A Hot, Sunny Daydream [fm] [first person] x-post to r/dirtyflashfiction

It would be totally worth the sunburn, making out on the porch swing bed in the bright sunshine with you. Kissing each other, giggling and smiling, touching and pressing our lips to every bit of each other's bare skin. Unbuttoning that plaid shirt you keep teasing me with, kissing my way down your chest as I open each button, your chest hair tickling my nose. Smoothing my hands across your belly as your shirt falls open, up and across your shoulders to slide it down your arms.

Kissing your shoulders as I squeeze your bare arms, feel your hands cup my face and draw me up to your mouth. Your kisses making me feel needy, overwhelmed, leaving me panting and wanting more.

Melting into you as your hands slide down my arms. A full-body shiver racing over me as I feel your fingers graze the soft skin at my waist, pulling my shirt up and over my head.

Blinking up at you, watching you as you take me in. My full breasts aching for your touch. The electric shock I feel when you dip your head between them, nuzzling, goes straight to my core, and I can feel the tension and need beginning to shimmer and pulse inside me. I murmur to you how much I like you. How much I've wanted this. How good you feel as you cover each breast with kisses. I shrug my straps down, let the cups go slack. When your hands cup and lift my breasts to your mouth, I arch my back, offering them to you. Wanting you to peel away the layers covering me. Wanting to be exposed, open. Naked in the warm sun with you. Wanting to give you my body as well as my words.

I bring my hands to your chest, trace your shoulders, your collar bones, your nipples, as you help me out of the bra, bring your lips to my nipples. I suck in a breath, absorb the shock traveling to my clit, sigh out your name. First one, then the other- the words you use to set me on fire when we play rougher. Kissing, sucking gently. Teasing fingers replacing your mouth as you move to the next. My hands are in your hair now. Pulling you to me, arching my chest out into you, craving this.

My need for you is growing, my pussy wet and aching. I rock my hips unconsciously, seeking you. You shift us so that I am on my back, settling yourself between my thighs. I groan at the contact, even through our clothes. Grind my hips into you. Am gratified by the hard length grinding back into me. My shimmering ball of pleasure and need pulses and grows.

I reach for your buckle, open your pants, shove them down your hips. Meet your eyes, hold your gaze as I wrap my hand around your cock. Smile at the pleasure I see washing over you. Hold your gaze as I pull my skirt up with my other hand, rub the head briefly against my bare pussy, and guide you into me. Lift my hips to urge you in, so wet and hot and tight around you. My walls flutter as they stretch to accommodate your thickness.

You pause when you're fully buried in me, and I close my eyes. Try to memorize this moment. I will replay it again and again later. This connection is so sweet, so good and right and so fucking hot I can barely stand it.

I rock my hips into yours, slow. Draw you out, rock into you again. Opening myself, wanting to feel every delicious inch of you. Wanting you as deep inside me as you can be. Your kisses scorch my mouth, my neck, my face as you set a slow pace, fucking in and out of me. I moan my encouragement, wrap my legs around you. I am already on the edge. The shimmering red ball of pleasure at my core is throbbing, pulsing with every thrust.

Your pace increasing, your face buried in my neck, I whisper to you. Tell you how much I want you. How incredible you feel. How I have waited and ached for so long for you. How much I want feel every filthy thing we have ever written each other. I'm panting now, moaning your name, needing you to know how good this feels.

Begging you not to stop. Begging you to take me this way, drive me over the edge. Please, love. Please, love. Please, love…

The hot red ball at my core throbs, swells, pulses. Flares with every thrust, pulls in tight, and explodes over me. My legs tighten around you. I lift my hips and fuck myself on you, rubbing my g spot across your head as my pussy gushes and clenches and spasms around you. Over and over, my body quivers and tightens, riding you through it. When the orgasm subsides, I am a melted puddle, and I loosen my legs, rock my hips into you, asking with my body for your cum. I need you to feel what you make me feel.

You smile triumphantly down at me, lock your eyes with mine, thrust into me hard. Your smile dissolves into a smirk as you hammer another hard thrust into me. My eyes go wide in surprised appreciation. I grin back. You lift my legs, hooking your arms under my knees, folding me over as you drive into me again and again.

I murmur my approval, moan with pleasure. I want your cum, I tell you. Please, love. Fill me up. Give me your cum. I fucking love it. I continue to whisper to you as you fuck into me. Sweet things, dirty things. I feel your balls tighten as they slap my cunt. Please, love. Please, love. Please, love. I beg you. I want it so bad.

Your growl in my ear, your slamming hard thrusts, the way your face tightens as you climax, make me feel powerful and feminine and so alive. I hold onto you as you pour yourself into me, collapse on top of me, stretch our bodies out together in the warm sun and close our eyes. Memorize this moment.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/30iw7s/a_hot_sunny_daydream_fm_first_person_xpost_to


  1. Sensational writing! Loved the imagery. And the begging at the end? You get extra points for that. :) Have you written more?

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