(M)y Best (F)riend’s Sister Part One (NSFW)

This is going to be a long story, so I'll just break this up into parts so I don't have to leave anything out.

I was 18 and had just started college. I had been there a few days and was getting kind of lonely. My roommate was a total dick and everyone else seemed too good to talk to me. So I called my buddy Jake to see how college was treating him. We talked for a while and he told me his sister Beth was a Junior at my school. I hadn't seen Beth since she graduated from our High School and left for college. I didn't even know she was going to the same college as me. He gave me her number and told me to look her up, maybe she should show me around. I called her that afternoon before I started studying just to see if she remembered me. She was glad to hear from me. She told me Jake had told her I was coming here, but she didn't know what dorm I was in. I told her and she told me she was in the dorm building across the street. She told me I should stop by the next day and maybe we could go out for lunch and catch up. I agreed, and was kind of excited to have someone to talk to in person. The next day I walked to her dorm and took the elevator up. Her floor was just like mine. Chaos. People hanging around in the halls, people walking around in nothing but towels walking from their dorm to the showers. Her dorm building was coed, while mine was broken up by floors. Girls on first floor, guys on second, girls on third, etc. etc. But her building had guys and girls on all floors. I stepped around people who were sitting on the floor and knocked on her door. She answered and smiled at me. She told me I had really grown up from the acne days, and I told her she had too. And by grown up, I mean she was absolutely gorgeous. She was obviously taking care of herself. She had an athletic body and I was having a difficult time not staring. I was still standing in the doorway when her roommate pushed past me wearing only a towel. She had forgotten her shampoo. I felt my face flush. At the time, I was a virgin. The closest I had ever come to having sex at this point was prom night, where my prom date wanted to exchange our virginities with eachother so we wouldn't have to go to college virgins. And she did. With someone else. Beth's roommate walked past me and ran up the hallway, and my face flushed even more. Beth looked at her roommate heading up the hall and back at me and asked me why I was blushing. I told her that it was my first time seeing a girl in a towel and she smiled. She invited me in and told me I could sit on her bed while she got ready. She was still doing her hair before I had arrived, and she told me that I was just a little bit early. I apologized and told her that I never like to be late, so I'm usually early for things. I realized that I was hard. Her roommate brushing past me in a towel had turned me on, and I was hoping Beth didn't notice. I tried sitting in a way that would hide my erection, and so far she hadn't noticed. She was asking me about my classes as she did her hair and I told her I wasn't swamped yet, but I expected that to change. She told me she never had much time to go out these days, so her dating life was shit. Her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her because he was tired of her never paying him enough attention. I shifted on her bed to re-position myself. My erection was starting go go away, but I had enough of a chub that she'd notice if she turned around. And turn around she did. She looked at the bulge in my pants, looked at me, back at the bulge, and then back at me. She smiled and asked me if that was for her roommate. I apologized and told her that I didn't want it to happen, and I didn't expect it to happen. She saw I was blushing and smiled again. She told me it was a natural human reaction and I shouldn't be ashamed of it. She sat down next to me and I felt it getting harder again, which she noticed. She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Do you know how long it's been since I've been with anyone?" I swallowed really hard and told her that I couldn't imagine. She put her hand on my cheek and pulled my face around where she was looking into my eyes. She leaned in to kiss me and I froze. I told her she was my best friend's sister, and I didn't feel comfortable. She told me we were both consenting adults and that Jake didn't run her life. She kissed me and I felt her breasts against my shoulder, which turned me on even more. She got up and walked over to her door. She locked it and I asked "what about your roommate, won't she be back soon?" She told me her roommate takes notoriously long showers, so we had at least 20 minutes. I felt my face flush again, because I was really nervous about where this was going. She sat on my lap, my bulge pressing against her leg and she started kissing me again. I felt her