I [F/18] let my BF’s [M/18] roommates watch me do naughty things

This all started happening a month ago. I pretty much live with my BF in his apartment. I have my own place, but I'm always sleeping over his. He has 3 other roommates as well. They only have one bathroom for all 4 of them, plus me. Up until a month ago I've always been the "goodie goodie" girl, who's only had one BF, no one else but him had seen me naked, kind of the shy and quiet type.

Than one day all of us are in a rush to leave the house around the same time. My BF was the first to leave. Two of the roommates already showered, and were just beginning to shave and brush their teeth. The last roommate and myself both still had to shower. I asked them if they could all wait outside the bathroom for 10 minutes while I took a quick shower. The two in the bathroom already protested saying they needed 10 more minutes or else they were going to be late. While the last roommate said he at least needs to shave and brush his teeth if he can't get in the shower yet. Literally with no time to spare we made a compromise. All three of them were to finish up shaving and brushing their teeth, while I hopped in the shower. The shower in their apartment has a glass door and no curtain, so I told them I will KILL them if they try to look at me!

They all left for a second as I undressed and hopped in the shower, afterwards yelling for them it's okay for them to come in now, but DON'T look! The way the bathroom is positioned they were all huddled around the sinks, carefully looking forward as I was in the shower directly to the side of them. I watched them at first, praying they weren't catching glimpses of me. After a few minutes though I started to get turned on that I was completely naked and soaking wet just a few feet from three other guys. Just as I finished showering and stepped out all three of them turned their heads due to the noise of the glass door. For a brief few seconds they all got to see my body. That was the first time anyone else but my BF had seen me naked. They quickly apologized and hurried along and left. I really loved the exhilaration of being seen naked.

Later on I told my BF what happened. He understood it very well and said he didn't mind, because he knows I'm not into his roommates (I really am not, they're not my type). His roommates and I continued this agreement for the next week or so, and every passing day they would watch me shower longer and longer. I would never cheat on my BF and he knows this, so don't get the wrong idea. I just love the excitement of being watched. I had no idea how much I loved it until those showers started happening. But, now I wanted to take it up to the next level. Than last weekend happened. My BF was out of town for the weekend, and I didn't want to stay at my place because my roommates are annoying. So I stayed at his, in his room the whole weekend.

Saturday I was at the pool all day tanning, and when I came in I pretended to not know anyone was home and left the bedroom door wide open. I took off my bikini and sat on top of the bed completely naked, no sheets at all. When I heard noise being made from the kitchen I feigned sleeping. Here I was, this shy innocent girl who everyone thought would never do a naughty thing in her life. Lying completely naked and "asleep" with the bedroom door wide open for anyone to look or come in. After a few moments one of them said, "Holy shit! Anon's GF is sleeping naked!" I tried to cover my eager smile as best I could. I could tell they were all standing in the doorway, my butt pointing towards them as they gawked on. Than right as they were about to leave, I roll over and let my legs fall apart. They couldn't contain their words. I heard them say things like, "Look you can see her asshole! Her pussy is wide open, you can see it all! She must be pretty cold with nips as pointy as those!" I luckily did my best to conceal my reaction that I was actually awake. After a while they all left though, and I "woke up" and got dressed. I was so horny listening to them talk, and seeing every inch of my body.

The next day I wanted to do something even crazier. Like the day before I pretended to not notice anyone was home. I undressed myself and started to masturbate with the bedroom door wide open. This wasn't at night, no, it was middle of the day, probably around 3 PM. I just knew if I sat their masturbating long enough one of them would walk by. Than I heard it. The sound of footsteps approaching. This time I was more nervous than anything I've ever felt before. I've never even let my BF watch me masturbate before, and here I am ready to be seen in all my glory for his roommate. I glimpsed him walking by the door, just as I was moaning. He soon came back and tried his best to peek thru the open crack between the door and wall. He was very obvious as the crack was pretty big, and I could see him watching me in my peripheral vision. I pretended not to notice him, and kept fingering myself. I was so nervous doing this knowing this guy is watching me right not, but I pushed through. At one point I turned my body towards the door, raised my legs up high, and laid down on my back. He definitely had the most clear view of my open vagina anyone has ever seen. His breathing was so heavy, I could faintly hear it. I moaned and moaned, he could hear the sound of my vagina moisten as I slipped two fingers in and went to town. It lasted another 5 minutes or so, and than I started to get up. He quickly left as to not be seen.

Since than I've only told my BF that his roommates have all seen me naked a few times, and asked him if I was allowed to be naked in his house. Like I said we trust each other, and he said it was fine, because they have all already seen me completely naked so they're isn't very much left to hide. I also told his roommates that since you've already all seen me naked, don't freak out if I walk around naked from now on. So, as I sit here typing this I'm completely naked in the living room. My BF is in the kitchen making food, and two of his roommates are on the chairs next to me. I would never do this if my BF wasn't comfortable with it, but so far he definitely is. I think he might even like showing me off. We're all watching a movie on TV, but instead I'm catching them staring at my boobs. I even laughed and said to one of them, "Do you think tan lines look good on me?" He got so nervous he kind of stuttered out, "Uh.. yeah definitely."

