(MF) Photoshoot Fail

So this is another story about Beth and I, past stories are here(http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2zafnb/mf_photoshoot_with_a_sex_addict_learning_who_i/) for the first part, and here(http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2ze7b4/mf_2nd_day_after_photoshoot/) for the 2nd day. We thought of the idea to have a valentines day shoot, take it to a hotel, offer it to a couple other girls, make a little cash on the side, and get some sexy photos.

The day comes around, and her fiance at the time, gets on her case about doing the shoot, and makes her cancel going to the shoot, saying she shouldn't be working with me, etc etc. So I meet up with a couple other girls we got planned for the day shoot, I already rented the hotel room, so I couldn't really back out. I let the girls have the room, just because I didn't want my wife to think I’m fucking around, even if I was.

I decided to pay Beth a visit at home, her fiance works the night shift, never gets home till after 6 AM, and only comes by to eat around 10 PM. I get there at 11, after he has left, to calm her down and talk things out. She's a little pissed and depressed about the situation, tells me he called her a slut, and then tried to apologize for it and all that stuff. I hugged her and calmed her down. I told my wife I was heading to the gym after the shoot, and I usually hit the late night times at the gym so I could get a good workout.

“I got something to show you.” she tells me.

She hands me a book, its the AA version of Sex addiction, she wants me to read the first story in there, and we’ll talk about it at the shop the next time I come by. The story itself hit so close to home it scared the living hell out of me, but at least it showed me what exactly this problem I have was doing….

After she handed me the book, and I looked at a couple pages, I looked back up at her, her at me, and we kissed immediately after that… Our addicts had taken a hold of us right away, kissing, biting on each other, me on her neck, her on my shoulder, she was notorious about leaving bite marks on me, thankfully I heal fast so my wife couldn't see them when I get home, usually takes a day or two for them to go away. She has a habit of wearing nothing but a shirt and panties when she's at home, so it was very easy to kiss my way down her body and spend some time on her clit.

She taught me a lot on how to eat out a woman, licking her clit all over, sucking and flicking it all over the place, not forgetting to play with the lips and shoving my tongue inside of her. Her taste would never get out of mouth, like the sweetest pineapple after being cut, licking away into her, shoving my tongue deeper and deeper, my thumb flicking her clit while her legs are starting to buck. She doesn't cum easily, but she does cum big when she can, and this one was close, licking all her juices and getting every inch of the inside of her cunt licked.

After that, we never left the couch of her house, she lifted me up, ripped off my shorts and belt, started feverishly sucking on my cock, I grab my camera and thought why not, I start video taping her going at me. Sucking like there is no tomorrow, and I can barely stay kneeling, I push her against the couch, and shove my cock deep inside of her. She's moaning with every push inside of her, “OH….. FUCK…. YES!!!..” My camera is still rolling to this point, my cock deeper and deeper with each push, I put the camera to her face, just in a constant state of cumming on her face, I pull it back down to my cock, nothing but white cream all over, she takes out my cock, and starts sucking up all her juices, I love when she does this.

I throw her back on the couch again, start pounding her pussy again and again, I cant handle it anymore, and I throw my phone to the other side of the couch, and as I’m fucking her she grabs my face and we look eye to eye.

“Everytime you want me, watch that video, remember this pussy is yours, any time and where.”

“This cock is yours in the same sense, I want you to cum as much as possible with me”

“I love your dick so much, keep it up”

She rolls me over and starts bucking on top of me, my cock getting worked so hard, we both get close to cumming, she sits up, and bounces on me, my thumb again at her clit, and we both start to hit it, extasy at the last hump, her buried deep on me, we’re both bucking in each others arms….

We lie there cuddling for a while, we both wish I didn't have to leave, just wake up the next morning and have another round. We get into the shower, wash off and play a little, just for fun, nothing serious. I start getting dressed, bout to head out the door, and we cuddle and kiss just to say good bye…. But we end up for round two on the couch again…. This happens a lot when we’re at her place, we cant seem to leave the house without at least fucking twice, its always a fun time….

Next story I can think of would probably be the next video we made together. I wish I still had the videos and photos we took, but everything got erased. All i have now are videos and photos her and her current fuck buddy I found on her tumblr.

Till the next time :-)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2zne0u/mf_photoshoot_fail


  1. ya,… I took advantage of that a lot….. Bathrooms, backrooms, her place, it was a crazy 8 months.

  2. Does she still have the blue hair? Always love seeing fun colors, and sounds like she is a very fun lady to be with, or watch, even if it’s with someone else!

  3. She changes her quite often, and she is, she’s not afraid to post stuff to her Instagram about her and her new bf

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