hand rubbing my chest, and then felt the other hand start to rub up my leg. She ran her left hand slowly over my bulge and I felt it twitch. She giggled a little and stopped kissing me. "You're really turned on, aren't you?" I told her I was, and she slid down onto the floor, positioning herself right in front of me. She started to undo my pants and I felt myself getting lightheaded. "Have you ever had a blowjob?" She asked. I slowly shook my head and she smiled. "Do you want one?" She asked. My throat was dry and I tried to swallow but couldn't. I nodded my head lightly and she smiled. She started to pull my pants down and my cock popped up, pressing against the thin boxers I was wearing. She started to kiss up my leg as she slid her hands to the waistband of my boxers. At this point fear kicked in. What if she thought my dick wasn't big enough? What if she laughed at me? What if I came too soon and she told other people about it. She slid my boxers down, exposing my erect cock. She looked at it and smiled. She told me I grew up even more than she thought I had. I was a little relieved that she thought I had a nice cock, but I was still nervous. She touched my cock with her hands. Her hands were soft and warm on my cock, causing it to twitch in her hands. She smiled up at me as she started to slowly stroke it. It felt incredible. Far better than when I would masturbate as a teen. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock, as she started to speed up the strokes. I leaned my head back a little and looked at the ceiling, trying not to make a sound. She kissed the head again and I felt her mouth close over the head of my cock. I gasped kind of loudly when she did that. She stopped and asked me if I was okay. I told her it just felt really good, better than I had imagined. She told me she was glad and started to suck the head of my penis again. I laid back on her bed and just let her do what she wanted. I felt her slowly move her mouth up and down on my cock, taking more of me into her mouth with each movement of her head. I sat up a little and looked at her, slowly moving up and down on my cock, bringing me closer to climax. I was feeling lightheaded again. She slowly took all of my cock into her mouth, I could feel the tip moving past her tonsils, and I couldn't take anymore. I knew I was going to cum soon, so I quietly asked her what she wanted me to do when I came. She told me to tap her on the head so she could get out of the way, because she didn't want to get cum on her dress. I watched her continue to suck my cock, feeling my climax getting closer. She took me down her throat one more time and I was done. I told her I was cumming and she pulled me out of her and got on the bed next to me. She stroked my cock as I came, milking ever drop out. Her hand was coated with cum as my orgasm subsided. She wiped her hand with a small towel she had under her bed, she told me she needed to remember to not use that later when she showered. I wiped up the cum off my crotch with the towel and she threw it under the bed. I went to put my pants on, but she stopped me. She started kissing me again and she grabbed my hand and put it on her thigh. She told me she wanted me to touch her. I was nervous, so I told her I already was. She smiled and then started leading my hand up her inner thigh until I felt my hand touching her crotch. I gulped as she told me to return the favor. I started to rub her pussy lightly through her panties, which made her gasp lightly. She continued to kiss me as I started to pull her panties down. She tossed them to the side after I slid them off and she climbed back on top of me. She lifted her hips a little so I had access, and I started to rub her pussy again. I couldn't see it from my point of view, but I could feel her pussy was clean shaven. It was smooth and warm. And she was wet, really wet. I started to run my finger back and forth across her slit and she kissed me harder. She whispered to put a finger in, so I did. I felt it slide all the way to the knuckle, and she moaned softly. I slid the finger in and out of her, and she started to slowly move her hips back and forth against my hand. "Put another one in", she told me. So I did. I was sliding both fingers in and out as she started moaning a little louder. She was grinding her pelvis against my hand, telling me she was getting close. I could feel her clit rubbing against my hand as I fingered her, and my hand was getting covered with her fluids. She was looking me in the eyes as I did it, and the look on her face was incredible. I could tell it felt good for her, and the idea of making a woman feel that good was turning me on again. I felt my cock getting hard again. She was getting close to orgasm, her breathing was getting faster and I could feel her pussy tensing up around my fingers. She pushed up off me as she came, her mouth