Had One Last Single Run… The Hairdresser Pt.3 [MFF]

So about two years ago I ended a 5 year relationship and had a 4 month period on Christian Mingle that to my surprise ended up as one of the best runs of my life. Since that single run has now ended figured I would share the highlights for your consideration. Here is the last (and in my opinion my favorite) from #5. First Conquest: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2x0mv8/had_one_last_single_run_the_24_year_old_milf_mf/ 2nd Conquest http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2x49vk/had_one_last_single_run_the_exs_former_best/ 3rd Conquest: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2x8h5b/had_one_last_single_run_the_40_year_old_blowjob_mf/ 4th Conquest: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2xcvn1/had_one_last_single_run_volleyball_girl_mf/ 5th Conquest (Hairdresser Pt. 1) http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2xxjuc/had_one_last_single_run_the_hairdresser_mf/ (Pt. 2) http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2yg2eb/had_one_last_single_run_the_hairdresser_pt_2/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

So for the 5 second run down Deena was a Hairdresser and Owner of her own salon who was a slow burn that turned into a little nympho. We hooked up numerous times and she broadened my sexual horizons beyond what they already were. She loved telling the other girls at her salon about her sexcapades. I later found out she had even hooked up with some of the girls at her salon. When we left off she had introduced me to Lynzee who she had a crush on and I convinced her to masturbate thinking about. They were attending a wedding together while I was out of town.

Deena sent me a text before I even woke up that Saturday. I was enjoying the comfort of my hotel room and by the time I checked my phone I already had three texts. The last of which was her telling me she had to do the hair of the wedding party and she probably would not be available. That was fine by me as I was going to the Horse Races and meeting some old college friends. I still responded telling her I was about to jump in the shower and to have fun. To my surprise she responded right away asking me to send a pic when I got dressed in my suit. I obliged her request and she asked to see the same picture with my cock hanging out. Once again I obliged and she sent a "Mmmmmm :)" followed by a text saying she would be thinking of me all day and for me not to get in trouble.

As my buddies and I reminisced on the old days while drinking Bourbon the subject of who i was seeing was the hot topic. My buddies were all marred and enjoyed living through my recent conquests. Between recapping stories and the alcohol, I sent Deena a text but she never responded.

It was probably 7:30 that evening when I returned to my room and I finally got a text back. Deena apologized, said her battery was low, and asked how my day went. We swapped texts back and forth before she called me. She said the wedding had just ended and she was driving to the reception. I could hear the car full of other girls and one yelled "Have him send another picture!". I checked and laughed, "What did she say?"

Deena then told me she showed the pictures I sent that morning and "the girls Give you an A+ for your outfit and your penis". I asked if they had been drinking and she said they had not really started yet, but that's just how they always are. I asked how Lynzee was as her date and she responded clearly loudly enough that Lynzee could hear that she was, "Hot as fuck! I saw her naked. I am so totally going to make out with her." I could hear Lynzee responding but couldn't understand what she said and all the girls started yelling "Ooooooooooohhhh". I asked Deena what she said and Deena said "She said she'd hit that!". I asked if she meant her or me.. Deena then asked and Lynzee responded "You (Deena)..but he can help." I then heard the scuttle as they exited her SUV and she told me she was going in and she would text me later.

I waited for a text and never received one until nearly 11:00.

"I want to fuck you. I am so drunk and horny"

I told her I wish I could be there to fuck her in the parking lot and fill her pussy with my cum before making her walk in as it dripped down. She responded with another "mmmm" and then sent a text saying her phone was about to die and she'd talk to me once she got to her hotel room. I never got that call, just a message at 8:30 the next morning saying she had a story for me.

