Shane and I have known each other for some time, since the early days of university. We had a lot of mutual friends and our chemistry was instant the day we met. He was average height, dark hair, dark eyes, great athletic build, tasteful tattoos and a ridiculously hot deep voice that made my pussy tingle. Unfortunately for my pussy, he was also in a committed relationship, so I had to bury him deep in the friendzone to avoid getting my hopes up… although he remained the subject of my late night fantasies from day one. Because we lived close to each other, we would frequently hang out and drink (we shared a passion for mindless television and beer). Three years into his committed relationship, his girlfriend decided to commit herself elsewhere and moved abroad to pursue med school. After another tough year, their relationship ended. Suddenly, my lust for him resurfaced but because he was visibly hurting, I kept my feelings to myself. Not once since his break up has he ever shown any interest in me beyond friendship (or any other girl to my knowledge).
Two weeks ago now, my friend was planning to have a small birthday dinner on the Friday at a fancy restaurant, a bring-your-own-wine affair and Shane was invited. I knew about it well in advance and bought plenty of wine for the occasion. I was extremely excited to go because it would give me an excuse to dress up and strut around Shane while conveniently blaming all my carefully planned actions on the alcohol. I thought given enough drinks and cleavage, he would see me as more than just a friend. Once Friday came, I was getting really giddy and started to get ready for the party hours in advance. I live alone, so I put on some dirty music, opened one of the many bottles of wine and started to get ready. My outfit was all planned out – a classy satin black dress with a low cut back, black high heels and a tiny lacey black thong. I don't usually go for thongs, but it made me feel extra sexy and gave me a huge confidence boost. Halfway through my bottle of wine, while I was grinding solo in my apartment in nothing but my bra and thong, I get a call from my friend. She said she will need to postpone the party until next week, “sorry!” Fucking great. Feeling dejected, I turned the music down, put my dress away and turned on the TV. I was really upset that the one chance of Shane seeing me all dressed up has gone out the window. While I was contemplating going to bed early and having a little solo fun, I get a text from Shane himself asking if I wanted to chill “since the dinner got cancelled and it's Friday night.” I said “sure, how about my place for some television and ridiculous amount of wine?” He agreed and said he'll come over in a bit. I had half a mind of putting my dress on just so he could see me in it, but I knew he'd call me out so I settled for a comfy cropped top and leggings instead. When Shane finally showed up, he was pretty buzzed (pre-gaming with his roommate). After a short chat, we settled ourselves on my sofa and decided to watch Into The Blue. The weirdest thing was going through my mind – I was more excited about the prospect of going out for the fancy dinner rather than having Shane and me all alone in my apartment. I guess it was because I knew this would turn into just another night in for us. Movie, drinks, a few jokes, “well, I'm gonna head out,” the end.
About halfway through the movie, Shane went for a piss and when he came back, I noticed he sat closer to me than he has ever done before. I didn't think too much of it even if it was slightly unusual. We've done this movie thing a million times and always sat at the opposite ends of my sofa. At that point, I lost all attention to what was going on on the screen. With Shane sitting so close, all I could think of was how much I want to reach over, slide my hand down his pants and feel his cock. I would imagine me riding him right there on my sofa, him grabbing my ass, squeezing my tits. I've often had these images in my mind. I wanted nothing more than to have his hands all over my body. These pictures were getting very vivid in my mind and I could feel myself getting my thong wet. If I were drunk enough, I'd reach over and put my hand on his thigh but my buzz was completely wearing off. Instead of the happy, flirty, touchy drunk I was aiming for, I was just getting more and more tired with every sip. When the movie ended, Shane suggested putting another one on. I told him to go ahead but I was going to go to bed. I was still feeling dejected and extremely tired, but he was free to stay as long as he wished. My bed is in a sort of nook directly behind the sofa, so I climbed in, took off my bra and leggings (still wearing my cropped top and black thong) and dozed off almost immediately.
When I woke up, I was lying down on my stomach, arms wrapped around my pillow. I could hear the television still going and it was rather loud (some action movie). “Can you turn it down a bit,” I mumbled. I heard Shane shuffling on the sofa and then …
“Damn, girl.”
