Crazy Sex Addicted Milf Concubine pt2 (BDSM and Stygmatophelia)

Last post was a little boring and I apologize, This time we got less back story and more fun.

Lucy and I had had a few hookups since the last story, when all of a sudden she sent me a text saying that she couldn't do this anymore, that she needed more than just sex. I was pretty ok with just letting her go, and stopped responding, but after a few hours, she messaged me again and knowing that she likes to be dominated, i got to work. I demanded that she send me nudes, and after some resistance she came through. I told her that I would come to her the following night and that I did not want to hear a single word from her until then.

Now I should mention that I'm a stygmatophile, meaning that I REALLY like my girls with piercings, to the point where seeing a girl getting pierced is a turn on. So during the day I decided "fuck it, I'm not seeing this chick again, I might as well do something stuipid that I have been wanting to do for years," so I went and picked up 2 12 guage hypodermic needles and barbells.

That night I drove over to her place purposely an hour later than I usually do to give her a false sense of security. When I got there, I opened the door and walked in like I owned the place. Lucy was completely surprsied and told me that she had just gotten back from hiding out at a friend's house. I grabbed the hair on the back of her head and pulled it back to kiss her. "Shut the fuck up, and take of your clothes !" I commanded. She bit her lip in arousal and complied. As soon as she was naked, twisted her arm behind her back and through her into the bathroom telling her to take a shower. As she did, I began to set everthing up, I took out the presteralized needles and set them in their closed packages on and area I cleaned alon with the jewelry that was steralizing in alcohold and a small container of medical soap. Next I went into her bedroom and found a headband that I could use as a blindfold, and placed some 550 cord at the head of the bed to tie her up with. The second she came out of the shower I pulled her aside and put the blindfold on her. I told her to remain completely still while I grabbed an alcohol pad and began to to clean her nipples. "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" she began to shisper to her self, but I snapped at her to keep quiet. Once her nipples were clane i walked her to her bed and told her not to touch her breasts, but just in case, I took the 550 cord and tied her hands together, then tied them to the bed. I left the rrom and came back with goves and a needle and barbell in my hand. I knelt down beside the bed and placed the needle on the side of her left nipple. She whimpered in antisipation. "Take a deep breath… and breath out" I told her, and as she exhaled I pushed the needle through, she screamed, but I didn't care, she looked so hot with a needle throught her now red throbbing nipple. I followed the needle throught with the jewlery and and screwed the ends on. Now for the right side, this time I want to draw it out. I tell her to breath again, but this time I push the needle through slowly and do the same with the jewelry. Once she is all done, I untie her and help her up, and tell her to take a look at her new nipples, to my surpsise she loves them.

I pull her in close to me, pressing her sore nipples against my chest as I kiss her patinatly. It's now time to reward her for taking that like a champ. How you may ask, by a night of fucking her in the ass.

A slight change of pace from my last story, again let me know what you think. Here's a picture of her nipples right after I pierced them


1 comment

  1. I should mention that I can’t remember the actual sex that happened that night, just that it brought us closer as opposed to drive us apart.

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