First time anal play [f]

The door closed and he pulled me in closer. He smells incredible -the scent is soft, like a bar of milk-white soap, but with the undertone of his musk. I inhale and crave him. His fingers run up through my dark hair near the nape of my neck. I grasp his shirt. All I want is him. I can't help that my hands run down to his belt. I notice my breath becomes deeper as his lips graze mine. His hands travel down my back and to my plumb firm butt, (I pride myself on my squats), and he simultaneously squeezes and pulls me into his hips.

Both of us are in jeans, and his pants are haphazardly undone -belt, button and zipper. Shirts have been done away with by now. My eyes are drawn to the contours of his arms and shoulders. Before you know it, we're in bed. I'm sitting on top of him in my lacy bra I lean over and kiss him. His stubble from the day is rough on my skin, but I find it oddly invigorating. I tease his earlobe in my mouth. Between my lips and licks I'm sure he can hear my satisfactory exhale. He grabs onto my thighs in affirmation. Kissing becomes intense and I feel my face start to flush. My panties are beyond wet.

I sit up to catch my breath as I catch him checking out my breasts. He plays with my taught nipples peaking through the black lace of my bra. Circling his fingers across the fabric, he then pulls it down. He leans in and puts his mouth over my hard nipple while he has a hand cupping the other breast. I'm wet, and wanting more. He's hard beneath me and I can hardly stand it any longer. I want him in my mouth.

Imagining what he tastes like, what he feels like sliding into my mouth, I grab his cock beneath me. I scoot down to get situated. I'm still imagining. I love to lick the precum from his tip. I love taking him in to the back of my throat and watching him enjoy it. I wonder if he'll pull my hair again to guide me and take him in deeper. It turns me on just knowing he's getting turned on. Right before he cums I can feel his swollen cook throb. When I'm about to perform this blow job I've been imagining, something unexpected happens.

He grabs onto me and throws me onto the mattress so I'm not on top anymore. He takes off my pants. His eyes widen at the sight of my soaked panties. The hungry gaze comes over him and I hope this is where he is going to fuck me, pound, rail, do his worst. Instead he flips me over. Sliding my panties off, he then spread my legs apart. He licks me. The warmth of his tongue slides and moves. I feel my clit is swollen, my pussy is wet, and that tongue… I release a moan, I can't contain myself anymore as he licks me from behind.

As I'm laying on my stomach I clench a pillow in exquisite pleasure. He stops. This is where I'm going to be fucked and spanked so hard as to have pink handprints on these cheeks! But no….

He starts to lick again…but this time he spreads my ass cheeks and continues up. My jaw drops and I let out a squeal of surprise. His tongue moves over my backdoor. I've never done anal, and I wonder if I'm ready. Then I feel his tongue push into me. Mmmmmm. His mouth is warm and wet. Then I feel his finger wander and play around the outside of my tight virgin asshole.

Slowly, he begins to slide his finger in. It's a foreign feeling, but I'm excited. He slides it in and out slowly, and then I feel what I'm imagining him doing as the gesture of calling someone closer with his finger. Stroking, I am tight around his finger. All of a sudden a get a deep warmth that begins to come over me. I'm going to cum.

My whole body starts to flex and tighten. He shoves his cock in me. I moan even louder. I don't give a fuck who hears. With every forceful thrust I hear that slap, skin on skin. Being fucked and finger fucked simultaneously is putting me over the edge. My body is shaking. The stimulation is sensational, I'm climbing to climax when he's pounding my pussy. His finger is still wriggling and teaching me what pleasure is. I let out a cry as I explode and cum in a state of pure physical pleasure and ecstasy.

He ends up making me cum two more times. After he finishes, I'm soaked -my cum, his cum- my sweat, his sweat. We're both breathing heavy to catch our breath. My face is flushed, and his hair is wet around his face. We heave and sigh, and both let out a laugh of 'holy fuck.'


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