Fun with a Las Vegas Stripper! [m/f]

Please don’t judge, first time posting here (sorry for formatting errors)…. I know I used lack of better judgement in a lot of the situations below and this story is gets kinda long, but it was the craziest couple of memorable days for me in Vegas.

Short Version….

  • 1) Boy meets Vegas Stripper

  • 2) Boy and stripper go to VIP and he spends a ton of $$$$

  • 3) Boy drunks stumbles home on Vegas Strip and meets a street walker

  • 4) Nothing happens with Street Walker

  • 5) Vegas Stripper texts Boy next day

  • 6) Boy and Vegas Stripper have an alright “Vegas Night” dinner, drinking, seeing a show

  • 7) Boy and Vegas Stripper go back to his room……Memories are made!

Longer Version…

  • 1) Boy meets Vegas Stripper

So I went to Vegas on a work trip… It was a Tuesday night in July and there really wasn’t much planned for that evening work wise and I was traveling all by myself. So I made a loner trip to one of the biggest strip clubs in Vegas Sapphire. I barely made it 10 steps inside the place when I was approached by a nice looking stripper in a bikini, I didn’t have time to check out the rest of the scenery in the club. She literally became attached to me, and sat with me at the bar….I was a little annoyed with her asking me all these questions about my girlfriend at home and her trying to build rapport. So I was being kinda of vague with all my answers like all Vegas travelers do when trying to be anonymous…..She finally asked if I wanted a dance and I thought if she gives me a lapper that she then might leave me alone.

So we get a table and she proceeds to plop down on top of me and taking off her top…I was AMAZED at her breasts! (Yes, thats really them) They were perfect…..enhanced, but still perfect. I started warming up to her and she would put her mouth really close to mine like we were about to kiss, but then she would tease me and say “no no no”. I started warming up to her and our rapport was pleasantly growing

  • 2) Boy and stripper go to VIP and he spends a ton of $$$$

She coaxed me back to the VIP room. Obviously that usually is a big $$$ mistake, but I didn’t care. We had some champagne and she was getting slightly drunk during the VIP dance, I came really close to kissing her but she kept teasing me……then after about 10 minutes she actually started making out with me. That caught me a little bit by surprise, because I have never experienced that in the VIP area’s of strip club….but I was enjoying it. She spent the next half hour lap dancing, kissing, drinking and I ended up spending $800-900 before I had to put a stop to all this strip club nonsense in Vegas. Ha ha ha…..anyway, I was kinda drunk myself and I gave her my cell phone number before I left. I ended up leaving after that and walking 6 miles back to my hotel.

  • 3) Boy drunks stumbles home on Vegas Strip and meets a street walker

A skinny black girl started walking with me on the drunk stumble back to the Luxor, she didn’t give me the prostitute vibe but after about 20 minutes of walking she slyly mentioned that we could have some fun if I wanted to. She was definitely not my type, and I had zero $$$ from the strip club. I even tried to ditch her inside the casino, but she kept following me.

  • 4) Nothing happens with Street Walker

    I was afraid of bringing her up to my room. I had never encountered a street walker before…..I finally had to tell her I was going to my room with out her and never meant to lead her on. It was about 3-4am and I had to get some sleep for the next day. But I did get her number before she left, I could tell she was bummed that I didn’t try to pay her for sex. Truth was, she was a very nice girl and walked me all the way home. But I was scared as shit something would happen (Only in Vegas type shit) as soon we got behind closed doors. I had all my work laptops and stuff too I was afraid she would steal them after I passed out. Anyway….

  • 5) Vegas Stripper texts Boy next day

So about 12:30pm the next day I get a text message from the stripper. We start chit chatting about the previous night and she asks if I was planing on coming back to Sapphire again that night. “Pull out your other Credit Card. I’m worth the debt” “I was wasted last night, Come int tonight. Don’t make me beg?” She then sends me this pic (Her beautiful boobs again!), trying to coax me into going back to see here. I said I hadn’t planned on making a night like I had the night before, but was open to having some fun. I asked her for a few more pics. ….and she sends me this Pool Pic

Our text conversation turns to this…..

“Can we have a serious conversation for 2 seconds?”


“Were u planning spending money on me tonight? I’m going somewhere with this so forgive me for being blunt. So, how much money were you planning on spending on me tonight?”

