Two pairs of eyes, two pairs of hands, two… you get the picture – Part 2 (F/M/M)

At the end of part one of this story ( I mentioned that I didn't talk too much with the two men who had just been enjoying me while we ate a meal – that wasn't entirely true, as Graham did quiz me a little more on my love of cosplay and how it made me feel sexually, culminating in talk of birth control and about having sex itself in cosplay. I answered his questions honestly, and even having already cum a few times I could feel the first tinges of arousal returning as we finished our meal.

After a brief spell of clearing up, Graham looked at the time and I asked "Did you say you were bringing one more outfit for after dinner?" I did, and so I excused myself as they finished clearing up and returned to the bedroom to pull the fifth and final outfit out of the bag I'd brought, while also carefully packing away those I'd worn so far today. After stripping out of my casual clothes entirely and slipping into a sexy black bra and pair of lacy french knickers, the outfit itself was a little less revealing than all the others – Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica, comprising of a white blouse and brown corset/dress with black hold-up stockings. Topping it off with a blonde wig, and again giving the cosplay perfectionist within me a chance to bemoan not bringing the boots or hat that are part of the outfit, I wandered out to find myself immediately catching the eye of both Graham and Brian.

A wave of compliments followed as I gave my admirers a twirl, before Graham suggested we go back to the bedroom. Another tingle of anticipation ran through me as I backtracked into the room and hopped on the bed, and once both men joined me Graham announced that as Brian hadn't had an opportunity to go down on me previously he'd like to give it a try.

"Sure", I replied as Brian moved onto the bed next to me, leaning in for a kiss which I returned. As his tongue pressed against and danced around mine, I felt his hands all over my body – starting at my back, then massaging my chest through my blouse and bra, down my stomach and over to rub up and down my legs. That same hand then quickly snaked up my leg, and I felt his fingers rubbing against the fabric of my knickers, making me sigh into his mouth. Working higher, he then found the waistband of my knickers and pushed his hand inside, seeking out my pussy and finding it already wet and waiting.

We continued to kiss as he rubbed my clit for a while, before laying me back and helping my legs up onto the bed. As his hands again moved down my body, I instinctively raised my hips, allowing him to bunch my skirt up around my waist before taking my french knickers and pulling them down over my stockings and off to reveal my wetness to him.

Without a word and wasting no time, Brian's hands parted my legs and his face pressed into my crotch as his tongue slipped into my pussy. Compared to Graham earlier, Brian's oral technique wasn't as precise, but his kissing and licking was still doing the trick and when he added a finger inside me to his tongue on my clit my heavy breathing soon became moans.

From simply watching, Graham took this opportunity to move over beside the bed, reaching down to massage my breasts through my top. Not satisfied with this level of contact, he then untied the ribbon which adorned the outfit and began to unbutton the blouse, giving himself just enough access to slip his hand inside both blouse and bra to tweak, lightly pinch and roll my erect nipples between his fingers. This went on for some time – no talking, just the sound of my moans, some heavy breathing and the slick sound of Brian's fingers moving inside me. Eventually the tongue on my clit and fingers beckoning inside me escalated those moans as I came, shuddering slightly at the pleasure of a small but enjoyable orgasm before pushing away from Brian to regain my composure.

As I sat up, still breathing heavily, Graham began to undress, prompting Brian to do likewise while also asking me "which of us would you like to fuck you in your costume first?" Still in a haze of arousal, and now seeing two erect cocks spring into view in front of me, I honestly answered that I didn't know, which led to a suggestion that they both take turns for a while.

Agreeing to this, I lay back, legs open before the two men once again. Graham looked like he considered going first, but then motioned to Brian to take his place, and so it was Brian who returned to the bed. As I was on the pill and both men were 100% certain that they were clean, we dispensed with condoms this time and I soon felt his hard cock pressing slowly as it slipped in-between my lips, filling my inch by inch. After a few strokes inside me, just as before he pressed his body against mine as he began to fuck me in earnest, kissing me as he did so which allowed me to taste my wetness lingering on his lips and mouth.

After a few minutes, Graham interrupted, and so Brian hopped off the bed and within moments Graham's cock was inside me. Again, he was the more vocal of the two, commenting on how wet I was and how good it felt as he leaned back, holding my legs in the air with his hands as he fucked me as deeply as he could. Without anything in the way, Graham's penis in particularly felt better inside me, and I was moaning louder with the stirrings or an orgasm just starting to build as he pulled out and invited Brian over again.

Both men had another turn of thrusting inside me as I lay on my back, increasingly turned on by having these two older men take turns with me, before Graham suggested I flip over so that Brian could take me from behind. This I duly did, but not before Graham also queried whether I'd take my blouse and bra off. This was a bit of a struggle due to the way the outfit is constructed, but I eventually removed my blouse and quickly shed my bra, leaving me topless but still wearing the rest of my outfit as I settled on all fours on the bed. After teasing me with his cock against my lips briefly, Brian was inside me again, holding my hips and fucking me hard and deep, burying my face in the duvet for a few moments before lifting up my head so that Graham could sit beside me and reach out to cup and fondle my swaying breasts.

