Crazy Sex Addicted Milf Concubine Pt1

Like with many posts on here I have to start with the obligatory "long time lurker first time poster" xD Now that that's out of the way this is the first of MANY stories with Lucy, a 31 year old Milf, stories that include BDSM, play piercing, public nudity and sex, anal… the list goes on and on. This is very long as it includes A LOT of back story, so if you want to skip to the sex, that's in paragraph 4.

I met Lucy at school, I was studying music and she worked for the publicity office of the music department. She was completely unassuming and flew below my radar, maybe 5'4.5, brown hair down to her jaw line, her breasts were b cups that were slightly withered from breastfeeding, though they would improve over time, sadly there wasn't much ass to speak off, but she made up for it. I'm not claiming to be a 10 by any means, maybe a 7-7.5. I'm hispanic and in pretty good shape from 6 years of Brazilian JiuJitsu and my newest hobby surfing, despite all of this I am on the short side, only 5'4, yet despite this, I usually bat above my league having scored quite a few models (maybe I'll share those stories later aswell). Anywho, I never really noticed Lucy in any sexual way until the first week of a spring semester where she decided to join a "gigging" class we have. On the first day of this class we all take a minute or two to show off what we can do and she goes up there and sings a blues in a way that has every guy and some of the girls at full attention, but at the time I had a girlfriend (one of the models, but that would only last a few more days) and she was engaged. During the semester, her engagement fell apart and I began to flirt with her lightly on facebook. Summer went by without anything happening, and the pattern continues until November.

It's a friday night and I was board at home looking for something to do when I see that she has posted something about spending her night moving boxes to her her new apartment, and despite this being half an hour drive away I decide to offer my services. I show up and like any good white knight get to work taking the biggest things and throwing them in my car, in this case two mini fridges. After a good hour or so we take our cars and drive to her new apartment, where I unload the majority of the items to an on-sight storage unit, and some smaller items go inside. We chit chat and joke as we do some organizing, once we are done I ask her where i can find a gas station and she says that she needs to buy a lock for the storage unit, so she suggest I take her to get the lock and she'll show me where to get gas, so we go and as soon as we have finished she asks me if I'm hungry, so we get some Mexican food and flirt some more, while we bond over some songs on a jukebox. We decide that we should go back to her apartment to "play some board games"… sadly that is what we do, but the sexual tension was palpable, yet I decide to go home and leave her wanting.

We text non stop over the weekend and agree that I need to come over Wednesday. The days cant go by fast enough. Finally I'm at her place again. She pretends to have to fold laundry, but I'm not having it. I put my hands on her hips and sit her down straddling my growing cock. I reach for the back of her neck and pull her lips onto mine, parting them with my tongue. There is something about her smell, different, sweeter than that of other women I have been with. I quickly remove her clothes and begin to kiss down her neck to her nipples. Now I love nipple play and begin to suck on them and bite a little, but notice that they are dead from the abuse of feeding a small human (nothing I can't fix later). I push her down to her knees and she furiously fumbles with my fly and and pulls my now raging hard on out of my boxers and takes it in her mouth without even looking, and begins to suck on it like it's her only life source. Bobbing up and down like her life depends on it only to take me all the way down her throat then come up for and say, "holy fuck it's pierced" (yes, I have a prince abert piercing, and I highly recommend it) as she lets her her tongue play with my ring. I need more though, so I throw her on the couch and plunge my cock inside her dripping pussy. She moans loudly like the little slut she is, the rougher I got the more she loved it. I fucked her as hard as I could, reaching under her shoulders for more leverage. Driving my rock hard dick into her with every once of force I had till she was screaming and grinding her clit against the base of my shaft with every thrust. I could feel her orgasm building, every muscle in her body tighten till she melted into a puddle on the couch. I didn't care, she was my sex toy for the day and wasn't finished till I said so. I simply flipped her over onto her stomach and continued to thrust away. We burned through positions like there was no tomorrow, but I grew board, so I ordered her to bend over the couch which she did immediately. Standing behind her, I place the head of my cock on her butt hole and push, fully expecting her to scream or pull away, but no, she takes it. Now this was my first time with anal, so I had no idea what to expect. I feel pressure and all of a sudden, pop, I'm inside. "yeah, fuck my ass" she moans as I push down on her back driving her upper body into the couch, her sphincter muscles begin to spasm as she comes again screaming at the top of her lungs. Now while I love the idea of taking a girls ass, it really doesn't do much for me sensation wise, so after some time there I pull out… only to be reminded of where my cock had just been. We jump in the shower real quick to clean me off. Now for the most surprising part of the day, as we're showering, she drops to her knees and takes me in her mouth again, this time with a hunger that surpassed anything she had earlier. This woman was going to die if she did not have my cum. I could not hold out for much of this and quickly came in her mouth. She looked up at me with a devilish smile as she swallowed my load.

There are many more stories with Lucy. I promise they will be much shorter as They won't need as much back story. This is my first time writing one of these, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. More to follow soon



  1. Great story. Do post more. It would be great if you can go into more detail about the different positions.

  2. Right…but so we’re clear, you know that a concubine is a woman who is apart of a harem

  3. /r/gonewildstories – come for the porn, stay for the writing… well the porn is pretty good too. Yeah, it’s pretty much about the porn.

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