I spoke to her as I began driving home and she described that she ended up "kind of" hooking up with Lynzee. Their hotel room was actually a Suite and 3 of the 4 other girls staying with them did not come back. Two of which had their husbands meet them for the reception, the other went home with a guy she met. The only other girl had gotten sick so they gave her the bed and she passed out. Deena and Lynzee decided to sleep on the pull out couch. She said they were both drunk and laughing as they lay there and she started kissing her. She would up taking Lynzee's top off and kissing her breasts and they both rubbed each other's vaginas over the fabric of their clothes. Deena said she was about to go down on her until they saw the light in the bedroom as the other girl had gotten up to either use the bathroom or puke. They stopped then and just spooned for the most part aside from the occasional kiss.

I asked if it was awkward and she said it was not and that she actually was going to meet Lynzee for lunch. She asked when I was getting home and I told her it would probably be that evening. She hung up so she could shower.

I don't know what I did to make the Sex Gods happy, but somewhere on my 6 hour drive the stars aligned for me. I would later find out that instead of lunch the girls went for a jog/walk together and then to get Italian Ice. During that time they would have a heat to heart which somehow concluded in Lynzee expressing how sexually frustrated she had been since becoming single, how she envied Deena's sex stories with me, how she had never hooked up with a girl but thought it was hot, and how she had not stopped thinking about it but wasn't sure she could go through with it fully. Then that wonderful creature Deena suggested "What if it wasn't just with me or a girl"?

Keep in mind I was oblivious to this talk. When I came home I was almost immediately on the phone with Deena calling to say she was about to come over. Thinking it would be our normal fuck session if she had something special to wear. She told me we didn't have time, we needed to go pick-up dinner and alcohol and that she had a surprise coming for me.

Until the doorbell rang she didn't tell me what her surprise was. In walked Lynzee wearing a cute yellow skirt and all made up. Deena hugged her and ushered her to the kitchen where she said she had a margarita waiting for her. As Deena passed she simply smiled and winked then flipped her tongue as if to say "Oh yeah this is about to happen".

We had dinner and I will be honest and say I was a bit nervous and shy. We talked but the topic was never about sex..mainly them talking about the wedding and gossiping about their friend who never came home. Deena sensing me on my heels ordered me to pour some straight tequilla shots. We each took a round and then she told me to do it again. We resumed conversation and Lynzee complimented how nice my "bachelor pad" was and Deena interjected demanding I give a tour and that she had to see my bedroom. Then she paused and told me instead to make another margarita and she would show her around. By the time I came upstairs they were in my baster bath giggling and whispering.

L: … it would be nice. D: I'll have him start it and we'll just enjoy our drink L: Just you and me? D: Yeah.. he won't mind

Then Deena yelled for me thinking I was still down stairs I walked in and she asked if I could run a bubble bath for them in the jacuzzi tub and how she needed to work the jets. I started the water and showed her and she asked if I would go bring the wine up and cut a piece of cheesecake that we had bought for desert.

When I came up stairs the tub was still filling. Deena stood in the tub naked adjusting the water to make it a little less hot. The door to my closet was shut as Lynzee was undressing. Deena quickly whispered in her absence, "Just wait in the bedroom". I asked if she needed anything else and pulled her near to kiss her. At that time Lynzee emerged wrapped in a towel tightly.

"That's kind of hot!"

I just smiled, then she saw the cheesecake. "Oh fuck yeah! Best night ever!"

I asked Lynzee if she needed anything and then left the bathroom, shutting the french doors behind. I laid on the bed and turned on the TV trying to think what might happen. I turned the volume low so I could listen to the sounds of the bathroom.

I could hear the sounds of feet stepping in, water sloshing, and the thud of someone sitting. The girls were laughing and soon the jets turned on drowning out most any voice I could hear. aside form the occasional laugh or loud voice. Anytime someone moved I could hear the sound against the tub.. Deena then yelled my name. I tapped on the doors and she invited me to come in. They were under a mountain of bubbles with Lynzee sitting to her side. Deena handed me the empty wine glasses and asked for a refill. When I locked eyes she winked and gave a very brief and subtle "yes" head shake.