Warning that he was getting close to cumming meant another switch, and Graham lay back on the bed naked, inviting me to straddle him. Getting up and swinging my leg over him, I reached down and eased his cock into my pussy and began to gyrate my hips and then bounce on his erection, my mouth open in enjoyment at the sensation as I felt him inside me while his hands returned to massage my tits some more. As my excitement grew and my movements increased, I found his penis slipping out of me on several occasions followed by my getting a cramp in my leg, which put paid to me riding him.

After some embarrassing hopping around and stretching my leg to get rid of the cramp, Graham invited me to lay back again, and once I did so his head was soon under my skirt and licking and sucking my clit hungrily. My previous levels of arousal soon returned, and with his tongue massaging my clit and his hands wandering upwards to play with my nipples and boobs some more, I soon found myself throwing my head back with some more loud moans as I came with my stocking-clad legs on his shoulders.

Getting my breath back quickly, I still had two hard cocks before me, with Graham asking if I'd be okay sucking them after they'd both been inside me. I had no problem with this, but decided to lose the skirt and corset part of the outfit before it got too creased before I sat on the edge of the bed in just my stockings and let the two men come over to me. I must have spent about ten minutes or so alternating between sucking on each of their cocks in turn, enjoying the taste of my juices on each of them initially and finding myself unable to resist the urge to reach down and touch myself slightly as I did so. Graham eventually noticed this, reaching down to replace my hand with his own and toy with my clit, smiling at my continued wetness and asking whether I was still ready for more, which I didn't answer as Brian's cock was still in my mouth at the time.

The two men eventually conferred and confessed that they were almost spent at this point, leading to a final request: "Will you let us fuck you until we cum?" Again, I agreed, laying back on the bed while the two of them decided who would go first. Again, it was Brian that got to take the lead, parting my legs and taking some time rubbing the head of his penis across my lips and coating it in my wetness before sinking into me for what would be the final time. This time it was clear that he was trying to burn this experience into memory, his eyes taking in all of my entirely naked body as he leaned back on his heels and thrust inside me while I reached out and held my legs back for him. After a few minutes he was leaning forward, fucking me harder, breathing hard as I moaned once more, slowing down only to ask "where should I cum?" Before I could answer, I heard Graham urging him on to cum in my pussy, and I'm sure I felt his cock twitch when I, too, told him to cum inside me. Brian then redoubled his efforts, fucking me hard with one goal in mind, his body slapping against mine and my pussy sounding as wet as ever until I felt him tense and push hard against me, him grunting several times as I moaned, feeling him cum inside me.

Even as he moved away and I could feel a little of his cum leaking from me, Graham was quickly in place, commenting on how this is probably the weirdest thing he's ever done. That didn't stop him pushing quickly into my pussy and beginning to fuck me as he talked of how he was going to fill me with even more cum. Although it felt a little weird having another penis is my cum-filled pussy, that was soon overtaken by my building pleasure – as Graham held my legs back and worked his cock quickly in and out of me, he was hitting just the right spots to bring me off fast. All my brain could muster between moans was a cry of "Yeah, right there", and this encouraged him to pick up the pace as his own excitement increased.

"Am I going to make you cum?" "Are you going to cum with my cock inside you?" he asked breathlessly, and I could only nod as he fucked me closer to orgasm. "Rub your clit while I fuck your little pussy" he demanded, and I reached down to strum my clit with my fingers as he gripped my legs tighter and fucked me as hard as he could.

"I'm so close", I called out, closing my eyes and focusing on the unique sound and feel of his cock in my wet, cum-filled pussy and the touch of my fingers rubbing my clit as hard as I could. "Here it comes" he cried, and I soon felt a second load of cum filling me further as he made his final thrusts inside me. As his orgasm ended mine began, as my fingers and those final movements of his cock as I came for a final time, loudly.

Nothing was said for a few minutes after that – I lay there, still moaning softly and coming down from my orgasm, coming back to reality as I lay there naked, sweaty and with two men's cum seeping out of my well-used pussy. Eventually, I sat up, asking to use the bathroom and disappearing to clean myself up. When I emerged, the two men were still naked, but a look at the clock meant it was time for me to get back to the station for a train home. The two men also took quick turns cleaning themselves up in the bathroom as I got dressed, before clothing themselves. I then finished packing my bag with all of my outfits (the last of which had ended up somewhat strewn around the bedroom), said my goodbyes to Brian and followed Graham back to his car for the quick drive back to the station as he talked eagerly about what a good time he'd had and how hard I'd made him cum.

With an invite to come back sometime if I wanted, and a suggestion that he occasionally has business in London, I said goodbye and headed off to wait for my train, still feeling a little sticky and decidedly slutty after probably the most amazing sexual experience I've had so far.



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