My old jobud (M/M)

After reading some of your stories about past experiences I thought I would share my own good times. I had a friend I used to jerk off with in my late teens, early 20's. We've since lost touch, but I would love the opportunity to meet up with him again one day and start off where we left off.

HIS name was Paul and we hadn't really hung out in a while. We hadn't hung out because I was dating a girl (Rachel) and was pretty much ignoring my friends and hanging out with her all the time. That is until she told me she was going away to a new school and wanted to break up. There went my girlfriend and my source of constant sex.

So I started hanging out with my friends again. Paul and I seemed to always be the first ones out in the day and the last ones to want to go home at night. We would usually go back to my house and play video games or watch a movie, nothing really crazy had ever happened until one day we started talking about girls/sex. We were talking about the usual shit, who we thought was hot, who we wanted to fuck and he asked me "what was it like to fuck Rachel?" I told him all about her physical features, how she shaved her bush, etc. He was doing the same, telling me about girls he fucked around with.

The topic kept going for a while and eventually he asked me what i've been doing about sex since her. I told him the truth, "I've been jerking off more then I ever have in my life man", he laughed and said he knew what I meant, he was on a dry spell as well. He told me that his older brother had left him a huge stash of porn mags/vids that he would let me borrow sometime. I told him that I taped 'Real Sex' on HBO and I would watch that on the VCR at night (yes, this was the late 90's).

Things got a little quiet after that. We had never really talked about porn in the past. Sometimes we would make a joke when a friend went home early that he was going home to jerk off, but we never talked seriously about porn or jerking off. After a few moments of silence Paul said something like, "we don't have HBO, I've never seen Real Sex, but I've heard about it." I probably went on for 10 minutes telling him my favorite parts of the show, and anything else he was asking. I had never done anything with a friend up to this point but I was getting excited talking about porn with Paul. The next thing I knew I had the tape out in my hand and i'm putting it on.

It got REALLY quiet after that. If you've never seen an episode of Real Sex it has been described as the "60 Minutes of Sex". It was mostly documentary style stories mixed with a nice helping of softcore sex and full frontal nudity. That first night nothing happened with Paul and I but it was the start of years of porn watching together.

Fast forward a few weeks and Paul and I have been at this a while. We were watching stuff together, loaning each other porn and talking about our favorite parts, looking at magazines and telling each other exactly which pictures we came too. For all intensive purposes we were jobuds, who had never jerked off in the same room. The most that had happened is that we saw each other re-position our hard cock in our jeans or maybe rubbing a bit on the outside of our pants thinking the other guy wasn't watching. That was soon to change.

I was still taping Real Sex when one of the stories they did was about a retreat for men, where guys are encouraged to be naked and free. They taught them techniques for jerking off, how to edge and do all sorts of cool things. I knew I had to show this to Paul next time we hung out. He came over and I told him that I had taped a new episode and lied telling him I hadn't watched it myself yet. We sat on my little futon and threw the tape in and watched. My cock was already hard before the tape even began! We watched the entire episode and didn't say a word up until the scene started with the men's retreat. This was the first time that any porn we saw was focusing on a man body, instead of just wildly fucking some fake porn star.

I was horny as hell at that point and I knew I wanted to see Paul's cock live in person. I don't remember exactly what I said but I broke the ice by saying something like, "damn, i would love to go to a retreat like this". Paul echoed the same thing, "yeah, this seems like a great time." I asked him if he thought he would be able to get naked in front of a group like that. He answered yes, saying it wouldn't be much different than a locker room situation. As we kept watching we were both getting a bit more bold, we were both rubbing our hard dicks through our pants, not doing anything to hide it. After a while I think I said something to Paul like, "I can't wait to watch this again after you leave, i'm gonna bust a huge load", "I know" he responded, "I can't wait to get home, im so horny".

The episode ended and we were both sitting there worked up. Both with hard cocks pressing against our pants. We agreed that we both wanted to watch the episode again so I rewound the tape and started it over. This time I slowly escalated the situation, knowing that I wanted to jerk off with Paul. I slyly slid my hand into my pants and down into my boxers and started jerking off. I saw Paul's head turn a bit, watching what I was doing. No words were exchanged and soon I saw him doing the same. We both had our hands down our pants, uncomfortably jerking off. The scene came on again with this group of men at the California retreat. All the guys on screen were naked with varying sized cocks that I couldn't take my eyes off. Paul and I were sneaking peaks at each other. I had enough, "sorry man, I have to take care of this" I said, gesturing toward my hand down my pants. "I know what you mean man" he responded. At that point I summoned all of my courage, stood up, unziped my jeans and dropped them to my ankles and then sat back down on the futon and put my hand in the hole of my boxers and started jerking off in front of my friend. I didn't fully take it out yet, but the head of my cock was plainly visible. Less than a minute later Paul followed my lead and was jerking off right next to me. It was great to see my friend sitting next to me jerking off, we had talked about sex/fucking/pussy/cumming so many times and here we were fully enjoying ourselves for the first time.

I wasn't long before we were both grunting and moaning, showing signs that we were going to cum. I handed Paul a tissue, got one for myself and a moment later I felt the sensation in my balls. I was about to cum in front of my buddy. I put the tissue on my stomach, pointed my cock back and busted the biggest load I had ever had to that point. Paul was watching me while I came and then started to cum as well. We both sat there for a moment after and just kinda watched TV while our dicks shrunk back down to normal.

That was the first of many times that Paul and I jerked off together. Whether it was a porn movie or sitting next to each other checking out a magazine, we always jerked in front of each other from that point on.

THIS went WAY longer then I thought I would write and now I have a hard cock while I sit here at my office. Cant wait to get home and jerk off tonight on the chat. Feel free to comment/respond/PM. Always down for chatting with a bud!

Edit – Formatting



  1. This story gave me a hard on just because it was something I shared with a friend back in the day that I’ve completely lost in touch too.

  2. write it down and let us hear about it! It felt great to write this.

  3. That sounds super hot! i’d love to do that. did you ever get to a point where you jerked each other off?

  4. a few times it escalated to that point, yeah. Not often though, and we did this for years.

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