-She didn’t like the answer I gave her, something like $300

“I’d rather be with you outside the club. So if ur willing to give me what u did last night then I can skip them and their surcharges and 200 bottles, but I don’t want you to have any expectations. I want the night to progress naturally. I know we will have fun.”

-Thats the thing…..the question is how much “fun” are you talking about?

“If you have expectations. I don’t wanna do it. Cuz we have great chemistry. But making promises about what will and won’t happen makes me feel like a hooker. And I’m the furthest thing from that”

I agreed I would pay her $850 ….”to play with her for her time” not knowing if I was gonna get laid but I was taking a chance. I asked her if she wanted to go to dinner/show/gambling or something. She thought it might be fun and would meet me at a bar near the lobby. She called me when she was parking her car and was all concerned about what I would think of her appearance. Saying, “I may look different without all my makeup and no stripper clothes”. Which kind of made me giggle.

  • 6) Boy and Vegas Stripper have an alright “Vegas Night” drinking, seeing a show

I had been nervous drinking for about 20 minutes before she showed up wearing a sun dress….She looked girl next door amazing, and I was kinda proud I was hanging out with a hot chick. The bartender got her some vodka drink and I had a bunch of cash in an envelope for her “companionship”, which she counted at the bar. Her eyes lit up counting all the 20 dollar bills. From there we went and got a steak dinner. Conversation was pretty good as we spent time actually getting to know each other and making stupid jokes about the night before. She became my arm candy and would pull me in for a kiss on the lips every so often at the table. We then went to watch the show Fantasy at Luxor

She was kind of critical of the showgirls for being bad dancers, but I didn’t care….It wasn’t a great Las Vegas show, but it was a topless show… we saw boobies! After the show we had a few drinks and I was getting eager to have sex with her. I think she could tell I was getting anxious, and she didn’t really want to go back to my room. I suggested that we did and she kind of rolled her eyes at me and was like “is that all you are thinking about”. Of course I was!!! I didn’t want to spend all that money on drinks/food/show and not get laid that night….

  • 7) Boy and Vegas Stripper go back to his room……(The good stuff)

By now its getting kinda awkward between us because I think we were both nervous. We get back to my room and watch a little TV. She went into the bathroom and texted a friend to let her know she was alright and that she was still “hanging out” with me. Seemed like she was in there forever. When she came out she joined me on the bed and we semi-snuggled, and spooned. Watching TV with the lights down low….I thought she was going to sleep when she says its freezing in here and gets under the sheets fully clothed. It gets even more awkward when she closes her eyes…and we are just both laying there in silence……awkward!!!!!

She must have been thinking to herself just grin and bear this….beacuse About that time she turns over, smiles, looks into my eyes and we start to kiss. Deeply…..She then moves the covers down and I feel up her body and our legs enter twine. I end up pulling down the tube top part of her dress and feeling her boobs as she pulls off my shirt. She takes the rest of her dress off and is wearing nothing but some dark blue panties with a black lace band …so sexy. She pulls the belt out of my jeans and unbuttons them. I then start to kiss her entire upper body trying to take it slow. She stops me and says “you really need to get out of your jeans”. As I am pulling them off, she asks “Do you have any condoms?” I was like “Of course” and started getting them out of my suitcase. I climbed back on the bed and we started making out again. She takes off her panties and I am like saying to myself “THANK GOD, ITS FINALLY ON”!!!!

I get out of my boxer briefs and our naked bodies feel so warm together in the freezing room under the sheets. By now she is stroking my cock and I had so much sexual tension going on that I nearly came. Even though we were naked, I think she was still having reservations about fucking me…..I say this because she gave me THE BEST hand job I ever have had and with a purpose. I could tell she was probably thinking if I just get him to pop, we won’t have to fuck. LOL. I am not gonna lie, I have a fairly large cock and she had grabbed it with both hands and was Stroking/choking up on it like a major league batter on a baseball bat. Kinda like this Then she would slap and rub it against her body as she climbed up my body.

Anyway, I had to get her to stop so I could catch my breath and because I told her I wanted to enjoy more of her. She wouldn’t let me go down on her, she wanted to be on top. Her smile and confidence was amazing as she knew how turned on I was. She just smiled at me…She straddled me and put the condom on my rock hard cock and then guided it into her pussy.

