Some news from my girlfriend’s best friend.

Agathe's birthday is next week and yesterday I got a call from Caroline who wanted me to come with her to find Agathe a present. It didn't seem awkward at any time when we were on phone. But (there's always a but), it was a bit weird when we were in my car, I mean she was dressed as sexy as usual and I couldn't think of anything else except her naked body ! It was a sunny day, she was wearing a lovely flowered playsuit with a jean jacket and her bare legs ended with her feet in some cute orange wedge shoes.

Nothing special happened except it looks like we became closer. After we found Agathe's presents we went shopping and she wanted me to see what she was trying (even lingerie), she had that naughty smile every time I could see her barely clothed. That was good, I love her body, she's a beautiful girl and she knows it ! There were no explicit talk about what happened a few weeks ago, only implicit stuff like asking me what I thought of the shoes she was trying, showing me her feet.

What brought me here is what happened like two minutes ago, you guys are the only one I can tell everything. I was home alone, working. My phone rang, I got a text from Caroline telling me: "Agathe's out of town this weekend" And there was this !

I might not answer but I'll tell you if anything happens.



  1. Don’t lie. You know that you are going to answer, even though you shouldn’t. Just be careful because you might end up loosing both of these girls if and when this blows up in your face. By the way that picture is smoking hot.

  2. not sure about your ages, but if you want to stay with Agathe, I’d forward the text and picture to your GF to show her what kind of "friend" she really has.

  3. Definitely seems like a trap to me but damn those are some great looking legs.

  4. I don’t think it is a setup as you have already done it before. Maybe she just wants to again. It is just up to you if want to or not.

  5. I don’t if that’s a trap, I know Agathe is out of town this weekend. I had planned to spend time with my parents. I don’t think that’s a trap, she just wants to do it again. We both enjoyed that last time. She knows I would do it again. She’s hot, sexy and really kinky. I answered asking her what she was planning to do, she said "I wanna try new things". I asked her what kind of things but she didn’t answer yet. I just can’t stop looking at that picture remembering what I’ve done to these legs and pussy last time.


  7. > "I wanna try new things" This means do kinky, dirty things to you. Or have you do them to her. This is a good thing. You’ve already done it once, you might as well do it again. Also, thank you for thinking so highly of us (telling us all), sharing your story, and your pictures. It is appreciated.

  8. That’s a lot of drama the three of them don’t need. I think OP should just avoid Caroline if he doesn’t want to hurt Agathe (who will find out).

  9. well said. this is gonewidl stories but this…jesus dude have some feelings for your girl…tell her, maybe an open relationship will happen

  10. I’m not sure how correct or justifiable everything I’m about to write is, so take it with a grain of salt. this is my kneejerk judgment. but look, you already screwed up and if I were your girlfriend I’d have broken up with you. don’t try to hold on to something that is made unsustainable by the very thing you’re doing. if you’re going to fuck your relationship up, fuck it up in a memorable way. don’t go half-measure on your bullshit. if you want to take what resembles a traditional monogamous moral path, break up with your girlfriend. the trust issues this girl is going to have when two people she regards as essential safety nets have fucked each other are going to be massive. she’s going to have these issues whether you cheat again or not. I have never cheated, personally, but I don’t find this necessarily virtuous since I don’t value monogamy to begin with. so, I’m not judging you, but I also don’t think your actions are justifiable in a monogamous setting, and staying with her might be worse. my last serious monogamous relationship was three years long and I had anywhere from five to several dozen chances to have amazing memorable sex; I declined them because I wanted to say I never cheated. I broke off the relationship a few months after year three because it was clear to me that I was staying with her just to be a good boyfriend, and not because it excited me. (I dated a girl in a sorority after that with no cheating also, but it was far more casual and we broke up in a few months.) not cheating in no way makes me ‘good’. it will not make you good because what matters is honesty about what you want, and if you try to avoid cheating just to be good you could be deluding yourself. in hindsight, I wish I had broken up sooner and/or cheated. the year I spent trying to convince myself that it was worth it was far worse for both of us. at least if I had cheated it would have been impossible to convince myself that I was doing a good thing. you obviously want to fuck the shit out of Agathe. you liked it enough the first time to tell all of us about it. it was a great story and I appreciate it, but I don’t think you’re going to change so massively in a short span of time that being faithful sounds more appealing than having sex like that. anyway, I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but if you can fuck this girl and consider doing it again while dating a girl and knowing how much it’d fuck with her, that has to be some serious cognitive gymnastics. it’ll be a lot less stressful if you conclude that you’re screwed, because then you can work yourself up from there. just don’t end up dating the best friend, whatever you do.

  11. Le seul conseil que je peux te donner, c’est parle en a Agathe. C’est une bombe a retardement que tu es en train de préparer. En plus si tu c’est trouver les mots tu apprendra que les femmes peuvent être très surprenantes..

  12. Damn that pic! I can help but keep on looking at it. How does one resist. Ignoring moral thoughts, don’t live in regret!

