Pool Party as a teen (M+F)

I was a fairly outgoing guy in high school, so I always made friends easily, but I was also really geeky and kind of insecure, so girls were rarely interested in me that way.

That all changed the summer after 9th grade. I am rather… generously proportioned, and the girl I had been dating at the time gossiped a lot about my "gift." We didn't date long, but the rumors spread like wildfire in my small Midwestern town.

at the time this story took place, I was used to girls being a bit odd around me because of the rumors. But this is the first time anyone has ever outright hit on me because they heard I was big.

Her name was Lisa. She was a year older than me, a bit of a good girl but I knew from a year of band that she had a wild side. She was a short "blue bone," and that day the sun glistened off her dark skin beautifully. Lisa was blessed by nature as well, and even in her modest one piece bathing suit there was no hiding that she was stacked.

She had been flirting with me all afternoon, making progressively less subtle innuendos about size. At one point in the pool she even "accidentally" groped me and just swam by, smiling bashfully.

It was after night fall, most other attendees of the pool party had gone down to a bonfire at the other side of the yard. I was hiding in the pool house, smoking a cigarette (my friend's mother was an odd one… she would turn a blind eye to drinking but if she caught you with a cig you were in for hell). I hear the door open and see Lisa standing behind me. "What does a girl have to do, drop an anvil on you, you dork?" She asked, taking the cig from my hand. I was stunned speechless, unable to take my eyes off her curves. She stepped up to me, basically pinning me to a wall. "Just kiss me already," she smiled. So I did. Within minutes her swimsuit was on the floor, her breasts bare as I gently caressed them. They were something to behold, plump but firm, her nipples a soft brown.

Of course, I grew aroused and she grabbed me over the fabric of my swimtrunks, the mesh causing a bit of pain. "Please just take it out," I remember whispering, trying not to sound like the plead it was. She was more than happy to oblige.

Her reaction is still one of my favorite to this day. She stared at it for a few moments, blinked a few times and then, looking up with the same mischievous smile as before said "good for you, white boy. Way to fight stereotypes."

She stroked me up and down for what felt like a glorious eternity as I fondled her. She walked to the corner of the room where the purses and bags were kept and grabbed a Durex XL. At the time, these were my brand of choice because they accommodated my width better than anything I'd encountered.

She lay on a pile of pool floats and I entered her slowly, my hand covering her mouth so others didn't hear her moan. I moved slowly at first, my ex could only take it gently, but she kept doing little things to encourage me to go harder. Digging her nails into my back. Grabbing my ass and pulling me toward her. Grinding up against me. Finally, I really let lose, lifting her legs for leverage and pounding into her like I was never able before.

After we finished we got dressed quickly, hid the evidence and joined the others at the bon fire. Her friends all smiled at her knowingly, and for the rest of the night it was like we were attached at the hip.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/30424z/pool_party_as_a_teen_mf


  1. What else should I focus on, just curious. This moment was a bit of a blur, but I have some other experiences I might share in the future.

  2. Well the intro was over half of it…. You didn’t kiss until 75% through. It was a good story and you’re a good writer but you need to focus on the actual sex and not just brush over it. The attention to detail you put into the buildup would be more appreciated at the actual sexy time. I know the story of how you met and flirted and how you felt about girls at the time is interesting to you but…. Most people are reading for the dirty dirty details.

  3. Fair enough. It’s my first go at writing anything autobiographical, actually, so thank you for the notes!

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