opened and I was afraid she was going to make a loud noise. But she managed to keep the noise to a minimum was she came. As her orgasm subsided, she laid back on top of me and kissed me again. I slid my fingers out and looked at them. They were coated with her fluids and part of me wanted to taste them. Just to see what it tasted like. She looked up into my eyes and smiled. She told me that she hadn't cum like that in a while, and I told her I had never cum like that in my entire life. She started to climb off of me when she noticed I was hard. She looked at me and I told her I guess I was ready for more. She smiled and started to reach for it. No sooner did her hand touch my cock when there was a knock at the door. Her roommate was back, and she was yelling through the door asking why the door was locked. Beth stood up and slid her panties on, and I rushed to pull my pants up before she unlocked the door. Her roommate came in, still in a towel. She looked at me, looked at Beth, and gave a little grin. I could tell she knew what we were doing, and I was afraid she'd say something about it. But she didn't. She told Beth she needed a little space to get dressed, so Beth ushered me out of the room. We went out to get lunch, and we didn't talk about what had happened in her dorm room. I wanted to say something about it, but was afraid she'd get mad. We ate and talked some more about classes. I walked her back to her dorm after we ate and she told me she had a great time today. I told her I had a really great time and she laughed, knowing I wasn't talking about lunch. She told me that maybe we could do it again sometime, but maybe it'd be best if we waited a little while. She told me that she had been approved for an apartment off campus, and would be moving there next month. She told me maybe we could pick up where we left off then. I went back to my dorm and just stared at the ceiling with a big dumb smile on my face. Which made my roommate bitch about me creeping him out. What a dick.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2zpyji/my_best_friends_sister_part_one_nsfw


  1. Good read, look forward to the next part. Also your room mate was/is a bellend.

  2. Formatted it with paragraphs for OP, but it was too long for one comment – – – I was 18 and had just started college. I had been there a few days and was getting kind of lonely. My roommate was a total dick and everyone else seemed too good to talk to me. So I called my buddy Jake to see how college was treating him. We talked for a while and he told me his sister Beth was a Junior at my school. I hadn’t seen Beth since she graduated from our High School and left for college. I didn’t even know she was going to the same college as me. He gave me her number and told me to look her up, maybe she should show me around. I called her that afternoon before I started studying just to see if she remembered me. She was glad to hear from me. She told me Jake had told her I was coming here, but she didn’t know what dorm I was in. I told her and she told me she was in the dorm building across the street. She told me I should stop by the next day and maybe we could go out for lunch and catch up. I agreed, and was kind of excited to have someone to talk to in person. The next day I walked to her dorm and took the elevator up. Her floor was just like mine. Chaos. People hanging around in the halls, people walking around in nothing but towels walking from their dorm to the showers. Her dorm building was coed, while mine was broken up by floors. Girls on first floor, guys on second, girls on third, etc. etc. But her building had guys and girls on all floors. I stepped around people who were sitting on the floor and knocked on her door. She answered and smiled at me. She told me I had really grown up from the acne days, and I told her she had too. And by grown up, I mean she was absolutely gorgeous. She was obviously taking care of herself. She had an athletic body and I was having a difficult time not staring. I was still standing in the doorway when her roommate pushed past me wearing only a towel. She had forgotten her shampoo. I felt my face flush. At the time, I was a virgin. The closest I had ever come to having sex at this point was prom night, where my prom date wanted to exchange our virginities with eachother so we wouldn’t have to go to college virgins. And she did. With someone else. Beth’s roommate walked past me and ran up the hallway, and my face flushed even more. Beth looked at her roommate heading up the hall and back at me and asked me why I was blushing. I told her that it was my first time seeing a girl in a towel and she smiled. She invited me in and told me I could sit on her bed while she got ready. She was still doing her hair before I had arrived, and she told me that I was just a little bit early. I apologized and told her that I never like to be