I had the most intense and incredible sex of my life last night; and my first orgasm. [F21, M24]

Going to preface this with the usual ‘obviously using a throwaway for this…’ but I just had to share this.

I recently reacquainted myself with an old friend, Michael, after I found him on Facebook – we had mutual friends in the past and had met a few times. After normal chit chat our conversation gradually became more flirty and intense. Dirty messages and pictures had made up the bulk of our conversations over the last few weeks but we hadn’t actually spoken about meeting up. He messaged me yesterday morning: “What are you doing tonight? Let’s go out for dinner. I really want to see you.”

I had told Michael when we’d started our dirtier conversations that I’d never actually had an orgasm before, and of course this led to a very detailed account on his behalf as to what he’d like to do with me. The point hadn’t really come up between us again but it was something that was always on my mind – I just never seemed to be able to go that little bit further and really let myself go.

We organized a time and place to meet, a small Chinese restaurant near his place, and I spent the remainder of my day restless and nervous to see him. It honestly kind of turned me on to have butterflies about someone; something I hadn’t experienced for a very long time. As soon as I clocked off at work I rushed home to prepare myself. Took a long shower, shaved everything, painted my nails, put treatment in my hair – the works.

When I arrived I saw Michael waiting for me, leaning against his car at the front of the restaurant. “Hey, you.” He pulled me in to him and held my waist so that my mound was pressed against his erection. It was so sudden I felt a sharp, hot throb in my clit and it took all of my effort not to moan. He grinned cheekily and led me inside. Although it had been so long since we’d seen each other in person I felt so comfortable with him. We were seated inside and while we ate Michael had me pretty distracted from my sexy thoughts about him – we spoke about work and family and I really started to realize how much I enjoyed just speaking with this man.

Finally we left, and it wasn’t until I was walking through his front door that I started to feel the familiar burn below my waist – we were finally alone. I watched as Michael threw his wallet and keys onto the couch, removed his jacket, and came over to me. We didn’t say a word. He took my hand and pulled me into his bedroom.

Immediately he was at my neck, kissing gently and stroking the back of his fingers up and down my arm. With a little more force he walked me back toward his bed and sat down beside me. He pushed me back so I was laying flat, and peeled my bra down so a hard nipple popped out. He started to lick and suck it as I writhed around, searching for anything to apply pressure to my pussy. He cupped me, his palm pushing against my clit, and I couldn’t keep quiet any more. I groaned his name as he continued to massage me over my panties, I felt like I was going to explode then and there. He stood and quickly dropped his trousers, throwing his shirt to the side as he knelt between my legs on the bed. He pulled down my panties, spreading my legs wide apart so that my pussy was right near his face. He groaned in excitement and I heard him breathe “Oh my god.”

As soon as his tongue touched my clit I felt like I was in a different world; although I had had my pussy licked in the past absolutely nothing could compare to what he was doing to me. He wriggled his tongue inside my hole and licked straight up over my lips, flicking the tiny head of my clit. He licked me, like this, over and over and over, until I could barely control my body any more. I felt animalistic, I was moaning and bucking around so much he had to hold me down to bury himself in to my cunt. Suddenly I felt a deep, strange feeling deep down inside me, he had eased his finger in and started to fuck me with it, making ‘come hither’ motions. I felt an immense pressure building up inside me and I couldn’t move or make a sound – it was like everything around me disappeared and it was just Michael and I, his tongue making love to my cunt, and soon I came crashing down in the most wonderful way. My juices flowed out of me, soaking his mouth and chin, and he grunted hungrily as he lapped it up. I squealed as my orgasm rocked my body through, I had tried to imagine so many times what it would feel like and this way surpassed all of my fantasies.

Michael slowly kissed his way up my thigh, my stomach, my tits… he stopped and kissed my nipples, sending another thrill through my pussy – I needed him to fuck me. He stared at me with that cheeky grin again, all I could do was whisper “thank you.” He kissed me, hard and deep, while he positioned himself on top of me. I bucked my hips up to meet him as he ran the head of his cock up and down my slit. I moaned his name again, begging him to fuck me. I felt so connected to him at that moment that it felt wrong for him not to be inside me, and as he leaned forward and slid his length deep inside me he breathed my name in to my ear. “Oh, Daisy.”

He slowly drew himself away and buried his cock inside me again, making me moan each time he made impact with my g-spot – I had never felt anything this deep inside of me, it was like I was in heaven.

He picked up the pace a little and fucked me harder, grunting as he did so. His balls slapped my ass and I reached down to rub my clit while he slammed in to me. We moaned together and he leaned down every now and then to kiss me, and soon he warned that he was going to cum. I knew I was about to feel that exquisite feeling again and wrapped my legs around him, pulling him further inside me. This undid him and he emptied himself in to me, my pussy clenched around his throbbing cock and again I let go, our fluids moving together as he pushed himself as deep inside me as he could.

We lay together for what felt like hours, just trying to come back down to earth. Eventually we got up, ordered a pizza and ended up spending the rest of the night playing Destiny. Definitely my favourite night of my life so far.

Michael is a redditor and frequents /r/gonewildstories so if you see this Mike, thank you again. ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2zbdhz/i_had_the_most_intense_and_incredible_sex_of_my


  1. I’m really happy for you. Let me be the first to congratulate you and wish you continued happiness.

  2. Wow… I really enjoyed this story. I like the emotional and sexual connection you described. More detail would make it even better. Thanks for writing.

  3. Loved your story; detailed and sexy. Hope you guys completed a strike together ;)

  4. Firstly, I can’t believe ‘myfirstorgasm’ wasn’t already taken! Secondly, great story! I’m glad you got to experience your first in such an amazing way.

  5. This was very sweet and hot. Happy you finally got to experience it. :D

  6. Thank you! I am just ecstatic. And now I can’t stop making myself cum :P

  7. Thank you so much! I definitely have more material, I’ll work on my detail :)

  8. I couldn’t believe it either! I just tried it because it seemed such an obvious choice but I really didn’t expect it to be available, haha.

  9. I’m so happy people enjoyed this! I certainly do, once I get around to it I’m sure I will be posting more :)

  10. Thank you – it was quite difficult to sit still while writing this, I have to admit that I was quite hot and bothered after reading it through again :P

  11. One thing you could include (or not, stylistic choice) are descriptions of the characters physically.

  12. Sure. Something engraved. How about… She came. She saw. She…came again. eh…I’ll think about it and get back to you.

  13. Beautifully written. Tender and hot. Well done. Please share more. Nathan

  14. That’s great advice, thank you! Yeah I think that’s what this is lacking, I didn’t even think of describing us haha.

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