In the time it took for me to get back up the stairs Deena had made a move. I had not shut the doors and as I stepped into the bedroom could hear the splash of water and the hesitated breathe of one of the girls. As I stepped in Lynzee's head was angled back as Deena kissed her neck, the movement of Deena's shoulder gave hints of her hand working beneath the water. Sensing me before them Lynzee quickly jerked to and gently nudged Deena. She sheepishly grinned and looked at me beginning to blush.

"That will do for now butler", Deena said taking the glasses and pointing to the bedroom. I just laughed and bowed. I only shut one door as I went to the bed. Nearly the second I disappeared form view I could hear the tub slosh violently from one of them resuming their session. I waited maybe 30 seconds before I purposely walked past the door as if going down the stairs and turned to peek in. Deena was kissing her breasts picking right up where she had left off. I did not go down stairs but instead paused at the landing for a minute before walking back to the bed…once again sneaking a peak. Lynzee was sitting on Deena's lap facing her. Dewna was clearly rubbing her pussy with one hand while holding her with the other. Lynzee's head tilted back in pleasure, her back arching back slightly.

I didn't now what I needed to do. I remembered the "almost threesome" I had with my ex's best friend in the shower at the beach. The jets were turned off and I could hear the tub draining, I decided to introduce myself to the situation. I walked in and went directly for the towels. Deena ran water and cupped it in her hands and let it wash the bubbles down Lynzee's body. I saw her almost flawless tan skin and tight little brown ass. She did not try to cover up before me.

I stood with the towel opened and Lynzee climbed out and into it. I wrapped it around her. I did the same for Deena and stood tall above the two and we had a group hug as they warmed up. The Deena said "Let's get under the covers." and grabbed Lynzee's hand and mine and tugged us to the bed. Deena dropped her towell and pulled the comforter back.. "Everyone get naked. Body heat!". Lynzee removed hers and crawled up alongside. Deena pulled her in close and into a spoon with Lynzee the closest to me. I removed my shirt and my shorts, I was rock hard. I looked only at Lynzee and watched her eyes move to my penis. I entered the bed and pulled the cover back over everyone. I put one arm around them both and grabbed Deena's ass, the other hand I put on Lynzee's shoulder. I positioned my knee between Lynzee's legs and as I pulled both of them closer I pushed it up until the warmth of her pussy could be felt.

Deena almost instantly began kissing her. Soon her hand began grazing across her friend's bare chest and down her flat stomach. I could feel Lynzee's heart rate increasing and her breathing grew quicker. I felt Deena's hand by my knee and she nudged my leg in an attempt to slip her hand onto the warm crotch. I removed my hand from Deena and started rubbing Lynzee's tone legs. As it escalated Deena began plunging her fingers into Lynzee while kissing her. I was massaging one breasts while teasing her right nipple with my mouth.

We continued..I interchanged turns with Deena kissing her. Whoever did not kiss her lips worked her breasts, neck, or stomach. Lynzee moved flat on her back and opened her legs inviting whoever wanted her. She fished for my cock with her left hand and groped for Deena's tit with the other.

Deena took the lead and positioned herself to go down on her first. The second her tongue hit her lips she immediately began stroking my cock in approval. I made sure the covers were pulled back and I watched Deena go to work with a softness and patience I did not expect.

What I will say was one of the most unexpected aspects of our threesome was how few words were spoke. With Deena one on one there was a lot of verbal cues and dirty talk, I am not sure I even spoke a word until the end. As Deena kept a steady pace Lynzee became more animated.. her kisses deeper her hands moving faster… I rose to my knees and angled before her and without hesitation she took me into her mouth. She never opened her eyes once but each time my cock was lifted from her mouth she forcefully would push me back into her.

Deena eventually lifted and began fingering her as she teased her clit. The sight of Deena's intense focus with her ass lifted in the air was too much for me and I had to be inside her. I stepped off the bed and walked to the front and positioned myself to sink deep into her dripping slit.

