University Escapades – That time I [20M] met my FWB [20F] for the first time.

Preamble: I've created this throwaway with one goal – pleasing everyone on gone wild stories! I've lurked for quite a while and figured now is the time to give back. A little bit about me: I'm an under-30 year old male with a penchant for writing and a University degree from a well known school (this is particularly relevant). These are my true experiences and stories from my youth. They range from the absurd to the amazing to the shocking… and everywhere in between. Enjoy!

In my second year of University I was fortunate enough to be elected to a Student Council position, and at the time, I had no idea that this would help get me laid. In fact, I was pretty sure it may have the opposite effect… but the story continues.

A little backstory about myself – I've got a medium build, nice mediterranean features (dark hair and eyes) and broad shoulders. I'm well traveled, very easy to get along with, and I've always gone out of my way to help my friends. It's no surprise that during my University career, I had no issues finding good looking and well adjusted girls to spend time/hookup with.

I used to frequent a forum dedicated to a particular sports team. Browsing one day after my teams recent notable loss, I came across a post from a female forum contributor and noticed her location tag was that of the same city I lived and went to school in. Without knowing what she looked like or whether or not she was in fact a female, I messaged her and we hit it off. It started with small talk about the team and then the discussion turned to a few key details: it turned out that she 1) was a female, 2) was my age, 3) was attractive, 4) lived 5 minutes away (I had a car at University) 6) was a student at my school, and 7) wanted to hang out. At this point, I felt like I hit the jackpot. I proceeded with cautious optimism – as some of you know, meeting someone you've conversed with online doesn't always work out.

Anyways, our first hang out was at her place in the evening during winter exams. We had both just finished studying and wanted to watch the game and unwind. I was totally oblivious, at the time, as to what "unwind" really meant. I wasn't always aware of whether or not a girl found me attractive, but at this point I decided to take her up on her offer. I showed up looking somewhat tired and she offered me a beer. How kind, I thought. We spent no time in the common room of her apartment. She noted that her roommate was home, in her own room, studying, and that we should try and be quiet as not to disturb her. Exam period can be fairly stressful.

We took to Elle's room and flipped the game on. She sat the chair at her desk, put her drink down, and turned towards me in her seat. I noticed she left me nowhere to sit but on her bed. I thought at this point that her behaviour seemed quite well orchestrated and that if I approached her slyly with some confidence, I could probably sense her eagerness. I played it cool, drank my beer, and we talked some more about the game. I could tell she was a bit nervous so I invited her to sit beside me, on her bed. I moved over a bit and she planted herself under my outstretched arm. We sat in silence for nearly a minute as I surveyed the room, what she wore, the posters on her wall, and tried to put together a little bit more about her than she was initially willing to let on.

A little bit about Elle: She was about 5'2 with brown hair, brown eyes, and a cute set of lips. She had a tongue ring, an inviting vibe, she was pretty chill. Her tits were almost as big as my head and she was of average weight. She wasn't particularly skinny, but she worked out, and wasn't a fitness addict. She liked to run and took part in a few races here and there. Her ass wasn't noteworthy, but she seemed to like when I put my face between in, so I'd always make sure it received the attention it needed.

After that minute expired, I looked directly at Elle and felt her acknowledging me out of the corner of her eye as she attempted to look fixated on the game. I kissed her neck and she let out a soft moan – I think she was anticipating a kiss, but on her lips. Regardless, I gently kissed her up and down her neck, behind her ear, and nibbled slowly… just enough to let her know that I want her. Elle shot up on the bed after my kisses stopped. She pulled her shirt above her head and helped me with mine – she kissed my chest hair, noted how I look kind of like an athlete she likes, and then bit my lip, hard. Really hard.

Fuck, I thought. This girl is giving me a super chill, relaxed, vibe… and now she bites my lip like she wants to take a piece of it for herself? I felt my lip vibrating and shot her a challenging look. I sprung at her, pushing her on top of the bed, using my hands to hold her down. I kissed her just as hard, biting her lip, and I moved my hands up to her neck, wrapping them around it, biting her ear lobe. She moaned. She writhed. I had her. I knew who she was now – dirty, into rough play, and damn good at using that tongue ring, as I'd later find out.

