Tied [MF,bd,mdom]

It was happening again. I was in over my head. Literally this time- he has taken a liking to watching me struggle, and so has rigged a contraption I have never seen the likes of before. I am upside down; completely vulnerable to whichever direction his desires take him today. My arms are tied, and my eyes are blindfolded. My legs are spread of course, something he takes great pleasure in doing. Despite his outward appearance of control, I know he loves seeing me like this, stretched out, juices already dripping down my body with anticipation. You can smell it too, the sex, the desire.. The room is thick with it, and I eagerly breathe it in, knowing he is as well. I can't see what he is doing, but I can sense him watching me, enjoying the jerks my muscles make and the cute sounds that come out of my mouth when the ropes dig into my skin. I can hear him groan occasionally, especially when I arch my back trying to gain a little length in my arm restraints.

Originally I was doing it to test my binds, but since hearing him respond… now I think I’m just doing it to please him. Knowing he can't stand not touching me for much longer, I start to moan and beg him to put his hands on me. I bend at the waist sticking my ass out for him to see, I bite my lip as I imagine him staring my exposed body up and down. I shiver with the vulnerability of it all, but I cannot get enough of it, there’s something about being under complete control that is terrifying and so fucking sexy.

An involuntary moan escapes my lips with the thought. That must have been the sign he was waiting for, as his hand comes down and slams against my arse. The smack rings out around the room, shortly followed by a scream from deep in my throat. The pain is incredible, but in my current state it also sends a jolt of pleasure coursing through my body, a fact evidenced by the whimpering moans coming from my mouth. He massages the area to return feeling to my arse, enjoying the squeaks I make when you squeeze the red sensitive skin. His hands continue to massage me, working their way up my legs, keeping the blood from rushing to my head- like that is going to be a problem, I can feel the blood pumping directly to my pussy. My mind is taken off of his magic hands as I realise I can feel his breath, he is so close to me, he must be able to see right inside me, can definitely smell me… taste me? As if reading my mind, he gently blows a stream of air directly at my clit; the sensation throws me off guard as it is a complete contradiction to the pain still coursing through my arse. I push my hips forward, hoping to feel his lips on mine, no such luck though, he wants to deny me, push me to my limits, work me up into a frenzy so that just whispering 'come' in my ear is enough to break me. Both his hands are on my arse now, spreading my cheeks and gazing at my most intimate body parts. Normally I would shy away from this kind of intimacy, but at this point I would let him rule me. One of your hands releases my arse and traces a line down my thigh to my hips, along my waist line and down to my stomach. He must be kneeling now; I can feel his breath on my stomach, and tickling my sides. His gentle fingers turn to nails as you drag your hands down my sides, the sensation of pain where it should be tickling is driving my insane. He draws lines down my back as I arch to assist your movements; I know this turns him on, because his hands instantly move to my breasts and your lips to my waist. Combining gentle squeezing and pinching my nipples with light kisses on my stomach is enough to make me call out his name for the first time "Just fuck me Adam!" I hear him chuckle as he bites gently into the soft skin around my waist. I can't take much more of this teasing, I am ready to burst and he hasn't even touched my pussy yet! I knew we were going to get along as soon as I met him, but this is something else, I can't imagine going back to before I had this in my life…

My musings are cut short by rough hands around my waist, he is standing again and I can feel him extremely close to me. Acting on intuition, I lean forward, reaching out with my neck hoping to gain some control in this helpless situation. I am granted some luck as I open my mouth and swallow the tip of his cock. It had the desired effect, a gasp escapes his throat as his knees buckle, driving his cock deeper into my throat. I can't take much more of him, but the thought of having him balls deep inside me makes my eyes roll back in ecstasy. I lean back, letting him slide out, the taste of his desire lingering on my tongue. He smacks my arse in punishment and drives his tongue hard without warning into my pussy.

Obviously, I have pushed him past his barrier of control, and his resolve is shattered. My hips jerk in response to his sudden onslaught, his tongue working inside me, moving up to my clit, circling and thrusting back down inside me. My moans are soon muffled by his cock filling my mouth again, thrusting deep into my throat while replicating the movements with his tongue. I struggle to breathe while focusing on being taken at both ends, completely and utterly helpless. I never considered choking to be sensual before, but having my throat filled and fucked opened up a whole new world of sensations. He relaxes, and allows me to breathe while keeping up the relentless assault on my quivering pussy. I can feel my body begin to tense and my muscles twitch in response to his mouth, I cry out in ecstasy as my body begins to quake in the tell-tale rhythms of an oncoming orgasm. He grabs my arse and invades me with renewed vigour, he holds me hard against his body, combating the kicking from my legs. I scream his name as an orgasm rips through my body, coursing from every extremity to my pussy. He struggles to keep me still as he refuses to let up the attack, his tongue still circling my clit despite the extreme sensitivity. I beg him to slow down, the pleasure too much to bear and a desperate need to breathe. He slows down and makes long deliberate movements, making sure to touch every inch of my pussy, riding out the last of the orgasm. I breathe deeply thinking I have finally been given some reprieve, as he strokes my skin and massages my shaking legs. He bends down and unties my blindfold, I blink trying to get accustomed to the light in the room and take in the scene around me. He has set up a full length mirror in front of me, so I can see my body stretched out to be used. I can see the marks from his nails red against my skin, my pussy glistening with come and saliva. He watches my eyes, smiling as he sees my facial expressions change. He walks towards me, stands behind my body and grins at me from between my thighs. I bite my lip as I watch him in the mirror, knowing something is coming and as always have no control over any of it. His hands come up in front of my body, glide over my mound and I watch as his fingers bury themselves deep into my pulsing pussy. I cry out and tense my muscles in a vain attempt to resist the almost painful new sensations. Already sensitive and wet from my first orgasm, his fingers make little work of bringing me back to speed, his thumb massaging my clit, as his long fingers dart into me, each thrust bringing me closer to coming. My eyes are locked on his in the mirror and the intimacy of the situation is taken up a notch, his eyes flicker with a dark sensuality as he works me up to a state of euphoria. I’m so close to coming I’m struggling to maintain eye contact. He’s watching me intently waiting for the moment just before I come, I clench my thigh muscles to let you know it’s here and he pulls his hand away suddenly, grasps my arse in his hands, and traces a line with his tongue from my asshole to my clit. I explode. The force of my orgasm rocks my body, threatening to pull the hooks from the ceiling. I struggle to regain composure, willing my body to stop shaking and forcing my eyes to open. His face says it all…

“You are mine.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/30c8g4/tied_mfbdmdom