Dorm Room Eavesdropping [m/f]

My sophomore year of college I lived next door to Pete. (All names are changed but the tale is true as best as I can remember). Pete was a senior whose roommate dropped out, leaving him a room to himself. Pete was a stud. He looked like a young Michael Douglas with dimples and short, curly blond hair. Charming and athletic, he was universally liked, particularly by the young women on campus.

About my third night in the dorms that year I was about to turn in when I heard a slight thud against the wall, than another. It was faint at first, but soon got louder, and when I heard the characteristic voice of one of my (stunningly attractive) female classmate, Emily, I realized exactly what was happening. I pressed my ear against the wall and could easily hear every groan and sigh. It so happened Pete was fucking Emily's brains out.

I could hear her sigh along with his thrusting, in tandem with the pounding on the wall, which became rhythmic. Apparently I was late to the party, because she announced she was about to come again.

Then the pounding seemed to stop. I pressed my ear firmly to the wall. All I could hear was Pete mumbling something and Emily sort of whimpering. She was saying something like "oh fuck, please fuck me" over and over. This sort of thing was going on for what seemed like forever, with intermittent unintelligible outbursts, then back to a quiet pleading. No pounding.

Her voice was breathy and irresistible. I listened intently as I almost unintentionally stroked my turgid cock. It seemed like he would gradually give her more, because her panting would get louder, but then it would trail off. Several times I wondered if they were done, only to hear her come back to life again.

Finally there was very faint tapping on the wall, and then Emily began to make involuntary grunting noises that seemed to indicate the beginnings of an epic orgasm. The sounds gradually intensified with heavy breathing and more carnal, reflexive, shuddering language ("oh fuck" etc.). I held myself at the edge, waiting for her to come.

Then there was a slow crescendo that became entirely clear through the wall. The pounding returned, but was more measured, and she seemed gripped by ecstatic agony as he seemed to angrily fuck her in deliberate, assertive thrusts. I remember thinking it was impossible he hadn't come yet as I waited for her to go over the edge.

And then she did, becoming hysterical as he resumed pounding her, sending powerful, frequent shock waves through the wall with each thrust. Trying to time it right, I came extremely hard all over myself (after what had seemed like an impossibly long half hour), but they kept going several more minutes until, eventually, she became completely silent, then vocal, as if consumed by a series of dry heaves. Then, finally, silence, and I fell asleep.

To my amazement, I was awoken in what seemed like just a few minutes later to hear the whole ordeal repeated. Then, the next morning they were at it again. I must have heard her have ten orgasms over the course of the evening.

Although I was shocked at the time, it turned out this would be a regular, everyday part of living next door to Pete. It gets better. I'll share more later.



  1. This is so dirty. I love it. I love the idea of someone getting off to a couple and not letting them know. I guess because I would be embarrassed rather than flattered. But, yes… so hot.

  2. Hot story! I love listening lol. There was a hot girl that lived next to me freshman year who fucked her bf pretty much every day. Those were good times…

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