is obvious. One hand roams my body, caressing me, manipulating my balls, as the other has a firm grip on my shaft, squeezing, stroking in time with your oral assault with your lips, your tongue swirling around, flicking, sucking and taking me as deep as you can. Pure, unadulterated pleasure is what I feel.

Your mouth pulls itself from my cock; you pull my shaft up and your tongue reaches down to lick and suck on my testicles. Audible confirmation and writhing in pleasure are my response, my cock feeling harder than I felt possible. You know that you now have me close and move back up, taking my head back between your lips. Hard stroking, licking, sucking, you have me there as the first pulses of my explosion begin.

You continue in earnest, claiming your prize. Thrusting your mouth upon my cock, stroking the shaft, as my cum spurts in wave after wave, you simply let it escape from your mouth, oozing down my cock and your hands as your tongue works my head to reap any remaining pleasure as the orgasm retreats. What a wonderful mess.



  1. I’m sorry, how is this a story for her? It seems geared entirely towards the mans pleasure.

  2. Sorry to mislead you. I’ve written these "for" her, although they don’t all focus on her pleasure.

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