Not sure what he was on about, I opened my eyes. Shane was sitting on the sofa but was looking directly at me, smiling and biting his lip. I realized my blanket must have slipped off during my short nap, giving Shane a great view of my bare ass. With a groan, I pulled the blanket back over me, taking note not to fall asleep with nothing but a thong on when I have guests. Instead of going back to his movie, I watched Shane get up and slowly walk towards my bed. “You have a hot ass,” he said. “You shouldn't cover it up.”
“Haha, you only noticed now?” I teased.
“Nah, I've been eyeing it for a while. Waiting for the perfect moment to get my hands on it.”
Thinking he was just being drunk and stupid, I laughed it off. He sat at the side of my bed and whispered “You have no idea how much I want to touch you right now.” Slowly, he slid his hand under the blanket, watching my reaction. I propped myself up and looked him straight in the eyes. When his fingertips grazed my thigh, I couldn't help it. I opened my mouth and let out a tiny moan. I have been dreaming of having him touch me for so long, I couldn't believe it was actually happening. His fingers slowly ran up my thigh and I could feel my mouth getting dry. His touch gave me shivers. As his fingers were getting closer and closer to my pussy, I felt my thong getting wet again. With his other hand, he threw the blanket off me and gently spread my legs. He squeezed my thighs and ran his thumb over my pussy, feeling my wetness through the lacey cloth. My clit was throbbing at his touch and I felt the shivers run up my spine then spread to my tits. He pulled off his shirt, showing off his muscular chest and broad shoulders, and climbed into bed, kneeling between my spread legs. He grabbed my waist and slowly lowered his face to gently kiss my stomach. His soft lips felt so good on my skin that I collapsed back onto my pillow and closed my eyes. He kept kissing me, slowly going down, down, down… Suddenly, I felt his hair brush my inner thighs and his hot breath on my pussy. I tilted my hips so that I was even closer to him, dying of anticipation. First, he ran his thumb over me again, making me moan when he touched my clit and again when he gave my asshole a playful nudge. Then, slowly and so ever gently, he bit both my pussy lips. The pressure from his teeth made my toes curl. After a few more of his gentle bites, my insides were tingling and I wanted nothing more than to be penetrated. He must have sensed it as he pushed my thong to the side and gave a long hard lick all the way down my pussy. His tongue was unbelievable … I let out a loud moan, arched my back and clenched my bed sheets. Another long lick and then he started sucking on my clit, flicking it with his tongue. His mouth was so hot and wet and felt so fucking good; I arched my back so much, I thought I would break it. He slip his hands from my waist down to my ass, cupping it and pushing it closer to him. Another long lick and then his tongue dove deep inside me. It felt so fucking amazing, he had me whimpering. He pushed my ass higher into the air so that he could get a better angle and kept thrusting his tongue in and out of my pussy. I could feel his nose hitting my clit and it wasn't long until I felt a rush of orgasm. I couldn't help myself and had to grab his head and push it hard against me, grinding on his face while waves and waves of pleasure left me breathless. I let him go and lay in bed completely wasted with pleasure, trying to catch my breath. His hands found my thighs and gently started caressing them. I couldn't get enough of his touch, and wanted him to touch my tits. I took his hand, and pulled them towards my chest hoping he would get the hint, but he smirked and pulled away. He said “we will work on the rest of you later.” He put his shirt on and said he was going back home and he'll text me tomorrow. Before I could object, he was already out the door. I felt guilty for not returning the favour, but to be honest, he left me completely speechless that night.
I love it when women post stories since it just makes the experience of reading it that much more sexier. The amount of detail you went into got me so hard. Thank you and keep us posted!!!
Thank you so much! I prefer stories with a bit more build up, a bit more personality. A bit of literary foreplay ;) Glad I could be of service, hothotcold. There have been some sexy developments so I’ll definitely write an update soon x
Super hot story. I hope you write a lot more
Thank you! I guess now I have to ;)
I can’t wait ;)