Addicted to the most beautiful smile in the world. (Long)

It's funny, looking back I can't believe I ever had a shot with her. I felt she was so far out of my league it was crazy. She was in my sisters class, and my sister was a couple years younger. I graduated that year and I was still 17 (I was youngest in my class) She was 15 and one of the oldest in the sophomore class.

Anyway… I met, Lets call her Megan, when we first moved to town. She was one of my sisters friends, and she was over quite a bit when they were doing homework and what not for school.

One day, she came over, and my sister wasn't there, but I could tell she was crying. I told her she wasn't here, but she's probably be back soon if she wanted to wait. She said sure, and I asked if she wanted anything, and quick she came back with "yeah a guy who isn't a jerk" Immediately I asked about it, and she gave me generic answers such as, "Oh, he's a jerk" "I don't want to talk about it" things like that.

Eventually she told me that he'd called her and broke up with her for another girl in a close by town or something. I of course said sorry, offering my shoulder to cry on, so to speak. After my sister didn't show up for another 15 minutes, I offered to drive her home. I'd made a small joke and she warmed up a little and gave me a small smile. I got her home and before she went inside, she said "thank you, you've been really nice" and she kissed me on the cheek… she kind of lingered a little, then got out and went inside. Honestly, I don't think we talked again after that day…

Now the reason for my title.

As I said before, I hadn't really hung around this girl a whole lot, but the first thing I noticed about her was her smile. The kind of smile that could light up a living room from the basement kind of smile. I felt like I could fall in love with this girl at any moment.

Alright, fast-forward a bit.

I moved to a larger city about 35 minutes away after my 2nd year in college. I had gone back home many times, and hadn't really thought of Megan for a few years. My sister was graduating in May, so I went back and visited.

Now, in High School, I was a fat kid, not overly fat or anything, but a bigger guy. I had done a lot of exercising in college, and was pretty trim at the time. I felt, and looked good, in my opinion, but still had that awkwardness of a fat kid still plagued me.

Anyway, my family left for the commencement and I was the last one to walk through the gym, and I noticed I had a lot of eyes on me. I guess I had really changed a lot, and people were noticing. It felt good, I won't lie, but I can't lie that I wasn't also trying to impress a little.

After the ceremony was over, my sister was off talking with her friends, and my family had all but left and I was the last one so I was giving her a ride home. Her and most of her friends 7 in total, were cramming into my '01 Jeep… made for maybe 5… anyway…

I can hear comments in the back about "hey you're brother is cute" and my sister telling them all to shut up. I got the first 5 home, and all that was left was my sister and Megan. I was passing home first, and asked if she cared if I dropped her off first then Megan. She smirked at me and said… "Yeah… sure"

Megan then crawled up front still wearing her dress… that quite honestly, hugged her in the best places… she was a shorter girl… maybe 5'3, very light blond and brown eyes, but she had perfect tits, and one of the best asses I've seen, and the legs… OHHH MY GOD… the legs.

Anyway, we were making small talk, and she said "Take this left" I told her, "I know where you live, I've brought you home before" She said "I can't believe you remember that." "Of course" I said.

I pulled in her drive and she asked if I would wait and bring her back to my house to meet up with my sister… I said "Sure, no problem." With that, she flashed me that sexy smile and went inside to change.

10 Minutes later, she came out wearing cut off shorts, and a small collared shirt that showed part of her stomach when she lifted her arms. Showing that small patch of the softest skin in the world… Sorry, I'm getting side tracked.

She gets in and we're headed for my house, and I made a joke about her wearing what she was wearing and I patted her hand on her leg… at that INSTANT I felt it. Electricity… the kind you only feel when sexual frustration comes out. She laughed at my dumb joke, but doesn't move my hand from her leg. She puts her hand on top of mine, and moves it slowly up her leg… she leans over and says "I'm not wearing underwear." Holy shit… well here my awkwardness comes out, and I'm not sure what to do… I pull into my drive, and she hops out like nothing happened… looking back at me and smiling… WOW.

I go up to my room, and I'm fucking hard… like cut glass hard. I'm not a huge hung guy, and in fact I'm a little below the average, but since I've lost weight, it's gotten bigger. I didn't jack off, but I was really thinking about it, I changed clothes, and got ready to go out and meet some of my friends from school.

Now there's two hang out places in my town, 2 old parking lots. If you don't find who you're looking for at one… you go to the other… they're usually there. I wasn't looking for anyone in particular, but I did find my buddy, and we sat and bullshitted, and more people showed up, and we bullshitted probably about 2 hours. Then I saw my sisters car pull up… and Megan gets out. I look over and we lock eyes… Heat… instantly. She's off talking with people and its about 10pm or so… it's a nice night. Someone offers for everyone to come to his lot for a bonfire… Hell yeah, I was in. Maybe a chance for Megan and me to hang out more.

