A Facial Favor (Mf, oral, Fsub]

The first time I saw Jan's sister Katie, we weren't introduced, and didn't even speak to each other. I didn't know Jan that well, but she's good friends with Dana, my best friend since childhood, and Dana and I were hanging out at Jan's place drinking beers with a few other friends when Katie came downstairs on her way out for the evening. She chatted briefly with Jan in our presence, and Jan did the "Everyone, this is my sister Katie, Katie, this is everyone" thing, and then Katie smiled and waved and then went out for the night. That was it – I wasn't even sure she'd really looked at me.

I of course had noticed her. Blonde, small frame, more cute than pretty but with plenty of both. The thing that most got to me was that her face seemed to have a permanent expression of slight sassiness about it, but she didn't seem to be at all aware of it. She had a look that elicited a very specific response in me, and I must have been at least a little obvious in my distraction, because Dana certainly noticed me noticing Katie, and called me on it later that night. The two of us were the only ones who opted to continue the evening's festivities after Jan's place, and while nursing our third round of drinks at the local bar, she leaned towards me with a mischievous grin and said, "So, within how many seconds of seeing Jan's little sister were you imagining being inside her? Like six? Seven?"

Sometimes it annoys me how well Dana reads me, but she wasn't quite on point with this observation. I could have just played it cool, but between the beers at Jan's and the drinks at the bar, I must have been feeling very forthcoming, because I opted to steer the conversation in a direction that I've never really gone with Dana before.

"Actually, that's not quite what I was thinking" I said.

"Really?" Dana replied, "I mean she's gorgeous, I wouldn't hold it against you. Little young for you, she's like 22."

"Oh she's definitely gorgeous," I said "It's just you know, sometimes fucking a girl is not the first thing you think of."

"Okay . . ." said Dana, "I'll bite. What DO you think of?"

And then I launched into a sanitized version of what I will explain here in terms much more blunt: some girls just have a face for cumming on. If you're a red-blooded American male who has any inclination towards the common kink of ejaculating on a woman's face, colloquially known as "giving a facial" then you are probably aware that some faces lend themselves much more to that particular fetish than others. It's surely different for different guys, but some girls just have something about them that yes, within seconds of meeting them, you are fantasizing about coaxing some pearl-white spunk out of your throbbing manhood and watching it settle nicely in ten different places on her perfect visage. Jan's sister Katie was one of the best examples of this type of girl I had ever seen – that's what I was thinking about upon seeing her for the first time, and that's the general concept I drunkenly expressed to my friend Dana, to which she replied "WOW." And then, "Perv."

Something like two weeks go by. Dana and I are driving home from a baseball game and she says most matter-of-factly, "Oh hey, I hung out with little blonde Katie last night and told her I have a friend who really wants to splooge her face."

My jaw drops.

"Don't worry I didn't tell her it was you. She was pretty grossed out."

I feel so many conflicting things at once. Horrified. Embarrassed. Angry. And so turned on that this was an actual discussion that angel-face Katie had with another girl. I mean I didn't do anything wrong here, right? It's not like I ever intended her to hear about my fantasy. I drop Dana off flabbergasted at her, and then I go home and stroke my cock like I just discovered it, have an incredible orgasm all over my chest, and fall asleep.

Two weeks later. Dana has hung out with Katie a few times, and each time, Katie, not Dana, breaches the subject of "that guy you know who wants to jerk off on me". Each time, she frames it has "unbelievable" or "so crazy", but she keeps bringing it up nonetheless. Finally, one day Dana says "I think I could do you a solid here. I think she maybe wants to do it."

I'm speechless.

Dana says, "I need to tell her it's you though." I don't say yes, but I definitely don't say no. Dana gets back to me a few days later. She tells me she my identity has been revealed, that Katie looked me up on Facebook. I think about her blowing my cover, about telling all my friends how I'm a perv, and I think about her on her knees looking up at me expectantly.

A few days later, Dana relates her latest conversation with Katie. She says she told Katie that it really just comes down to me thinking she's incredibly pretty, and that she seemed flattered. Dana also told me that Katie had never had a facial before, but said her ex-boyfriend had finished in her mouth a few times, and she'd been okay with it. Thinking of some excited freshman moaning and filling Katie's mouth with her first load of sperm was enough to wildly stiffen my cock in my jeans. And then the bombshell . . . .

Katie had rules: she wouldn't blow me, or touch my cock at all. She didn't do that to strangers. Also, no talking, she'd be way too embarrassed if we had to have any sort of conversation. But, if I could agree to those terms, she would be willing to let me come over to her house on Saturday when her college roomates and sister are out of town, and as long as Dana "chaperoned" she would let me fulfill my fantasy of jerking off on her face, just to see what it was like.

I couldn't believe it. I gave Dana a hug, she must have felt my erection but she didn't say anything. I told her I know this must be a little weird for her, but that it was going to be the most erotic thing I'd ever done, and thanked her profusely. She smiled and called me a perv.

