(M)y first sexual experience, as a late bloomer, going down on my (F)riend.

I suppose I was a little of a “late bloomer,” but that is how things had worked out. I was 29, and a virgin with zero sexual experience of any kind. So that is how the table was set when I found myself in an amazing woman’s room on this particular night. She was a year younger and we had met a few months before, though we only socialized in larger groups. Things seemed to be clicking a little differently however, on this particular night.

It was late and I was at her place. I had been expecting to go home and I was a little surprised when she suggested that I should stay for the night. She returned shortly from changing into a t-shirt and a pair of sweats and climbed into her bed. She said that I could join her or sleep on another bed in the room. I removed my clothes leaving my boxers on. Blood was coursing through my ears. I could barely hear myself thinking. I actually asked if she minded that I only had boxers as I had no nightclothes or shorts. I climbed into the right side of the bed and lay there with this beautiful woman to my side. We talked for a few minutes and she rolled over with her back to me. She was so warm. Her hair was just a few inches from my nose. The entire situation was intoxicating. She reached over with a hand, took my arm, and draped it over her waist. I was simply mesmerized. The heat from her body and the pheromones that tingled my nose were almost giving me a headache.

At that point my focus cleared up a little and I used my hand that was now over her waist to pull her in closer to myself. We were now spooning. Her hips in my waist and my neck on her shoulders. I really cannot describe the feeling, it was just so complete. Her hand stroked my fingers and lightly ran down the tops of my hand. As my breathing grew deeper, I noticed that it was matching hers.

I rubbed my hand on the top of her t-shirt at her stomach. I could feel her chest rise and her stomach flutter as I rubbed little circles above her tight abdomen. I leaned in even closer and kissed her neck. I actually felt her body shake and her breath quicken. Her hand grew a little tighter on mine. I kissed her neck again and continued to lightly rub her abdomen above her t-shirt.

I brought my hand away now and moved her hair off her neck. As I did so, I raised up on my elbow so that I could see better and kiss her neck. I noticed at that point that her eyes were closed and that there were two very noticeable points above her breasts. I leaned over and kissed her very gently along her jaw line. Her mouth opened ever so slightly and I placed kisses along her jaw line and the sides of her beautiful neck. I placed my hand back on her stomach though this time right at its hem and I felt the warmth and softness of her flesh for the first time. Again, the pace of our breathing picked up in unison.

I continued to kiss her neck and the area at the top of her back just at the top of her t-shirt. Her mouth was slightly open still and her eyes were lightly closed. My hand on her stomach edged up to her belly button and drew little circles around it. She backed into me taking up the little space that may have been between us. The sheets were now below our waists though our mutual body warmth was fending off the chill. I was entranced with the feel of her stomach and I continued to explore there. That was the first time I realized how magic the touch of human flesh was.

I inched my hand up exploring her every inch until I felt the bottom of her breast. I slowly inched my hand under her t-shirt until I could place my hand at the top of her breast and gently cup it from below. It was simply amazing. As I lightly lifted one breast, her chest would rise. I lightly touched one nipple and she gasped. I was a little shocked, but I was fascinated. I drew small circles around her right breast just on the outside of her areola. As I would make the circle tighter and closer to her nipple, her breathing would grow faster and shallower. I touched her nipple again and she gasped louder straitening her body out and creating a bit of space between us. She turned and looked at me in the eyes, hers were deep blue and they glinted at that time. She removed her t-shirt. I was floored. I now had unfettered access to both of her beautiful breasts and her amazing nipples. Her nipples were very large and erect and very sensitive. She lay back down on her back as I lay along side of her and cupped here breasts gently one after the other. I would start tracing my circles around one breast and then after getting to the nipple, I would switch to the other. While playing with her left breast I drew her close and gently kissed her right breast. She gasped again. At this point, I started kissing circles around and gently licking here beautiful breasts. I just could not get enough. What can I say? I was loving foreplay.

After quite a bit of kissing and rubbing I leaned over to put one delicate nipple in my mouth expecting to caress it between my lips. Just as my mouth closed over it she thrust her chest into my mouth. I sucked her nipple gently and she gasped again moaning each time I increased pressure or changed how I sucked on her nipple. As I drew my mouth away, I noticed her wet nipple was over an inch long. I leaned back over to take it in my mouth again.

After some time while kissing and licking her breasts, I brought my hand back on her stomach and started playing with her belly button again. This time I inched my hand lower down her now writhing body as I suckled her breasts and kissed the small of her beautiful neck. I reached the hem of her sweats and maneuvered a finger underneath. She was much warmer below her sweats and I felt the top of her pubic area. She kissed me and sat up.

I was a little startled as she sat up and then she said “you first.” I looked into her eyes and looked down at my boxers. There was a huge wet spot all along the front of my boxers where a tremendous amount of pre-cum had soaked. I put my hand on my waist now and remove my boxers acutely aware that this was the first time I had ever been naked in front of a woman. I felt great. I felt as though my penis was an entirely separate entity. I wanted to taste her so bad. I was more than a little worried she would touch my penis and I would cum on the spot.

She laid back down now and placed her hands on the hem of her sweats. As she lifted her hips to slide the materiel down I helped pull the fabric. It was a stunning experience. As the materiel slid down her hips and exposed her, the pheromones that have thus far been trapped behind the heavy cotton now wafted free. My heart skipped and my breathing raced. She was beautiful. I wanted so bad to taste her at that moment. I had dreamed about this for so long.