late, so I’m usually early for things. I realized that I was hard. Her roommate brushing past me in a towel had turned me on, and I was hoping Beth didn’t notice. I tried sitting in a way that would hide my erection, and so far she hadn’t noticed. She was asking me about my classes as she did her hair and I told her I wasn’t swamped yet, but I expected that to change. She told me she never had much time to go out these days, so her dating life was shit. Her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her because he was tired of her never paying him enough attention. I shifted on her bed to re-position myself. My erection was starting go go away, but I had enough of a chub that she’d notice if she turned around. And turn around she did. She looked at the bulge in my pants, looked at me, back at the bulge, and then back at me. She smiled and asked me if that was for her roommate. I apologized and told her that I didn’t want it to happen, and I didn’t expect it to happen. She saw I was blushing and smiled again. She told me it was a natural human reaction and I shouldn’t be ashamed of it. She sat down next to me and I felt it getting harder again, which she noticed. She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been with anyone?" I swallowed really hard and told her that I couldn’t imagine. She put her hand on my cheek and pulled my face around where she was looking into my eyes. She leaned in to kiss me and I froze. I told her she was my best friend’s sister, and I didn’t feel comfortable. She told me we were both consenting adults and that Jake didn’t run her life. She kissed me and I felt her breasts against my shoulder, which turned me on even more. She got up and walked over to her door. She locked it and I asked "what about your roommate, won’t she be back soon?" She told me her roommate takes notoriously long showers, so we had at least 20 minutes. I felt my face flush again, because I was really nervous about where this was going. She sat on my lap, my bulge pressing against her leg and she started kissing me again. I felt her hand rubbing my chest, and then felt the other hand start to rub up my leg. She ran her left hand slowly over my bulge and I felt it twitch. She giggled a little and stopped kissing me. "You’re really turned on, aren’t you?" I told her I was, and she slid down onto the floor, positioning herself right in front of me. She started to undo my pants and I felt myself getting lightheaded. "Have you ever had a blowjob?" She asked. I slowly shook my head and she smiled. "Do you want one?" She asked. My throat was dry and I tried to swallow but couldn’t. I nodded my head lightly and she smiled. She started to pull my pants down and my cock popped up, pressing against the thin boxers I was wearing. She started to kiss up my leg as she slid her hands to the waistband of my boxers. At this point fear kicked in. What if she thought my dick wasn’t big enough? What if she laughed at me? What if I came too soon and she told other people about it. She slid my boxers down, exposing my erect cock. She looked at it and smiled. She told me I grew up even more than she thought I had. I was a little relieved that she thought I had a nice cock, but I was still nervous. She touched my cock with her hands. Her hands were soft and warm on my cock, causing it to twitch in her hands. She smiled up at me as she started to slowly stroke it. It felt incredible. Far better than when I would masturbate as a teen. She leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock, as she started to speed up the strokes. I leaned my head back a little and looked at the ceiling, trying not to make a sound. She kissed the head again and I felt her mouth close over the head of my cock. I gasped kind of loudly when she did that. She stopped and asked me if I was okay. I told her it just felt really good, better than I had imagined. She told me she was glad and started to suck the head of my penis again. I laid back on her bed and just let her do what she wanted. I felt her slowly move her mouth up and down on my cock, taking more of me into her mouth with each movement of her head. I sat up a little and looked at her, slowly moving up and down on my cock, bringing me closer to climax. I was feeling lightheaded again. She slowly took all of my cock into her mouth, I could feel the tip moving past her tonsils, and I couldn’t take anymore. I knew I was going to cum soon, so I quietly asked her what she wanted me to do when I came. She told me to tap her on the head so she could get out of the way, because she didn’t want to get cum on her dress. I watched her continue to suck my cock, feeling my climax getting closer. She took me down her throat one more time and I was done. I told her I was cumming and she pulled me out of her and got on the bed next to me. She stroked my cock as I came, milking ever drop out. Her hand