[F]inding myself at college (MF).

I've been writing in my own diaries for years now but never thought of sharing my experiences with anyone until now. Im new so bare with me as I work out the kinks.

To briefly introduce myself I am currently 26 years old, I'm 5'3, petite, brunette and have blue eyes. I was born into a wealthy family where my dad was always working or traveling with clients. My mom never worked a day in her life and spent her days out with friends doing pretty much whatever she wanted. Most of the time it was just my older sister Jen, me, and our housemaid Carla. We didn't get along with our dad, so we were raised by my mom and the hippie housemaid Carla. Im not unhappy about the way we were raised and I think it helped me be who I am today. Anyways into my life..

Despite my slacking off my senior year of high school, I ended up getting into a very nice college. In high school I had only had two boyfriends over the duration but ended things before going to college.

My first few months there I made a lot of fun friends and debated joining a sorority but dealing with the drama of other bitchy girls ultimately led me away from joining one. Around winter time my family all had different plans for the holidays so I decided I would stay at a friends house that was 10 minutes away from my school.

My friend Sarah, lived in a tiny house with her parents and younger sister. The type of house that you can hear every argument, footstep, and pin drop in but I was grateful to be able to stay there. They had an extra room in the basement and let me stay down there. after the first few weeks of holiday break, Sarah and I decided to go onto campus to see if there was anyone around, silly us. We went to a local bar to get some food and test our luck getting a drink. The place was almost empty except for a few guys that were friends with Sarah. We ended up talking with them to get drinks and left shortly after to get sleep.

The next week there were a few more people at the bar and Sarah's friends were there again. They immediately came up to us and wanted us to dance, we were all dancing together and one guy Mike was really getting into it with Sarah. I was dancing with his friend Jake and we were all having fun. Sarah whispered to me that she wanted to bring the guys back and have a few more drinks at home and I agreed.

When we got back to Sarah's place her family was asleep and we decided to go into the basement where my room was to try and be quiet. As soon as we got down there Sarah and Mike started making out and rolling around on my bed. Jake and I had really only talked a handful of times so we stood there in silence and decided to keep drinking. After awhile Sarah brought mike up into her room for the night leaving Jake and I alone and unsure what to do.

It was really late and I was feeling tired so I started yawning until he got the hint. There was only one double bed in the basement where I was staying and the rest of the room was hardwood floor and beanbag chairs. I could tell Jake felt awkward and he immediately told me he would sleep on the beanbag chairs even after I often him to sleep in bed with me. I could already hear Mike and Sarah going at it upstairs which added to the awkward environment.

Some time in the night I woke up and heard Jake rolling around trying to get comfortable. I was half asleep and just told him to get inked and it was cool. He finally decided that was the best idea and joined me in bed. I was still wearing my jeans and sweatshirt from earlier in the night, and he was wearing basketball shorts and a long sleeve shirt.

I squeezed myself against the wall as his 6 foot tall body climbed into bed. It was already a small bed so instantly I felt him brushing against me as we laid side by side. I rolled over facing away from him to create more room and he rolled over facing the other way. My arm quickly got tired so I rolled over facing the backside of him and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep but I woke up to me spooning him with his back still facing me. I was the big spoon. I quickly realized I felt something on my hand and it was moving, then it hit me, my arm was wrapped around his waist leaving my hand right under his belly button. Is that his dick I feel hitting my hand? I adjusted my and slightly and thats when I felt his dick fall against my hand. I paused, feeling a little excited not knowing what to do. I moved my hand again only this time I wrapped my hands around his dick through his shorts seeing if he would react. He was still asleep. I could feel his dick pulsing as it grew and couldn't believe how big it was getting or how much this was turning me on. I decided to go along with it and started rubbing it through his shorts. He slowly woke up and was startled by what I was doing. "uh are you awake?" he said. As I continued rubbing his dick I slide up the bed and kissed the back of his neck whispering into his ear "if I wasn't would you stop me?". He grinned and rolled over.

He took my face in his hands and kissed me softly. I ran my hand down his chest and slid it into his shorts under his boxers and grabbed his cock which was now pulsing more than ever. We kissed again and started making out furiously. I started stroking his dick again and he brought one of his hands up and slide it under my shirt grabbing my breast. He played with one nipple and moved his hand to my other nipple. Surprised I had a nipple ring, he moved back to the other nipple without the ring. Took my hand off his dick, grabbed his hand and brought it back to my nipple ring. I love when guys play with my nipple ring it makes my nipple so sensitive and turns me on.

I quickly reached back into his shorts and started jerking him quickly as we continued to make out. By now I was feeling incredibly wet and slipped my other hand down my pants and started rubbing my pussy. It didn't take long with the combination of Jake playing with my nipple as I rubbed my clit to get me to cum. I felt it building as I furiously jerked his cock matching what I was doing to my clit.

I felt a wave flow through me and quickly started to grind my clit against my hand as I came. As I came down from this high I took my wet hand from my pants and started playing with Jake's balls.

It didn't take long and I felt his balls tense up and his dick pulse out of control as I continued stroking him. Rope after rope of cum came out covering the inside of his boxers and shorts. As he bucked his hips with pleasure I slowly brought him down and felt his dick get soft.

I took my hands out his pants and we broke our kiss. I looked up at him as his eyes rolled back into his head and he threw back his head onto the pillow. "That was incredible" he said. He looked over at me gave me one more kiss that lingered for a while, then I rolled over and we went to sleep.

We woke up in the morning to Sarah and Mike pulling the sheets off us. Still fully clothed, they looked at us in disappointment. Jake rolled over and Mike spotted the cum stains on his shorts and quickly came over and high fived Jake. Sarah looked at me and grinned then offered to buy us all breakfast.

Sarah and I hung out with Jake and Mike a few more times during our break, but nothing further ever happened during that time and we lost touch with each other as we got back into the semester.

That semester dragged on and just as summer break began, I was packing up my car when I got a call from Jake. We talked for awhile and agreed to meet for lunch the next day. But that is another story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31s0uy/finding_myself_at_college_mf


  1. Any feed back, good or bad is welcome. And for those messaging me asking if I have another account for gw yes. but this one is for writing. edit: spelling

  2. it is very beautiful hot written story. with such writing style, i really hope OP write all of her experiences here. I can not even imagine how hot would it be when she will describe having sex.

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