I had five days til Saturday – and I hadn't cum in the last two days. That meant if I could keep from touching myself (would be torture, considering the circumstances) I would be able to meet Katie with a full seven days of sperm saved up. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home from work, and bought some celery which I had read increases cum volume, and pineapple which improves the taste. For the next five days I ate plenty of protein, which I've always found to make my cum nice and white. I watched porn every night to keep the juices flowing, almost exclusively facial videos, but not so much that I blue-balled myself into discomfort. I thought about the moment constantly.

Finally it's Saturday night. Dana picked me up, grinning. I had spent pretty much the entire week in a constant state of arousal and I probably looked a bit tense. She asked me all kinds of questions on the way over, I told her about all my preparations. She asked me why I love facials, and I explained it all to the best of my ability. Dana and I had never been sexual together, but talking like this with her was a lot of fun, and only made me hornier.

We get to Katie's place, a house on a nice residential lane that she rents with her sister and friends. She instructs me to wait outside and goes into the house through the unlocked door. She comes out five minutes later.

"She's really nervous." Dana says. I must have looked very concerned that this event was about to be canceled, but she just smiled and took my hand. "

"Come on, this way."

Dana leads me around to the back of the house – we reach the back door of what looks like a garage.

"So are you hard yet?", Dana asks me.

"I got hard in the car", I admit.

She leans in, and incredibly, moves her hand slowly to my jeans. I'm stunned. I look around, we're alone, the back of Katie's house faces the woods. Dana's hand finds the bulge of my shaft.

"I can help . . ." she says. "Since, you know . . . " She nods towards the house.

I can't say anything but "Please". She fumbles with my belt and then finally I'm free. The cool night air feels incredible on my formerly imprisoned cock, and as Dana begins to stroke me with her hand I kiss her for the first time ever. She's surprised, but reciprocates, laughing it off after . . . and then she's on her knees and I feel my best friend's big lips and then her warm mouth encircle my engorged penis and I'm overcome with pleasure. She starts to bob her head up and down on my cock and I realize I've always wondered what this would be like. I reach down and massage one of her large breasts and she rolls her eyes at me, without taking my cock out of her mouth. She's a little sloppier than I would have guessed, and as she takes me into her throat I feel her gag . . . instinctively I grab her pretty brunette ponytail and hold her there for a split second . . . she gags again, harder this time, and as I release her she looks up at me with shock and incredible lust. She catches her breath and goes down on me again, and I think I could cum right here, and it's almost like Dana senses this, because suddenly she's done. She turns me around, opens the garage door, and slaps my bare ass.

"Glaze her like a donut", she says, and pushes me into the garage, closing the door behind me.

As my eyes adjust to the light, I see that the garage has clearly been converted into more of a living room. Incredibly, already kneeling down on a small rug is the beautiful girl I had only ever seen once before, for two minutes. She's not naked, I figured that would be the case, but she's got a cute white skirt and a light green low-cut top on, and her perfect face is looking up at me, not smiling, but looking me right in the eye and breathing in and out deeply, her little B-cup titties heaving with each inhale and exhale.

I had started to stuff my cock back into my pants in order to at least make a dignified entrance but seeing her there I no longer care about that. I want her to see me, all of me. I strip naked and throw my clothes into a small pile, and walk toward her stroking my big cock, showing myself off to her. She doesn't flinch, her eyes locked on my manhood as I jerk off right in front of her face, but not quite pointing my cock in her direction yet. I'm breathing heavily now . . . I stroke for her for a good minute and then I start to feel my orgasm building and I realize I'm not going to be able to do much to stop it at this point. I think about her rules, mostly how there wasn't one that specified where I could and could not aim. My leg muscles tense, I can feel my body readying, and as I move my cockhead down so that it's pointing right between her big inquisitive eyes she moves her hands to her breasts and starts rubbing them through her shirt. I want her to know how much I'm going to enjoy this, so I start moaning loudly for her even before my orgasm begins . . . and then I'm past the point of stopping, I can feel my balls tighten as the week's worth of sperm, Katie's sperm, begins to travel through my shaft. My moan reaches a crescendo, my cock spasms, I hold it as long as I can, and then finally release. My first volley of thick white sperm nails Katie point blank in her left eye, which then closes as her mouth opens wide in shock . . . I can't resist that target and send my second rope right into the back of her throat, the length of it coating her tongue. Then I move my spasming cock back up her face and cream her right eye to match, shooting three thick streams of cum onto her forehead that I know I'll get to watch run down the length of her face. After that I apply a load of nut on each cheek, and finish by squeezing a final thick dollop of white cum out of the head of my cock, and depositing it right on her insanely cute nose. She's breathing so rapidly, I can tell she enjoyed it nearly as much as I did. I look down at her, this princess literally wearing my slimy sex all over her face. She opens her eyes even though they're glued with sperm, I admire the huge dollops of my jizz on her long lashes. I'm utterly spent. She stands up and licks her lips, purposefully tasting me. A huge glop of my cum falls off her face and onto her shirt. She gives me a sultry look, bites her lip, and then exits the garage the way I came in.

I reach for my clothes and start to get dressed as I hear Dana gasp in astonishment outside. I smile with complete satisfaction, and as I start to think about Dana seeing Katie walk out of that room with my massive load of cum all over her pretty face, I start to feel a familiar ache in my groin . . .

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/32rug7/a_facial_favor_mf_oral_fsub