[fantasy] So I wrote this while masturbating at 2:45am, Hope you like it.

Dark Magician Girl All of a sudden a blonde girl with magnificent breasts appears wearing a blue and pink dress. She says boldly “You there! I need your skills for my order!” She is probably quite powerful magician…this will be fun.

“Never! Long live Helix!” I replied.
“Fine I will force you to join, with the power of sex” she proclaimed. “Did she say sex?” I thought to myself. She raised her wand at me then jest like that all my clothing was gone and she could see I was very hard. Then she walked slowly and seductively toward me, with each step my boner was getting harder. I tried to move but I was stuck, this must be the spell she cast. She then lifts up her skirt part of the dress and exposes her vagina, inserts my penis, and kisses me. This feels amazing, the movement of her hips, I can feel her breasts pushing on my chest. I was going to defeat her quickly but now I want this to go on. After about 10min of pure pleaser she stops with a confused look on her face. “How have you not reached orgasm yet?” I decide not to answer her; instead I show a smug smile. “Fine how about this” All of her clothes disappear in a split second. She plays with her boobs and makes a kissy face. “Come and get me” she says seductively. “With pleasure” I reply. I walk over to her and stick two fingers in her pussy and wiggle them around. Her eyes open widely and she moans; I got her. I continue this until she is on the verge of orgasm but I don’t let her finish, not yet. She lies down and I proceed to kiss and lick her pussy. She is softly saying “No, not yet ….. I won’t give up” She hasn’t realized that the only reason she hasn’t orgasm yet is because I’m enjoying this too much. I shift my focus from her pussy to her breasts now. She is breathing heavily at this point. I start my gently licking her nipple and running my tong around the edges. Then I kiss and suck on her nipple while I begin to squeeze her butt with my hands and rub my cock on her pussy. “Every part of my body…pleaser…amazing…no I can’t” she is whispering. I decide to finish her. I slip my cock in her; she gives out a loud moan. I am sucking her breasts, squeezing her ass, and fucking her all at the same time. I start getting faster and faster, “No…stop…I’m going…” she is saying. She let out a very loud moan and orgasmed but I didn’t stop yet. She whispered “I’m done…no more” My tong is now playing with her nipple as I’m sucking her tit, fingering her ass, and inserting further into her pussy. She didn’t last long this time, she orgasmed again almost instantly. At this point I say “Get ready to join Helix-clan” and I blow my load in to her. She has a third orgasm and it is the strongest one yet. I’m finished with her. She gets up and uses some kind of magic to get her clothes. She is shocked that the color changed from blue to black. “What happened to my dress?!?!?” she asked.

“You are part of Helix now, so you wear the colors” I answered. She is annoyed with this but accepting. “I have to ask you one thing” she says. “Ya?” I respond. “When I was kiss-fucking you, how did you not orgasm?” She asks with a curious look on her face. “I was trying but I kept hearing ’You cannot do that right now’ in my head” I answered. “You wanted to orgasm that early?!?!?” She asks in partial amazement.

At this point I am starting to walk away, but say “I got a trick up my sleeve” then I leave. Although I left I can hear her saying “What is that supposed to mean?”

I had pictures for this but I'm new to reddit and don't know how to post them. Feedback is encouraged.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/32s2qv/fantasy_so_i_wrote_this_while_masturbating_at


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