(F)irst lunch date with Jake [MF]

In my previous story I left off with agreeing to go out for lunch with Jake before I headed home for the summer.

I had not seen Jake the entire semester and the only time we had been sexual was when I gave him a hand job in bed. We had hung out socially in groups of people but we never really hung out alone so I was excited to have lunch with just him.

Since my car was packed full of my belongings, Jake offered to pick me up and said he knew a good place about a few miles outside of town where they had a good view.

As most of my clothes were packed up ready to go home I really only left out comfy car clothes for my 5 hour road trip home. I was wearing one of my favorite tshirts that used to be my moms and had the logo of the Ramones on it. Under that I just had a regular black bra. I wore a basic pair of yoga pants and a black thong underneath with a pair of sandals.

Jake texted me that he was on his way so I threw my hair up into a messy bun and waited outside for him near my car. A few minutes later I hear a a car screeching around the corner and here pulls up a big white truck with tinted windows and a construction sticker on the side. To my surprise Jake appears from the car door sweaty and dressed in jeans and a tshirt covered dirt and saw dust.

"Sorry I'm so sweaty, my dad needed help at work today at the last minute so I helped him for a bit" he explained.

"Its okay, as you can tell I'm certainly not dressed to impress either" I replied back.

He ran around to the passenger door, opened it for me and cleared off the seat of some tools and gloves. He ran back around to the driver side and hoped in and we were on our way.

With jake being the built and tall guy he was, I was expecting him to choose a place that had burgers or steak or something more stereotypical to his manliness. To my surprise, after about 20 minutes of driving, Jake pulls up to this little food truck along the coast that was all vegetarian. I was shocked, but excited because I needed some healthy food in me after two stressful weeks of eating junk food preparing for finals.

Throughout lunch Jake and I are hitting it off like we did over winter break and talking about things we did over the semester. He told me he planned to work with his dad over the summer since it was right next to campus, and I filled him in on how I was headed home a few hours away if he ever wanted a break from work.

Towards the end of lunch he gets kind of quiet.

"Whats on your mind?", I asked. "Oh nothing really just tired from work" "Jake I know tired and thats not a tired soo, whats up?" "I just…I don't want to screw things up between us, but am I wrong to say that I like you and feel like you might like me too?" He explained. "I do like you Jake you're a great guy, I didn't know that you felt that way". He sat there in quiet thinking of what to say. He grabbed my hand on the table and said "We don't have to be serious if you don't want to since you're going away for the summer". I rubbed his hand with my thumb and said "Jake, I will only be gone for two months and I'm only 5 hours away we could meet in the middle" "You would do that?" he asked. "We both like each other why not try it out?"

He got up from the table and gave me a soft kiss. I kissed back, and then he looked at me and said "I just realized I'm still covered in sweat and dirt and I totally just got some on your face, I'm sorry". I laughed and gave him a quick kiss and said "its okay its kind of a turn on seeing you all rugged looking". He gave me a smirk and we walked back to his truck. Once again he was quick and opened my door for me and then got in the drivers side and started up the truck.

I put my hand on his thigh, leaned over and gave him a kiss on his sweaty dirty face as he pulled out of the parking lot. It was around 4pm now and the traffic was awful. I could tell Jake was getting annoyed and probably just wanted to drive over the top of the cars in this big truck. I turned on the radio and tried to relax him with some music as I rubbed his thigh back and forth hoping it would calm him down.

"Fucking traffic, at this rate its going to take us an hour to get back" he said. "Its just traffic Jake it'll get moving soon" I leaned back over and kissed him on the cheek again. When I did I looked down and could see that he was hard through his jeans. The last time I did anything sexual was with him back during winter break so it only helped seeing that he was aroused as well as how sexy he looked in his dirt and filth. I could feel myself getting turned on.

Traffic moved sluggishly and I continued to rub Jakes thigh. He was getting more and more annoyed with traffic so I moved my hand up his thigh and started rubbing over his already hard dick. As I continued rubbing it I noticed he slowly stopped caring about the traffic and started to sink into his seat and relax a bit more keeping his eyes glued to the road.

As I continued rubbing it I got impatient and just knew I wanted, no needed have him in my mouth. Traffic was now slowly rolling at 5 miles and hour so I took off my seat belt and leaned over to Jake once more, he looked at me and I kiss him on the lips.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "Helping you relax" I replied. I kissed him once more started kissing him down his chest until I got to his pants. I fondled with the button, but finally got it and unzipped his jeans. I reached my hand down and felt his hard cock through his boxers. I pulled it out through his boxers and leaned my head over it. I remember staring down at it as it was twitching and pulsating all around. I worked up some saliva and let it drip onto the tip of his cock. I used my thumb and index finger and slowly teased my spit around the head of his dick. I could tell Jake was enjoying it as his hips started to push up in a swirling motion. I teased him like this and kept adding spit for a few minutes before I finally grabbed his dick with my hand and slowly moved it up and down his shaft.

I looked up at Jake as I was doing this and he was biting his lip looking down at me and then back up at the road. I love when guys bite their lips, its so adorable that its fucking hot.

I leaned up and kissed him quickly and lowered my head back down into his lap. Only this time I stuck out my tongue and flicked it back and forth on the tip of his cock as I continued to stroke him up and down. "Oh fuck that feels so good" I heard Jake say.

After doing this for a few moments I finally lowered my mouth down and took more of Jakes dick in my mouth. I remember moving slowly down his dick feeling every vein on my tongue as it continued to twitch in my mouth. I cupped his balls with my hand and increased the speed of sucking his member. I was so turned on, I love giving head and doing it in his car in traffic was setting me off to a whole other level of naughtiness.

Traffic began to pick up and so did my speed of sucking him off. I continued to lightly squeeze and fondle his balls in my hand as I swirled my tongue up and down his shaft. I pushed my mouth down and was able to reach the base of his dick. If I had to guess it was only about 6 inches but that is plenty of a mouthful for me.

I continued working him at a fast pace as his breathing became deeper. I felt his balls tighten up, "Fuck yeah don't stop, Im about to cum" he said. I increased my speed a little more and bobbed my head up and down his dick.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck here it cums, I'm gonna cum" I moved my lips up to the tip of his cock and furiously stroked up and down his shaft with my hand.

Jakes body tensed up as he bucked his hips into the air "Ohhhh fuck yessss"

The first shot of his warm cum hit the top of my mouth as my tongue teased his tip back and forth. After a few more spurts I collected all of his cum in the back of my throat and swallowed. I looked up at Jake and he was slumped back into his seat looking down at me. I didn't realize but at some point during the time I was blowing him, he pulled into a parking lot and we were sitting int he middle of it. With the height of the truck as well as the tinted windows no one could see anything.

"Fuck I needed that so badly" he said softly. "How far are we from my apartment?" I asked. "We've only got 3 miles but I need a minute to recover." he explained. I grinned and kissed him on the cheek. I lowered my head back down to his dick and placed it back in my mouth to clean it off. As I did he was squirming in his seat and I could tell it must have been sensitive. I finished cleaning him back up and gave him another kiss on his cheek.

"That was fun!" I said. He grinned and kissed me back on the lips and started up the truck.

We headed home and he dropped me off. I thanked him for lunch and he kept thanking me for the blowjob. We hugged and kissed and he told me to call him when I got home from my road trip home and we would arrange a time for him to come visit me that weekend.

And oh what a weekend it ended up being..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31yhdw/first_lunch_date_with_jake_mf

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