was coated with cum as my orgasm subsided. She wiped her hand with a small towel she had under her bed, she told me she needed to remember to not use that later when she showered. I wiped up the cum off my crotch with the towel and she threw it under the bed. I went to put my pants on, but she stopped me. She started kissing me again and she grabbed my hand and put it on her thigh. She told me she wanted me to touch her. I was nervous, so I told her I already was. She smiled and then started leading my hand up her inner thigh until I felt my hand touching her crotch. I gulped as she told me to return the favor. I started to rub her pussy lightly through her panties, which made her gasp lightly. She continued to kiss me as I started to pull her panties down. She tossed them to the side after I slid them off and she climbed back on top of me. She lifted her hips a little so I had access, and I started to rub her pussy again. I couldn’t see it from my point of view, but I could feel her pussy was clean shaven. It was smooth and warm. And she was wet, really wet. I started to run my finger back and forth across her slit and she kissed me harder. She whispered to put a finger in, so I did. I felt it slide all the way to the knuckle, and she moaned softly. I slid the finger in and out of her, and she started to slowly move her hips back and forth against my hand. "Put another one in", she told me. So I did. I was sliding both fingers in and out as she started moaning a little louder. She was grinding her pelvis against my hand, telling me she was getting close.

  3. I could feel her clit rubbing against my hand as I fingered her, and my hand was getting covered with her fluids. She was looking me in the eyes as I did it, and the look on her face was incredible. I could tell it felt good for her, and the idea of making a woman feel that good was turning me on again. I felt my cock getting hard again. She was getting close to orgasm, her breathing was getting faster and I could feel her pussy tensing up around my fingers. She pushed up off me as she came, her mouth opened and I was afraid she was going to make a loud noise. But she managed to keep the noise to a minimum was she came. As her orgasm subsided, she laid back on top of me and kissed me again. I slid my fingers out and looked at them. They were coated with her fluids and part of me wanted to taste them. Just to see what it tasted like. She looked up into my eyes and smiled. She told me that she hadn’t cum like that in a while, and I told her I had never cum like that in my entire life. She started to climb off of me when she noticed I was hard. She looked at me and I told her I guess I was ready for more. She smiled and started to reach for it. No sooner did her hand touch my cock when there was a knock at the door. Her roommate was back, and she was yelling through the door asking why the door was locked. Beth stood up and slid her panties on, and I rushed to pull my pants up before she unlocked the door. Her roommate came in, still in a towel. She looked at me, looked at Beth, and gave a little grin. I could tell she knew what we were doing, and I was afraid she’d say something about it. But she didn’t. She told Beth she needed a little space to get dressed, so Beth ushered me out of the room. We went out to get lunch, and we didn’t talk about what had happened in her dorm room. I wanted to say something about it, but was afraid she’d get mad. We ate and talked some more about classes. I walked her back to her dorm after we ate and she told me she had a great time today. I told her I had a really great time and she laughed, knowing I wasn’t talking about lunch. She told me that maybe we could do it again sometime, but maybe it’d be best if we waited a little while. She told me that she had been approved for an apartment off campus, and would be moving there next month. She told me maybe we could pick up where we left off then. I went back to my dorm and just stared at the ceiling with a big dumb smile on my face. Which made my roommate bitch about me creeping him out. What a dick.

  4. Good read but so fake. Plus a junior girl in a shared dorm? Probably not.

  5. Don’t assume things about veracity because the story doesn’t match your experience. To take your example, residence hall arrangements depend *heavily* on the school. At my undergrad you pretty much had to have senior credit status or be an RA to have your own room without something screwy happening–there was only one hall with true singles, and another with shared bathrooms for singles on one floor. Additionally, off-campus housing was well-nigh impossible unless you were a local student. At the state school down the road, almost no one lived on campus after sophomore year. It varies. That said, omission of paragraphs…that is truly unforgivable, OP.

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