Sex In CyberSpace


If your interested in hearing a steamy sex story, don't waste your time reading on. If you want to hear one of the most awkward sex stories if you can even call it that, then read on.

It was lunch time on a work day and where I worked was very flexible with breaks, as long my work got done I could disappear for as long as I want. After eating lunch one day I had around 1 hours work left to do for the day so I decided to go shopping for a suit I needed for an upcoming wedding, I hate wearing suit thus hate buying suits but I thought I'll get it out of the way.

Working in a large city meant there were a lot of suit stores, I walking into the first store I found, it was both a casual and formal wear shop and I knew they stock a couple suits in the back. The shop was empty besides the sales rep at the time who was a very attractive brunette, she was one of those fit petite looking ladies who had the curves and was tight. Some might have called her a pocket rocket by just looking at her.

Even though she was hot I was hoping to avoid her as I hate the forced up sell you will generally get when buying clothes, but as expected as soon as I stepped in I was asked what I was shopping for. I told her I was looking for a suit and to my surprise she told me that I wouldn't find a nice suit in this shop I found this to be a nice quality and it definitely got me interested in her, not that I didn't find her attractive before but seeing her point me in the right direction for my benefit and away from her own was a indication of a cool person.

I stuck around and was pretending as if I was going to buy some shoes, while looking around I had started some chit chat, it started off with the suit and she was giving me suggestions on where to shop and who had what brands and what will look good… ect. We then found a couple shared interested and spoke for while longer. It reached a point where I had to get back or I wasn't going to get my work finished in time for my afternoon coffee, which I always aim to do, so I told her I really enjoyed chatting and will love to continue it soon and asked If I could have her number. She said that's sweet, I'll like to talk to you more and then gave me her (forgot what the site is called, but it's one of those 3D virtual Sims type dating worlds) at the time I had never heard of it and as you can see I have forgotten the name of it.

I asked her why that :/ she said I find it better to know someone slowly over the internet then talking with them over the phone and getting the impression they are just trying rush things. I found it weird hey she was hot, I got home and like a nervous kid I went to the website and installed the software. I joined the game and I had NFI what I was doing, all I knew was there was an add friend button so I added her name, she was showing as online. So I sent her a message and she magically appeared next to me wearing all this fancy looking shit, she had one of those dead lion rugs around her while I was in what looked to be a jail jumpsuit minus the numbers. She told me to follow her and she started to show me around and introduce me to the game.

The game was of no interest to me but seeing her naked was, so I played along with it. Over time she was coming off very weird, like she had bought into the culture of this virtual world. She would disappear and then reappear with a new outfit and would ask for my thoughts, like a good little puppy I played along.

This went on for a couple days and the discussion stayed game related, she was very obsessed and she kept bringing up that she is know to have the most decked out Virtual home in the game, I said cool how do I see it and then she said I can't I promised my fiancee that I won't bring guys home anymore, (into the virual world) I was bummed she had a fiancee… it would have been nice if she had told me earlier, like when I asked for her number. I was bummed but I didn't see a point in showing it, I asked about her fiancee and she said they had met in game and they he had proposed to her in game, like he clicked a couple buttons and bought a fucking ring and then controlled his avatar to get on 1 knee and thought up a thought bubbles that asked if she will marry him. She she he lived in Vegas and she was going to save up and then move there. For all she knew he could have a homeless person on the street who had access to a laptop and had discovered you can claim Brad Pitt's image as your own and some chick somewhere will fall for it.

From there I was slower responding to her messages, and was about to remove the game until she realized she had somewhat lead me on and then messaged me and said I'll show you room. I told her it's ok, I'll just walk around this game in my jump suit and see wtf is going on. She then started spamming me with invites, I just ignored them as it was starting to feel like a power trip on her part. She then came clean and told me she had just purchased some new sexually positions and that her fiance wasn't around to test them out and that she really wanted to see them and get off to them……. umm Ok, Whattt D Fuck???????? It pretty close to what I typed her, I was over it and told her I could show her dick picks for exchange for some pics if she really wanted to get off. She then promised to send me something if I will accept her invite.

So I accepted her invite and I have to say her house was pretty pimped out, she had a pool that I jumped into in my jumpsuit. My jumpsuit was pretty futuristic as it seemed to hold all the water as I jumped out. Anywayzzz so she tells me to wait in the living room and she's going to change (Things you go through for nudes) I say there on the couch and then some Boys II Men starts playing and she comes out in a red bikini (I guess that was the sexiest outfit the game had) She activated the hold hand motion and took me to her room, I was eating a pizza which all this was happening.

She then told me to stand near the bed and started to put me in different positions until it ended up with an animation of her riding me and the chat bubble on the top of her head showing what she was typing which was…. OMG, WOW, I LoVEEE This Animation, Are You Enjoying This???….I'll show you doggie,, MMMNN……. OMG… TOM?

Who's Tom? Then I see dude in a dude in a bunny suit with a party hat walk in with a bubbles on the top of his head saying "How Could You" lol her fiance had just walked in. Only in this day and age do you have to worry about walking into a virtual world where a dude in a prison jump suit is banging his girl from behind.

I don't think she was able to stop the animation, so as she was getting virtually fucked she had a thought bubble on the top of her head saying "this isn't what it looks like" – OMG Tom, I'm so sorry. I then got kicked out of the room, she sent a nude pic over chat and then removed me from her list.



  1. I stayed to the end.. you’re right pretty f’ing wierd. How about posting the pic for us.

  2. I usually don’t read these stories unless I’m really bored and this wall of text really put me off, but holyyyy shit that was funny! And I think I know exactly the game you’re talking about too. I never played it but I heard a lot about it and how it was filled with pretty much nothing but virtual sexing. Also she sent you something at the end anyway, so she probably likes you. Hit her up outside the game!

  3. Sorry no :( I think possibly ruining her marriage is enough harm done.

  4. As mentioned above, sorry mate… heaps of nice naked ladies on the internet though :)

  5. haha duude. thats fucked. but can we see the pic of this girl?? just to put a face to this kinky girl lol. pm it even. i wont share it. pinky swears bro

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