It started slow and was a little painful, but once I was inside her she let out a deep sigh. And we both started really enjoying the moment. We kissed deeply as she took long strokes in and out of her. As the pace picked up, I loved hearing her moan…..sigh…..whimper….and…moan some more. It started getting really good and I started pumping her from the bottom. She tells me “Fuck me baby” which was pretty awesome but it didn’t last long before I came really hard inside her. I swear we lasted a whole 5 minutes. LOL!!!!!

She let out a slight giggle and said “well, I told you that you were gonna have some fun and wouldn’t be disappointed”. She then went into the bathroom and was in there for a while cleaning up and texting her friend.

She gave me a kiss goodbye as she left and we have text’d each other a few times since…Definitely the one and only time I have actually paid for sex was memorable.

The End…hers!



  1. The story delivered. How’d you get a pic of her tits the first time? See just let you take a photo?

  2. … and by the first stripper that approached him. I enjoyed this too, but it also serves as a good reminder that strippers are never off the clock. The "let me have your number" trick is a good business move by them.

  3. Wow that’s crazy man. Glad you had a good time. My experience at a Vegas strip club was a bit different. Worst night of my life. I don’t remember any of the good parts because I was either too drunk or possibly drugged. I got suckered into the VIP until the morning and almost missed my flight out. And ended up with thousands of dollars of debt on my credit card that I am still paying off. Never again.

  4. And to think you could’ve spent a quarter of what you spent here and end up with the same experience at a proper brothel.

  5. $2k for a stripper in Vegas, could have paid half for a good escort instead.

  6. Well, I had at least $2000 on my CC after both nights with here including dinner/drinks/show….Havent had a night like that since either.

  7. Nothing… tat’s on her back, but she did have some tat’s in other places (wrist).

  8. Ha ha ha….yes the first time…when she was trying to get me back to the club the second night. She took all the photos

  9. Great story. I really like how you inserted pictures throughout the story. Live and learn but at least you had fun.

  10. You know what….I think you’re right, it does look like she has a tramp stamp. I don’t remember any of the specifics of it though…

  11. Hmmmm……I beg to differ… Moonlite BunnyRanch 69 Moonlite Rd. Carson City, NV 89706 1 (775) 246-9901 LoveRanch North 95 Kit Kat Rd. Carson City, NV 89706 1 (775) 246-7252 Sagebrush Ranch 51 Kit Kat Drive Carson City, NV 89706 1 (775) 246-5683 1 (888) 852-8144

  12. "is also illegal in Nevada’s capital, Carson City, an independent city. The rest of Nevada’s counties are permitted by state law to license brothels, but only 8 counties have done so. As of August 2013, there are 19 brothels in Nevada.[1]" I live here brother don’t tell me my states laws.

  13. #####	 ######	 ####	 [**Prostitution in Nevada**]( [](#sfw) — >The [state]( of [Nevada]( is the only jurisdiction in the [United States]( where prostitution is permitted. Strictly regulated [brothels]( operate legally in isolated rural areas, away from the majority of Nevada’s population. Prostitution is illegal in the following [counties]( [Clark](,_Nevada) (which contains [Las Vegas](, [Washoe](,_Nevada) (which contains [Reno](, [Douglas](,_Nevada), and [Lincoln](,_Nevada). Prostitution is also illegal in Nevada’s capital, [Carson City](,_Nevada), an [independent city]( The rest of Nevada’s counties are permitted by state law to license brothels, but only 8 counties have done so. As of August 2013, there are 19 brothels in Nevada. >==== >[**Image**]( [^(i)]( — ^Interesting: [^Disappearance ^of ^Jessie ^Foster]( ^| [^Pete ^Barbutti]( ^| [^Annie ^Lobert]( ^| [^Prostitution]( ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+cqhzbr3) ^or[](#or) [^delete](/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+cqhzbr3)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)]( ^| [^Mods]( ^| [^Magic ^Words](

  14. Nice story. I was in Vegas a few years ago and visited Sapphire. Great place. I remember one stripper offering me cocaine. Not sure if she was selling it, or as a combo along with a lap dance. I usually just find one girl that I like and go in the back for the private lap dances. Usually end up paying $200-$300. One time I was really connecting and having fun with a girl, prob spent $500 on lap dances with her. She said we should keep the fun going back at my hotel room. I asked her how much that would be to make it happen. She said she didn’t know, since this was her "first time" ever asking a customer back to his hotel room. Surrreee. I asked again how much she would be comfortable with, she replied $2,000. I politely declined and left. So looks like you got a better deal with $850

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