Cock blocked by a cop, followed by [m]y [f]irst time receiving a great blow job and some other fun stuff

When I was a junior in high school I was seeing this girl named Miranda. Miranda was a "scene kid," each week her hair was a different color, she had three piercings in on ear, and she was always either wearing the t-shirt for some band or some obscure 90s cartoon character. She had gorgeous dark blue eyes which usually popped thanks to the bizarre colors of her hair, stood about 5'7 with long legs and wide hips. She was also just always fun to be around, had a fantastic sense of humor and a way of making others around her feel comfortable.

We were making out in my car when she groped me over the fabric of my jeans. "Someone's eager," she laughed, leaning in to whisper in my ear "want some head, Gulp?" Gulp, short for "Big Gulp," was her nickname for me, because I worked part time at the 7/11 nearby. Among other reasons, I guess. I apologetically explained that I wasn't the world's biggest fan of blowjobs, I'd actually never come from one.

"That is literally the saddest thing I've ever heard," She laughed, biting my neck as she unzipped my jeans and took me out. She stroked me with her right hand as her left ran through my hair. "I just want to make you feel good." She said. She bent over the seat, taking my head in her mouth and slowly bobbing up and down on it, stroking me in rhythm with the movements of her mouth. "watch your teeth," I warned, but I didn't really need to. She was a pro. My toes curled and I let out a groan, which seemed to encourage her and she took more of me in her mouth.

She hadn't been at it for more than a minute or three when I saw the lights of the cop car behind me. I cursed, quickly pushing her off and putting myself away. I rolled down the window. "Is there a problem officer?" I asked, my voice cracking, going through the whole routine. I explained that we were just talking and I'd take her home soon. "Just talking?" He laughed. "Why's her bra on the floor."

Miranda chuckled and chimed in, "It must of fell out of my gym bag." We went back and forth for a few minutes and finally the cop said "You kids get home safe now, alright," and left. I looked back at Miranda and she said "sorry… it's getting kind of late. Maybe we can pick this up later?" I drove her home and we kissed goodnight.

The next day I got a text from her around 6pm. "Hey Gulp," it read. "Mom and dad are out. Wanna come over and play?"

I drove over almost immediately. She answered the door wearing jeans so tight I thought they might be painted on and a t-shirt that was about a size too small.

As soon as I shut the door behind me her knees hit the floor. She had my pants around my ankles before I had a chance to react, my cock flaccid in her mouth. But not for long. She made this hungry, needful sound as I sprung to arousal in her mouth. Her hand wrapped around my shaft as she slowly took more and more of me in. Occasionally she looked up to make eye contact, but mostly she kept her eyes closed, as if she was concentrating immensely on something.

"Come in and half a seat," She teased, getting off of her knees. She basically pushed me into an arm chair in the living room and then was back on me again, taking me as deep in her mouth as she could until I heard her gag. She came up for air and then did that two or three more times.

"Christ, is it weird how much I like when you gag me," She said, looking up and giggling as she stroked me. I didn't respond. couldn't respond.She began focusing on the head. licking it. lightly sucking it.Her right hand held me at the base, her left cupped my balls.

The bobbing of her head began getting faster and faster. She moved her hands off of me and slowly took more and more. I felt the orgasm building deep inside me and tried to warn her. What came out was a hoarse voice I didn't recognize. "Gon' cum,"

Her response was just to move her head up and down even faster and to pur out "mmmhhhm"

A wave exploded in her mouth and she gulped it down. She gasped and looked up at me as a second wave splashed on her shirt. "Fuck you," She laughing, "this is one of my favorite shirts."

She stood up and tossed it on the ground, walking toward the bathroom. She looked over her now bare shoulder. "I'm going to take a shower. Join me." She said.

After a few moments I regained composure. I took off the rest of my clothes and stepped into the steaming shower. "That was fucking mind blowing," I laughed.

"I know," She turned around smirking. this was the first time I'd seen her completely nude. My god, what a sight. "You're still going to be able to fuck me later, right?" She asked. The thought had honestly not occurred. I leaned in to kiss her as the water fell down on us. My tongue slipped into her mouth as I ran a finger through her straight, brown and red head. "Didn't realize you were a natural brunette," I laughed, tracing her pubic hair as my hand reached down for her. She gasped as I reached first one, then two fingers inside her, as if she hadn't been expecting me to. After a few moments of that she grabbed my cock, starting to stiffen again. "I knew you wouldn't let me down," she teased, turning off the shower. I took her into her bedroom, was not expecting it to look like it did. Pink wall paper. Stuffed animals. A fucking unicorn poster. "So punk rock," I teased. "fuck you," She laughed, pushing me onto the bed. "unicorns are punk as fuck." She straddled me, slowly lowering herself onto it. I grabbed her hips and gently thrust inside her, keeping time with her own movements. "harder." She kept demanding. I was still holding back. Finally she slapped me, hard on the face. "fuck. Me. Harder. I want you to hurt me." She said, barely a whisper. The slap unlocked something in me mentally. I grabbed her arms so tight that she would bruise the next day and pulled her off of me, pinning her on the bed. I thrust deep inside her. Her whole body tensed. Her back arched and she let out a guttural sound, part surprise, part pleasure, part pain.her nails dug deep into my back as i pounded into her. Her mouth gaped open, her eyes rolled back. She kept trying to say something but it wasn't coming out as words. She came for the first time after only a few minutes of this treatment, shrieking at pitch so high that it hurt my ears. She came twice more in that position and I pulled out. "can I finish in your mouth," I asked, stroking her hair. "Yes, sir" she said, her voice hoarse. I pulled her down to my cock and she eagerly opened her mouth. "it tastes weird from the condom," she giggled but then went right back to work.I was in her mouth for less than a minute when I erupted again, less than last time. She slurped me down greedily before collapsing on my chest.

"I think you broke my poor pussy," she finally said, laughing.she got up to get herself a drink of water, the sway of her hips and the sight of her pert little ass enough to make me want another go. "Want to spend the night," She asked. "my folks don't get back till sunday. You can have bacon and a blowjob for breakfast" "I do like bacon," I laughed. I texted my mom to tell her I was over a friends and texted my little brother good night.



  1. Shout out to all the Miranda’s. First time I too came from a Blow job was from a Miranda.

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