Nude Housecleaning Service

Hey Y’all

I’m a Military wife so of course broke and always looking for ways to make money. So I’ve been dabbling with the housekeeping business. It seems a couple of college guys who live over at The Grove near UNC-A were interested in having me come clean their apartment after talking about the idea on my Tumblr. I’ll admit I was very hesitant but they offered to pay me $100 to come over and clean for a couple hours. I can certainly use the money so I figured why not.

I got there and their place was surprising clean. They were a really cute couple of guys. I’d say a bit geeky but I only say that because that’s how they described them selves. The apartment was full of computers, a PS3, Wii and XBox. I kidded them that their power bill must be outrageous.

They told me they just needed the bathrooms and kitchen cleaned. They were a bit nervous too and said if I wanted to stay clothed they would understand. I had a couple glasses of wine before coming over so I was game to get naked and told them if I was going to make a go of this nude house cleaning I better stay committed. So off went the clothes. It was a bit of a turn on getting undressed in front of them and I’ll admit my pussy was a bit wet and my nipples very erect. They had some big smiles on their faces and I was pleased with the attention.

I got started in the kitchen and they sat in the living room watching TV but also watching me. They asked me if I wanted some wine as they knew from my Blog that I loved it. I couldn’t pass up a glass and besides who could complain about drinking at work LOL. So after the first glass, now three total from the two before getting there, I was feeling pretty darn good hehe. They were drinking beer. I didn’t ask them their ages because I didn’t want to know how they got the wine and beer. I just assumed they were over 21.

They were then sitting at the kitchen counter bar talking to me as I cleaned the sink and counters. We talked about my Blog and they were asking if I was really such a slut. It was funny to hear that but I admitted that I liked to have fun. I could tell they were starting to get excited and so was I honestly. Having two cute geeks looking at me naked and starting to talk about naughty things was making me really horny. One of them even asked me if doing this was exciting and I admitted yes. I even told them how horny I was getting from it. They must have had a bit to drink to because one of them said if I was horny I should come over and suck his cock. Yikes LOL. I suppose I should have expected the offer but it was still shocking to hear.

They offered to pay me more for some fun but I told them I didn’t want any business like that. I wouldn’t look good in jail LOL. I came around the counter to find they both had their cocks out though. OMG. One was not very big but the other on the heavier guy was really thick and long looking. Wow I said. The bigger guy said if I’d like to I could suck on them a bit. I’ll be honest that I’ve never turned down an offer to suck a cock I staring at and I figured now was no time to say no. So down I went leaning over and taking that nice thick cock of the big guy in my mouth. I also reached out and started stroking the cock of the other guy. I heard a lot of ‘oh fuck yes’ from both of them. I soon felt my nipples being pulled and ass being felt up. This was getting hot and I was enjoying it. Fun work LOL. By now I was going back and forth sucking on both of them and really having a wild time. They were complementing my cock sucking skills as well as how much they loved my big swollen nipples.

We moved to the couch and I sucked on one nice cock while the other guy was behind me doing a very nice job licking my soaking pussy. He said he couldn’t believe how nice and big my pussy lips were and loved how smooth I was. It felt like a porno there was so much dirty talk and sexual pleasure going on. Before I knew it I felt the guy behind me sinking his cock inside of me without even asking but I wasn’t about to stop him. He just went right at it and I loved it. It felt so good to be fucked like that and his cock felt perfect and it pumped me so well. I’m glad the smaller guy went first as by the time he slid out his friend said he wanted some pussy and they traded places. OMG that big cock going into to me pushed me over the edge and I came so hard while sucking on the cock of his friend that was covered with my pussy juice. It was wild and he knew what to do back there. He was slapping my ass and fucking me silly. I was sucking his friend for all it was worth and soon I could see he was ready to cum. I stroked it hard and felt the first burst of cum explode from his cock and straight into my mouth. What fun. His friend had pulled out and come around stroking his cock. The sight of me being cum on must have pushed him over the edge as he exploded all over my face and mouth as well. I then had both of their cocks in my hands and was milking the cum out of them and licking them clean. They kidded me that at least I was good at cleaning up their cocks.

I colaspped on the couch with them and one of them brought me my glass of wine, how nice. I was still covered in their cum and could taste the nice mix of cum and wine on every sip LOL. Nice cocktail hehe.

I looked at the time and realized I needed to get going as the sex had taken away all my time. I asked them if they want me to come back and clean later and they said no but they would love to fuck me again later. I told them I might like that and need to call them again sometime. I refused any payment since it was just some adults having fun. But I need to figure out how to make some money still hehe.

Whoops customers are here to rent storage units so I gotta run.

If you have legal ideas, let me know.

Kisses, Jen



  1. damn i think this is the hottest story on this sub in a loooooong time

  2. Because the story is fake. Check the tumblr and see if they are remotely believable

  3. Years ago I used to get my apartment cleaned by a very timid, petite Asian girl, probably in her mid 20’s. I’m not usually attracted to Asian women but she was particularly cute and had a very nice rack as well. I was paying her pittance for a few hours work and I was always very, very tempted to ask her if she was interested in making some extra money. Something along the lines of her being topless or – worst case – simply allowing me to walk around naked while she cleaned. I very nearly did ask a few times but in the end, always chickened out. Guess I’ll never know now…

  4. thx. it was a lot of fun to remember as i wrote about it. they want me to come back lol. kisses jen

  5. please don’t use "LOL" so much in future stories. otherwise it is a lovely story.

  6. Good tip. I am a fun loving person though and do find myself laughing out loud all the time :)

  7. Video 10 seconds of the sex and call it a filmed porno. It should be legal if get your customers to sign off on it being billed accordingly. I’m from Greenville SC and a big fan :)

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