I had gone back to get some outdoor chairs and some blankets from home and headed out. I got there, and my sister is taking my chairs… at least she left me one… So I settled about 5 or 6 feet from the fire, and sat down on my chair, and started to relax… looking at the stars… no more than 5 minutes later I hear someone behind me, and since I have my head tilted back I see her as she leans over me, and she kisses me… hard… Fantastic kiss to the point I couldn't breathe. I could have died happy right then. She comes around and sits on my lap grabs the blanket and throws if over us both… I started to say something and she stopped me and said "No words" She reached down and grabbed my hand and put it on her right breast, and we started making out… just going at it. Finally we break a little, and I tell her that I've always thought she was beautiful… and her smile was what had always made me think so.

With that, she smiled, and grabbed my hand… and pushed it down the front of her shorts. I went right onto her clit… almost rubbing hard, but not too hard… those soft strokes that some girls have told me are… "Almost perfect" I guess I'm doing well cause she can't concentrate on kissing me… I whisper to her… "be quiet… but I want you to cum" Just by saying that, she came… hard… trying to be quiet, and trying to muffle her with my mouth… she came so hard. She was hugging herself into me, with my hand still down her pants, I lightly flicked her clit a few times more, and she kept sucking and biting on my ear.

She finally whispered, "I need you to fuck me." With that I got up and practically carried her to my jeep. I laid the back seats down and threw 2 of the blankets i had into the back, and we got in and closed the door. She looks at me, with her lust filled eyes, and says, "I want to suck your cock." Who am I to keep her from what she wants… I lay down, and pull my shorts off…

Now, a small note… I've been a little self conscious about how big my dick is. But ever since this moment, that's all gone away.

She looks down and she says "Oh my god… It's perfect" and damn near swallowed the thing in the first stroke. She's blowing me like I've never been blown before… like to where if she goes a couple more strokes, I'm going to blow in her mouth… as I let her know that I'm close to cumming she comes up and says, "I want you to" And once her lips go back around my cock, I blow a huge load into her mouth… she keeps going… not slowing for a second… swallowing everything. She leans back and licks her lips, and smiles at me… what a site… that beautiful smile with my cum on her lips… I sit up grab her and put her on bottom… my cock is still roaring hard… I ask about a condom and she tells me she's on the pill… I damn near broke my leg trying to get her shorts off… I needed to see that pussy… And it was perfect… what you might call a 'simp' type pussy, fatter outer lips to where you can't see the clit or hole. I go down, and start licking up her lips… flicking her clit a few extra times. She's grabbing my head trying to push my whole head into her I swear… I'm licking as fast as I can… and she's juicing me a ton… after a few seconds of this… she grabs on to my head, and cums… and this time… no holding those cute little gasps back… my god the sexiest thing in the world at that point was hearing this girl cum… she's starting to come down… and I lick my way up her stomach, and stop at her tits to kiss and lick them all over. Finally I get up to her face and she kissed me, and says "wow, I taste good". I tell her "Like honey" She gets up and I lay down and she gets on top of me and squats over me, she grabs my cock, and slowly slides down on it… WOW… tight… and I'm small… that's saying something… she rides me for a good 3 or 4 minutes and probably cums 8 times… my god so sexy… if I hadn't just cum… I would have again. She lays down next to me and asks me if I can cum again. I say… "I can try" she says "I want to try it in my ass" I'm surprised but, I definitely want to give this girl all she wants… she gets on her stomach, and I straddle her ass. I lean down first, and lick her asshole and she gasps… "Oh my god" shes pushing back into me hard… finally I line up my cock and slide in slowly… she is screaming into my blanket… I don't hesitate for a second and slide all the way into her ass… I ask if she's ok, and she says "Fuck my ass" I start slow at first, but in a couple minutes, I'm pounding away fast and hard… she's screaming into the blanket still… I tell her I'm about to cum, and she says "YESS!! CUM IN MY ASS!!" and I do… hardest I've ever cum in my life… in less than probably 30 minutes… wow…

We laid there a little, and she sits up and says, "I hope you don't think badly of me."

"No", I said.

She smiled… that beautiful smile, and said… Let's do this again…..

"I'd love to." I said.

For 4 years after that, whenever we saw each other, we'd find away to get together and fuck. One time we saw each other at a bar… and 5 minutes later we were fucking in the alley behind… in 30 degree weather in February. We can't get enough of each other.

Today, I got an invite to her wedding… I'm not sure that's the best idea for me to go… I may have to stand and object if I see that smile again. Who knows… maybe that's what she wants?



  1. Honestly… seeing her smile again is going to be tough for me not to react like I used to. We haven’t talked in about a year… so it may be a bit awkward. I’m thinking about calling her and telling her that it may not be a good idea for me to come… or maybe talk to her face to face… I haven’t decided yet.

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