I am man enough to admit I came in no time. Seriously, it might have been ten thrusts. I filled my load inside her and just let my dick linger, massaging her shoulder and rubbing her back while purposely twitching my groin so she could feel me inside her. I hoped I could immediately recoil but I had gone flaccid and eventually slipped out. A tablespoon of my cum followed, dripping onto her own feet.

I tried to make myself valuable so I planted my fingers into Deena, covering them with my own cum. The other hand I maneuvered around to pull on her nipples. I kind of felt useless. Their bodies were in tune and I just was trying to fill an used hole. Deena though began to respond and I slowly regained my rigid state. I positioned to sink again and Deena blocked me with her hand The first words of the encounter were good ones,

"I want to see you do her."

Deena crept off her and onto her side to begin kissing again. I grabbed Lynzee's ankles and pulled her down the bed, Deena adjusted in kind. I climbed back on the bed and folded a pillow under Lynzee's back and on my knees I leaned forward to enter her.

Lynzee's pussy was incredibly tight. Easily one of the three or four tightest girls I had been with and frankly has Deena not lubed her up with her mouth I am not sure the sex would have felt good for either of us. I began working into her and I still could not reach a fully solid state. The slight give in my penis' hardness and her mixture of tightness and wetness caused me to slip a few times at first and sub-consciously I worried she would question my prowess. I withdrew and began going down on her myself while I played with my cock trying to regain composure. I am not sure what compelled me to do so, but I licked her asshole for about 30 seconds. Her reaction and lip bite brought me back to 100% and I sank into her missionary style.

Deena watched us intently. She stopped kissing her friend and said "Stand up so I can see". I did as such and gave long slow thrusts so Deena could see me slipping into her firm grip of her friend. Lynzee rubbed Deena's clit and Deena sank her fingers into her own pussy.

I was getting close to finishing again when I heard the unmistakable sounds of Deena beginning her climax. She literally lept to the end of the bed and elevated her ass and literally pulled me out of her friend and tugged me towards her. Deena had a great pussy but re-entering her after being in Lynzee was night and day. Deena put both hands back around my hips and I began pounding hard while she came. I followed right after putting my second load into her.

I was done. Looking back I wish I had one more round in me. What happened next was to me the single hottest thing I ever witnessed in person. As I withdrew from Deena her pussy was literally bubbling with my cum. Deena collapsed onto her back and seemed to be finished but Lynzee apparently took it a different way and immediately climbed on top into a 69. I watched as Lynzee then licked the cum filled pussy of my fuck buddy for maybe 30 seconds before Deena rolled off saying she was too sensitive.

I fetched a towel to clean everyone up. We all spooned for a while and outside dusk turned into dark. Deena dozed off into a nap but I couldn't sleep… too amped up on adrenaline. Sometime maybe 45 minutes later Lynzee's phone began ringing downstairs. Deena put on one of my t-shirts and I put on my shorts. Deena gathered Lynzee's clothes and brought them to her and after she emerged from the downstairs restroom she said she had better head home.

The girls hugged and quickly kissed and Deena said she would see her in the morning at work. They laughed how "that has potential to be awkward…better not tell anyone". Lynzee hugged me and I gave her a peck on the cheek (really didn't know how to properly handle that).

Deena and I retired to bed and din't speak about it. We just cuddled up and fell asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up to her hand slipping under my shorts. I didn't respond at first and tried to sleep. Soon it became clear she was intentional in her actions as I naturally enlarged and she began stroking me. I truned over and put my hand onto her vagina and it was dripping with wetness. I climbed onto her and fucked her before letting her ride me. Much like me earlier. she came faster than any time we had been together.

While we showered that next morning I poked fun at her waking me up and she told me she woke up probably 45 minutes before me and kept replaying everything in her head and even started masturbating before she decided she might as well use my cock.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/30j4tg/had_one_last_single_run_the_hairdresser_pt3_mff