After I wrapped my hands around her neck, she motioned for me to squeeze harder. I did and continued to bite her lip. She bit back. She loved gasping for air. I just couldn't believe that this was our first hookup – what was next?

I pulled her back up after letting her free and ripped her pants down. She was wearing these fleece pjamas that she had warned me about – something to do with being in "exam mode". I ignored them, I wasn't there to see her dressed up. Quite the opposite, actually, but as I pulled them down, I felt the soaking wet spot in the middle of the pants. Absolutely drenched. If I wasn't rock hard already, I sure as fuck was now. She was pantless on her bed, looking at me, and I buried my head in between her thighs, kissing and nipping at her, licking up and down. She continued to writhe and squirm. She started shaking. I wondered if she's the type of girl I could give five orgasms to in the course of one night. I got rid of those thoughts and got back to working on orgasm number one.

After licking, kissing, and nipping at her thighs, I moved in close to the black lace thong she was wearing, making sure she could feel my hot breath through it. I moved the thong aside after some more teasing and was presented with this gorgeous little pink pussy that was already spilling, waiting for me to lap it up, and I did. For the next 10 minutes I ate her pussy – I started with some light kissing and teasing, to which she squirmed and writhed so aggressively that I thought she might fall off the bed. I then put my hands behind her ass and buried my face inside of her, tonguing her clit and alternating from light to medium pressure. I sucked on her, I drank her juices, I was even brave about my hand placement as I'd be sure to accidentally caress her other hole. I loved it, she tasted great and she seemed to really be enjoying it.

I felt like my face was soaked, covered in her juices, and I wanted more of that. I took one of my hands from her ass and used it to tease her pussy as I continued to eat her. I slowly moved a finger inside of her, turning it and giving her that come hither motion that I had experienced success with in the past. She muttered out "I know what you're doing… you're trying to make me… cum." Fuck. Yes I was. This was one of the hottest things I heard in a long time.

I kept this up for a few more minutes and pulled my face into her pussy as best as I could, slipping my tongue inside of her and gripping her with my hands. I could feel her shaking – she pulled my hair and ripped at my shoulders. She scratched my back. I felt her shudder, and twitch, and she came, muffling her screams into a pillow as a subtle courtesy to her roommate. I pulled my face back from her, my face still drenched from her juice. Elle kissed me again, but this time with a little romance. I could feel that I had drained her of her energy.

Elle was sure to put on a new pair of pants after we both acknowledged the old, soaked pair, in a pile on the floor of her bedroom. We chuckled. I finished my beer and we watched a few more minutes of hockey. I had this feeling of not needing to rush my experiences with her. I felt like we would be talking frequently, getting to know each other a little better, and having a lot of fun along the way.

I didn't expect anything in return – I excused myself from her place as it was getting late and I had a full day of exam prep ahead of me. I put my empty beer next to her sink, kissed her goodbye, and walked out.

I'd have a FWB relationship with Elle for the next few years, on and off. It was fantastic, wild, and surprising. Some of our experiences were incredibly daring, risky, and rough. More stories about Elle and I to come…



  1. Nice story. Only because you said you have a penchant for writing, I’d like to offer one item that tripped me up: "I knew who she was now – dirty, into rough play, and damn good at using that tongue ring, as I’d later find out." I feel like there’s a contradiction there. You knew who she was now, but would later find out who she was. Perhaps a slight re-wording of the sentence; something like: "I knew who she was now – dirty, into rough play, with tongue ring (which I later found out that she was damn good at using it)." I know you’re setting it up for a future scenario, but it tripped me up a bit. Keep the stories coming!

  2. Great feedback! Thanks so much. I’ll be sure to to avoid those types of contradictions in the future. Writing a story on the fly without editing is tough! :)

  3. Hot story! It was hot that you got her off yet didn’t get anything in return – that first time ’round. Payback gives you an excuse to be selfish and perhaps push the boundaries at the same time. FWB’s are especially fun. I asked one of mine once, "I can ask you anything, right?" She said of course. No need to worry that your fantasy will upset or offend anyone. I used to love getting requests from my FWB’s. These days I get nothing more adventurous than a suggestion that we "go to bed". Keep ’em coming (so to speak).

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