Snuggling with daddy

When she woke up, she wasn't quite sure where she was at first; It wasn't her bed… but as her mind started to clear she remembered. The thunderstorm last night had been a doosey, and had scared her so much that she had snuggled into bed with daddy. She didnt like to do that any more; after all, big girls arent afraid of a little thunder and she definitely wanted daddy to start treating her like a big girl.

That did also explained a few other things though… who she was on top of, whose arms were wrapped around her waist, and… wait, that hadn't happened before. The night before she had taken her panties off (she loved how the silky nightie felt against her bare skin) and now she felt something against her kitty. As she shifted she rubbed up and down it… and felt her own little bolt of lightning shoot up her spine. She never would have guessed how good the rough cotton fabric would feel, but she knew she wanted more. Still with her eyes closed, she started rubbing harder and faster against… well, they must be daddy's boxers.

That didn't explain what she felt under them though… it was a bit hard and warm, just the right size to slip between her lips and rub, and it was getting harder. All she could think of was daddy's thingie, but every time she had seen it it had been all soft and floppy, not hard (and interesting) like this. As she kept rubbing it got even harder, too! In fact, as good as rubbing it made her feel it seemed to make daddy feel even better in his sleep. He was even murmuring! "Oh, yes baby… don't stop… so good… sexy little…."

In her mind that settled things; she hadn't been sure if what she was doing was ok, but if it was making daddy feel good then she wasn't going to stop. She had always been so close to him and, even though some of her friends at school were pulling away from their parents and didn't want to be seen with them, she was still 100% a daddy's girl.

The thing- daddy's thingie? – kept growing in his boxers, and the bigger it got the happier he sounded. That was enough for her to reason out that it must be what was making him feel good, and maybe she could make it feel even better if the boxers weren't in the way. She sat up, lifted her hips for a moment, and looked down at the boxers and surprised herself by finding a large wet spot on the front of them… right where she had been. She reached down and felt herself and found that yes, it had definitely come from her!

Not one to be distracted she pulled the boxers down and found that it WAS daddy's thingie, and it definitely was hard. It even popped up at a little bit of an angle as soon as it was free of it's little prison! She reached down, opened herself so it was the same as it had been before, and pressed herself down right at the base of it before starting to buck and shake her hips. In no time she was sliding up and down the full length of his thingie and not only was daddy sounding even happier with his murmurings, his hands had slid down and were cupping her bum, one on each side. Each time he squeezed she felt the flutter from her tummy down to her kitty get stronger and her hips bucked harder without her even thinking it.

She was panting now, sweating from exertion already as she slid along his thingie. Each stroke up with her hips went a little bit further and made him grow a little bit larger. She grabbed the hem of her nightie and pulled it up over her head; somehow it felt uncomfortably tight now, and she wanted to be free of it. As she looked down she saw how big his mushroom head had gotten, and even saw he had something dripping out like she did. On a whim she went up even further and wiggled her kitty down on the top of it- and JUST then, daddy squeezed her bum real hard and pushed up! He let out a big, satisfied groan as she felt his thingie spear into her like a white-hot iron pole, stretching and tearing her open like she had never expected. She sucked in a huge breath of air, and as tears of pain streamed down her cheeks the only thing which kept her from screaming at the top of her lungs was how happy daddy looked, how good it must feel for him.

Quietly sobbing, she went back to shaking her hips and found that now she could slide up and down on daddy's thingie… and heard him waking up! She grit her teeth and bounced hard and fast on him, wanting to show just what a good girl she was and how she was still going to make him feel good even as it hurt her! Just as she slammed down all the way onto him, taking his thingie completely inside her, she felt him twitch…. and saw his eyes snap open! As she felt him flood her kitty with hot cream her body took over; she ground down on him and let out a moaning scream, half of pain and half of pleasure. She heard his voice, "Oh my god, did I just cum inside you?!"



  1. Dutifully she kept working her hips. As her kitty had been getting more drool on daddy’s thingie it had been getting less and less painful, and now with the extra bit from him… daddy called it ‘cum’ inside her?… it almost didn’t hurt at all. It didn’t help that she was starting to have more and more trouble thinking. All she could think was ‘daddy is still hard, have to keep making him feel good; daddy is still hard, have to…’ "Baby, you…. you shouldn’t be…. oh god, we shouldn’t be doing thiiii…" As soon as he started pulling her off she collapsed onto his chest and wrapped her arms around him. She was being a good girl! She was making daddy feel good! She had bitten back her screams of pain for him, so why was he going to stop now that it was starting to feel good again?!!? Daddy, does it feel good? – Well, that’s not really the point prince – But DOES IT FEEL GOOD Daddy!! – Y-yes baby, but still- Then I am going to keep going. I’m a good girl, and I’m gonna make you feel good. She clung to his chest, her nipples getting tickled by his hair as her little hips hunched up and down on his still turgid member. His hands were frozen with indecision in the air, not wanting to scar his little girl into thinking sex was bad by tearing her off his body, but also not wanting to corrupt her through showing his little girl that she was right to turn herself into a fucktoy for an older man, especially her own father! After what seemed like an eternity (but was really only a matter of seconds) his loins made the decision for him; there was a pretty girl exuberantly bouncing on his cock, and woe unto him who turns down such a blessing. If she wanted to fuck him, then she would learn what fucking really was. His hands clasped back down on her bum, squeezing and kneading slowly as he rolled over on top of her. All indecision gone from his voice, he told her exactly what she was expected to do. "Let go, baby. Now." As she did he started thrusting with long, slow strokes which went from barely spreading her lips to resting his balls against her. He could hear her breath; with each plunge inside her breath shot out with a dull thud like she had been punched in the stomach, and with each pull she took a giant gulp of air with a happy little squeak. He leaned over and kissed her, first on her forehead then the tip of her nose. He hovered over her lips for a moment before deciding against kissing them in the interest of decorum. Then he leaned back, lifting her up by her hips so she fell with her back arched and chest thrust out. He greedily latched onto one nipple, sucking and flicking with his tongue as he ground his hips against hers in a circle. Despite her complete surrender to his whims, he couldn’t help but feel the need to comfort her. "Just relax, baby girl. Daddy is going to be done soon and it’ll all be over. Shhhhh" As she hung in his arms, connected to the only through him- his hands, his hips, his sword sheathed to the hilt in her scabbard- she could think of only one thing to do. She wrapped her legs around her daddy and just barely managed to lock her ankles together behind him, then started clenching down with her kitty as hard as she could. She was quickly rewarded with another groan from him and twitching inside her as he shot for a second time against her back wall. Unable to fight what his body told him was right any longer, he rolled over onto his back and held his little girl against his chest, his deflating cock still buried in her so-recently virgin hole. His hand ran up and down her back, his fingertips tracing her spine as her thin legs lay splayed on top of his form. With her head tucked under his chin, they both drifted off into a deep, peaceful, satisfied sleep.

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