Black man and white woman

What's up my Gs, a friend of mine told me she sees nothing wrong with it. I'd like to see a back dude bang a white woman in person, I'm curious if I will actually throw up unprompted. I got zero sexual interest in it.

When I see a white girl with a black guy I feel mildly ill and at the same time amused, at clubs when I see them dancing, I get close and watch. It's like a lion attacking a gazelle. I keep thinking "what if your dad saw this?

A buddy of mine gets black prostitutes and degrades them, calls them slaves, cotton pickers, monkeys. I think it's hilarious

Do any of yiu guys get the same feelings on interracial couples


1 comment

  1. This does not strike me as being on-topic, since you’re asking about opinions rather than experiences, but not sure since I’ve seen other question posts come up in the past. You and your buddy seem super gross. That I’m sure about.

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