So, what other really fun things can I do to show myself off? Anyone have any ideas?

Tl;Dr: Used to be a shy and "goodie goodie" girl, now that my BF's roommmates saw me naked a few times on accident, I love being watched.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/317orf/i_f18_let_my_bfs_m18_roommates_watch_me_do


  1. I think the next step could be cooking naked? making a sandwich or something…or some light cleaning naked…An obvious one that would be pushing the line might be masturbating in the shower…

  2. Wow, lucky bf!! I think the next step could be cooking naked? making a sandwich or something…or some light cleaning naked…An obvious one that would be pushing the line might be masturbating in the shower…

  3. Yes I will definitely try cooking and cleaning naked! Well I don’t know how much it would push the line, considering I already let one of them watch me masturbate. If though he didn’t know I knew he was there.

  4. well, I mean pushing the line in that if you do it in the shower, they’ll know you know they’re there! Though you could try and pretend to "hide" it…that would be so hot…

  5. If your BF is up for it, you could give him head or let him fuck you with your door open so that the roommates can see when they walk by.

  6. You sure said, "I would never" a lot. Then you start masturbating in front of them, so I see this going two ways. You cheat and you lose your boyfriend, or somebody does something wrong and your boyfriend tells you to put some fucking clothes on. I believe you are on a slippery slope, so talk to your boyfriend, and know where the breaks are. Edit: loose –> lose

  7. She could be on a slippery slope. But at the same time, she could not be if she knows what she’s doing and using her head. As long as her boyfriend, his friends, and she’s comfortable, she could handle it. I say this because I let my girlfriend do the same thing around my best friend. However, I’m not saying you’re wrong. I just wanted to share some common knowledge lol she and her boyfriend aren’t not the only ones out there who do stuff like this.

  8. welcome to exhibitionism! try getting your boyfriend in on the fun. there’s a big world out there to have sex in! and it’s much easier when there are strangers. that said, the guy who mentioned the slipper slope is right in some regard. cheating can be…alluring to say the least. there’s an exhilarating rush associated with it that’s different but similar to exhibitionism. so be careful. watching is one thing but comes close to that line anyway. you def need to be clear w/ your bf and his roommates thats you like being watched but that you don’t want anyone to participate or do anything themselves in front of you.

  9. yeah but you hit the nail on the head. as long as they are all comfortable with it which implies a conversation needs to happen. your best friend i’m sure you talked about it with and at the least has a higher barrier for something to occur. this situation is a bit different. they all need to sit down and say hey, she likes showing off, she’s mine, no touching her and no touching yourselves in front of her. because this situation could easily lead to mutual masterbation, which is definitely cheating. and cheating also has that rush similar to exhibitionism.

  10. Next thing you know you’ll be willing to suck your bf’s cock in front of them ;)

  11. Are you saying bigger women can’t be sexy? If she is of a larger build, she can try gonewildcurvy :)

  12. Please post a picture naked or clothed so we can match a face or ass to this great story.

  13. I understand what you are saying and I don’t think there is anything wrong with what she is doing in the simple sense of it, however she is 18 and inexperienced with her sexuality and with her relationship, so something will likely go wrong. Everyone is different, but for me if my girl was masturbation in front of one of my friends without my consent I would consider that cheating.

  14. That isn’t what *curvy* means. Why people think this is beyond me.

  15. I’d say if you’re walking around naked and they’ve watched you masturbate, then there’s not much further you can take it without actually having sex in front of them. It’d be pretty hot if you sat down on the same couch completely naked right next to one of the room mates whilst you watched a movie, as if it were completely normal. If you got a bit handsy with them – touching their arms or legs during a conversation, joke, etc – it’d drive them absolutely nuts, knowing that you were strictly off-limits. The closest I ever got to this sort of situation was when my ex-GF lost a bet and I got to invite a friend to the beach and she had to go topless. Although she wasn’t ‘mine’ at the time it was still a huge turn-on to see my friend ogling her DD’s! We all went for a swim and things ended up getting a little handsy and – with my encouragement and her permission – my friend got a good solid grope of her tits. She was pretty nervous on the way to the beach but she definitely warmed to the idea; after the swim she offered to give us a simultaneous hand job on the beach but there was simply no way we could have gotten away with it. If I were him, and trusted you implicitly, I’d like to see you give one of the guys a hand job – but I’d have to be watching of course. Maybe you could get him really worked up whilst naked and then give him a ribbing about his erection. Then feeling sorry for him, you could ask your BF if he’d be OK with you ‘helping him out’ with it. It’d certainly make the other guys really jealous and they’d probably hang out around you guys for weeks hoping to receive the same ‘assistance’ from you! That’d be really hot and really funny to see how the other guys tried to manoeuvre the situation!

  16. You’re right, inexperience and not thinking could lead to wrong doings. And, no consent would be a no-no. Setting boundaries is the golden rule

  17. These other 3 are all going to expect a gang bang at some point… It’s a bit of a double standard isn’t it? If you were a guy that was jerking off so your gf’s roommates would see you, you’d probably be kicked out

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