  13. been in two up to this point. I sincerely don’t think these are the circumstances that create a good one. you need to be *very* honest, much more so than with monogamy since you’re fucking other people. hiding an affair from her is not that. but hey, maybe I’m wrong. I hope I am.

  14. Buddy, just think how would you feel if Agathe was hooking up with some guy, lusting after him. If that thought upsets you, then you really need to reconsider what you’re doing

  15. Ok guys, I’ve been thinking a lot this evening. I’m bot spending the night with Agathe, she sleeps at her own flat tonight so I could take my time to make up my mind. I’ve had 5 wonderful years with Agathe. She’s a wonderful girl. But, as far as I can see, cheating on her has been a terrible mistake which shows an inconvienent truth: I might not love her as much as I did. Well, I think doing this was just a proof of the fact I might not be in love any more. I’m still attracted to her and I’ve been texting Caroline to talk seriously. I’m going to end my relationship with Agathe. Caroline and I agreed on the point this weekend would be a very last time together and I have to brake up with Agathe before friday night. I won’t tell her about Caroline and I doing stuff. Even if Caroline feels guilty too, we shouldn’t tell her about that. She doesn’t need to suffer more. All I’ll tell her is I don’t feel really sure of my feelings. I see her tomorrow at lunch.

  16. My only advice, don’t make it to the front page buddy. Lol but seriously alot of girls can’t handle the fwb thing at all. They get too emotional, start attaching feelings to the sex, and getting jealous Damn near always happens. Whatever you do, be careful.

  17. If you go through with this you are the one who is going to get royally screwed in the end. You’ll lose the girl you care about over a girl whom you only have a physical attraction to. That relationship won’t last. Think about it, is a piece of ass worth ruining a relationship over? And that’s all she will be is a piece of ass.

  18. Agreed. My kneejerk reaction is, wow, that’s a hot girl, go fuck the hell out of her. But, yes, this kind of betrayal can stick with a person for a very long time. It may not only fuck up your relationship with her, but it may have a very negative impact on her future relationships as well.

  19. I mean, yeah, but this is a subreddit for telling filthy stories about sexual exploits. Ain’t no place for morals here (within reason).

  20. man..I was going to say knock the socks off Caroline as a joke. But you are going to Break up with Agathe because you got some new thing in your life. Now I dont know your relationship but pump your brakes a little.. you should make decisions like that with a clearer head. haha Caroline is not as hot as i thought so relax and see how you feel without Caroline in your life..Think with the brain!

  21. Jesus, this is the one time /gonewildstories has killed my boner. At least you’re being honest with yourself, these seem like unfortunate circumstances.

  22. If you want to be with this girl, break up with your girlfriend. Also, don’t post nudes they were only meant for you. Don’t be a dick.

  23. Can’t believe no one has said anything about how uncool it is for you to post that picture without her approval.

  24. I mostly agree with you on this. Obviously he’s getting upvotes for his story so people like it and want to read it, but then you look at the comments and they are all DON"T DO IT. YOUR’E A CHEATER. The way that I look at it is, it is a hot story that I enjoy reading and the wrong cheating messed up part of it is a lot of why it is a hot story. So it definitely has it’s place here on this subreddit. But that doesn’t mean that it is any less fucked up. This guy probably knows what he is going is wrong but he does it anyways. Not everyone is a saint. And presented with a big enough temptation a lot of people would likely make the same decision. So who are we as strangers on the internet to judge someone for their choices when we are not there in his shoes? Especially when we are here reading his story and fantasizing about being in his position.

  25. Dude, she wants you to put it in her butt. Do it. You’re already planning to break up with your gf and I doubt she’ll be happy about it either way so go for it.

  26. Hey guys, I talked with Agathe. We both had things to say. She felt really relieved when I told her about a break up, she told me she wasn’t sure of her feelings too and she’s been flirting with one of coworker during her several journeys to Paris. I told her I’ve been flirting with a girl too but I didn’t mention Caroline. We ended this relationship the best way it could be, she came to my house to take her stuffs, we shared a beer and a burger and now we’re good friends ! Now, I just had lunch with Caroline, she was really hot in her work uniform: a white shirt without bra (I could see her nipples pointing), a burgundy short pencil skirt, high heels of the same color and a pair of stockings. She knows I broke up with Agathe and that she was part of my fantasies. She admitted she also has also wanted to do me for a long time because of what Agathe told her about our sexual life but she told me last time wasn’t on purpose, it spontaneous. I don’t know yet what she wanna try or do tonight she just told me to come take her at her place at 8 am with my car and that fantasies will be carried out. She spent the whole lunch teasing me, stroking her feet on my legs or even my crotch. If I could I would have fucked her on the restaurant table. She didn’t want to skip work and fuck the whole afternoon. I brought her back to work, I was hard like a rock, while I was driving she unbuttoned my jeans, and gave head. This was good, when she finished she swallowed, I was very surprised she look at me and told me "That’s just a preview". Guess I’ll spend a good weekend ! Moreover, I’m feeling really good about how it ended with Agathe.

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