[M/f] Romantic Hypno-Play Pt. 1

This is the beginning of a real encounter between my boyfriend and I and my first time writing an erotic story. Tell me how it is!

The candle in front of me flickered quickly, left and right, the light the only thing I was able to focus on. His voice droning in the background, calming, assertive, the man who it belonged to made me uncontrollably lusty and comfortably all at once. It was low, smooth, and yet I could sense the things that made him unsure. The things that I had grown to adore about this man. The comforts.

“Now you feel it in your fingertips. The warm sensation, as though your hands were being dipped into that same pool of water you chose to imagine, the one you are stepping into and my voice compels you to dive. But you can’t. Not yet.” The lower half of my body was floating, as though I were lost, floating, yet so heavy. Light, but unable to move, warm enough to tire me out, the light in the middle of my gaze also drew me. My fingertips felt ripples around them and after that, I can’t remember until he shook me awake.

I opened my eyes to see his bright blue eyes and him smiling at me. “How do you feel, Sarah?” He asked, I felt his weight suddenly on top of me. Both hands next to my head, a smirk on his face that I was unable to forget, his breath in my face. His brown hair hung down, when he put his face to mine for a kiss I felt it softly brush against my forehead, his beard tickled at my chin, his lips was unbelievably soft. There was a magnetism there that was hard to explain, but with one kiss I was addicted. I pulled him back in quickly, as his tongue attacked my mouth, everything felt amazing. Pleasure shot through all of my limbs before I could think about it. Before I could think, he put a hand on my chest and I swear I blacked out.

“You know what would make me really happy, Sarah? If you were completely honest with me tonight.” His voice was so velvety, intoxicating, everything he said I wanted to do. I wanted him to be happy. I wanted him to feel good and nothing would or could stop me from accomplishing my goal. I wanted him to tell me how amazing I felt, I wanted to tease him mercilessly, to force him to need me. To guide me, tell me what to do, kiss me hard, tease me, I needed him to control every action and every part of my being for tonight. But, I didn’t know how to say it, the words seemed wrong. Only actions would do.

“Lay down for me and strip.” I blurted out softly. It all came out in an unsexy, unsultry blurb.

“Sarah, that won’t do. I need convincing.” He smiled, he always looked so sincere, his jawline was tempting me. I put my arms around his neck and brought him back to my lips, I moved one hand down his core, grabbing at his cock from outside of his pants and stroking. I felt him freeze up, I was not normally this eager. “That’ll do it.” He said stiffly, losing authority.

I laughed and kept going at it, my lips moving down his jaw eagerly. “Wouldn’t this be better if I was on top of you?” I almost begged.

He then stopped and looked at me and responded flatly, “You know what I like… you are mine.” He moved off of me and stood next to the couch. He undid his belt slowly, teasingly, watching my face. I almost drooled waiting, impatient. “Sarah, I would like it a lot more if you touched yourself too, in fact, I bet you wouldn’t be able to cum tonight unless you did that.”

When I thought about it, the more I realized he was right. He was always right, I put one hand onto my breast and squeezed tightly, I could have screamed it was so intense. “Please strip?” I was quivering, waiting, needing to please him. Nothing could have been more important at that moment. If I didn’t start I would explode. He shook his head, that smirk back on. That face was the one that told me I needed to talk dirtier.

“Babe… Please let me go down on you?” I asked, my hand still on my chest, teasing my nipple through my clothes, the other hand reached out to unbutton his jeans. The impatience was getting to me, I felt myself puddling while waiting. I bit my lip looking up at him.

He smiled at me, “Good girl,” he started. He unzipped his pants the rest of the way and then went down to his boxers. Just him in a t-shirt and boxers, I could see the muscle he had started to build, his arms were becoming more defined. Our years of doing this had started to make me notice the little things. His jaw was incredibly angled under his beard that he started to grow to impress me, his neck was slim, but I just wanted him to strip more for me. I needed to see him in less clothing, nothing had been as sexy as him to me at that moment. I knew my goal would be easy to accomplish though…

He sat down on the couch like that, waiting for me to attack him. I moved, my legs on either side of his torso, leaning down, hands on his shoulders kissing him. I moved one hand down to grab the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up, a job I could easily do myself. He moved, allowing it. In this I could see how perfectly his neck met his body. He had always been a little more slim, in the past few months he added and lost a few pounds, leaving a soft pudgy middle he had been self conscious of. I tried numerous times to tell him how much I adored him physically, but he never would believe me unless I was pleasing him. It was my chance to make him smile, to please him mentally and physically. I kissed him again on the lips, when he tried to reciprocate I put my finger to his lips and worked my way down. My lips made it to the side, his ears were one of his weak spots. I kissed and worked my way there, finally bringing my tongue to the lobe, he shivered lightly. I nibbled where I just was a little bit and heard a soft moan escape his lips.

It was my turn to smirk, as I made my way back to the front and then down. Kisses trailing down his chest, past his belly which he had hated, and down to the line of his boxers. I didn’t take them off though. I just kept moving down, until I felt something hard against my lips. I looked up at him, my eyes reaching his. “Sarah, uh… as a warning,” he began, his voice getting drowned out as I licked the outside of his boxers where the hardness was.

“Yes?” I asked, finally situating myself in between his legs, as though it was my perch. I moved one hand up the leg of the pant, touching it directly. It was softer than normal.

“I shaved today. So I’m a little more sensitive.”

“Perfect”, I whispered pulling off the boxers leaving my perfect man naked.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/32mtpw/mf_romantic_hypnoplay_pt_1

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