I leaned over and kissed her belly again. The smell was now intoxicating. As I kissed her belly, I could feel the wispy hairs of her pubic region tickle my neck. She reached her hands between her legs and I gently moved them back and away. She put a few fingers in her mouth and the other hand on her breasts. I wanted to do this slowly. I kissed around her belly and slowly down to the line of her pubic hair. Then I traced my way around with light kisses to her inner thigh. While kissing her inner thigh my nose was tantalizingly close to her bush and I was drowning in an olfactory overload. It was like nothing I had imagined. So earthy and so real. Quite simply the most amazing sensory experience I had ever felt. The heat, the must and the moistness just combined for an animal attraction. I wanted to taste her so bad. However, I continued to kiss her inner thighs and watch her stomach quiver. Every few minutes she would reach her hand down from her mouth, reach between her legs, and touch herself. I just gently moved it away.

Finally, as I was kissing down her inner thigh closer and closer, she shifted her hips and thrust herself right into me. There I was presented with what must simply be man’s greatest delight. I leaned in and inhaled deeply. It was amazing. I cannot believe the amazing fragrance of an excited woman. With my nose buried and enjoying every inhalation, she continued to thrust on my nose. I backed up and gently opened her beautiful lips with my fingers. Finally the moment. I leaned in and licked up the length of her outer labia careful not to touch her clitoris. Her entire body shook as she gasped. I continued to lick alternating every few strokes from the left side to the right side. She was literally dripping as I continued to lick. Her hands grasping my head and pulling me closer. Her tangy juices were running out the side of my mouth and down my chin. She tasted so good. I simply could not get enough. With her hips gyrating, I continued to lick. Finally, after completing a lick from the bottom to the top I gently kissed her clitoris. Her head turned to the right and her mouth opened completely. I light flicked my tongue over it again and her head turned further into the pillow. Her breathing was growing more rapid and she had let go of my head. Her hands were now just a few inches from my face. I licked her clitoris again and her hips bucked. I had no idea what to do but I figured I would continue until I was punched. So I continued to lick now from the bottom of her wet pussy to her hard little clitoris. Her breathing now grew at a frantic pace, her hips pulling me in with every stroke of my tongue. It occurred to me then that it was almost as if her lips had a pulse. Every time I inserted my tongue, her lips seemed to draw tighter around it. Finally, as I reached her clitoris again her thighs drew tightly around me so I could not move. I just concentrated on her clitoris as she stopped breathing. Her hips bucked, her back arched, her clitoris grew larger and I could feel the moisture between her legs. She continued to writhe and gasp again. Now she was alternating pulling my head into her and trying to push me away. I licked and licked trying to get every drop of her precious fluid. I could feel my entire face glazed in her cum. Her hair still tickling my nose. I licked again inserting my tongue deeper and flicking her clitoris one more time. She arched again and pushed my head away. I watched her body twitch for several minutes with her hands firmly on my head keeping me just inches from her waist. She was flush and out of breath. She pulled me up and kissed me. I could feel the heat between our bodies and I could taste the sweat on her neck when I kissed her. She pulled me to her and held me. I kissed her again gently on the lips and then on the small tears that were tracing their way down her cheeks. She held me in her arms for several minutes as her breathing slowed down again, her head buried in my chest, her fingers digging into my back. Her body would continue to twitch every few seconds. I could feel her wet mound rub against my leg.

After several minutes of gathering ourselves she pushed me off. She rolled on top of me and gave me another first. The first time I would ever receive oral sex.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/310ppy/my_first_sexual_experience_as_a_late_bloomer


  1. Wow, this is an amazing story. One of the best I’ve read on this sub. Please post the rest of the story!

  2. I actually believe this story, first time I said that in a long time on this sub. Goodstuf.

  3. Good story. You certainly don’t sound like you had zero experience!

  4. No. She did not know. I told her that following day. Her response was "Oh my God Paul, there is more that we can do." Those are other stories.

  5. I had played this in my mind thousands of times. This part, I had control of, receiving on the other hand…

  6. lol, well yes, she is lucky to have experienced a great orgasm. :) I’m just cumming at it from the guys point of view, and it being his first time! So yes, they both are VERY lucky! ;)

  7. I can only image her reaction xD probably a 50/50 of "aww that’s so sweet" and "I’m gonna break you". hope. she becomes more then just a friend or a fwb.

  8. We’ll see. This was fun writing. The rest of this particular episode was much shorter. I’ll jot it down later. This event just shaped me for life. I’ll forever be a cunnilingus fan. When I imagine sex, I imagine going down.

  9. We became GF/BF (lovers) after this for quite a while. She introduced me to many firsts. I still have fond memories and appreciate what she taught me about love and sex. I even had a subsequent GF or two tell me they appreciated her efforts. Anyways, we still keep in touch. Unlike a lot of the other stories here, as this is true, after we broke up, there was no FWB arrangement. Just email keeping in touch.

  10. As someone who is 22 with zero sexual experience I want to experience something like this so bad. It’s honestly the part of sex I dream about the most just going down on a girl and pleasuring her.

  11. Yup me too I am a 21 year old virgin and I can’t wait to pleasure a girl

  12. dying to hear the sequel! blowing an inexperienced guy is one of my turn-ons!

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