Who is a good boy? [mf] [bdsm] [dom/sub] [puppyplay] [drugs]

Here we go… It's my first text in this subreddit and I hope I did the tagging etc right. I wrote this based on a real evening after my boyfriend and me came home super horny and still a bit infused from the drugs… Enjoy!

You know how it feels. You know how it feels when you come down from the drugs. Your head gets confused, you talk about random shit and you … get this thing. The tension between you and your darling. You tell them everything. They tell you everything. And then, when you are home you Fuck – Each- Other – So – Freaking – Hard.

Beginning by just talk about all your dirty secrets, fantasising about pleasuring each other, you suddenly find yourself naked, pressed against the floor by her hands and your dick in her mouth. Oops.

Man, she's so cute today – flicking her tongue, playing with your ass and from time to time she looks up to give you puppy-eyes. You slowly press her onto the carpet with your strong arms now, totally amazed by how playfull she is today. After a couples of minutes (could've been hours, who even cares!) she asks, no she commands you to return the favor – and drags you to the table across the room on your knees. Sitting there between her legs makes lose control a bit and she presses your head between her warm legs. It's simply too much, she doesn't want to come yet, even though it's the best view in the world for her: Her little puppy down there, moving his tongue just for her and looking up to study her pleased face.

The first time wasn't enough: You decide it's getting time for rougher things and pull her away from the table. Like the good girl she is she does exactly how you tell her: Lying on the cold floor and sucking on your cock so desperately to make you happy is truly an enjoyable view. You tease her, and when she doesn't obey she gets a spank. Or two. Or even three. Her mouth is full so you just see her body flinching without hearing a tone and knowing she will drip onto your floor because she's so wet. You remember about your talk earlier and since the bed is freshly made you make the decision to take the action there.

Unexpectedly her voice gets harder and you exactly know: You better listen to her and do what she says. “On your knees.” “On all fours.” “Relax.” You know what's coming but you didn't expect it to be so … overwhelming? The first thrust with the blue dildo, which seemed nearly as big as your rockhard cock, makes you gasp. Burying you face in the sheets you let it happen again and again, feeling how your body can't do anything else but answer with moans and gasp. Her movements get slower… and then stops. You feel her bending over to you ear and whisper "Three thrusts. Without a noise. If you don't do like I say you get three spankings. And we start from the beginning." Your heart nearly bursts while you lay there and feel her teasing you with her fingers until she finally rams the toy into you. You choke, but not one little noise makes it out of your pressed lips. "Who is a good boy?" she mumbles and prepares for the second one… three. Two. One. You stand it like a hero, getting so hard you could probably break things with your dick. But the last one is the hardest one and you can't help to moan a little bit – enough to make her slap against your bare skin – and again. And again. The pain makes you furious but after these spanks you take three thrusts from her in pure silent. "Good boy", she whispers while crawling your neck.

You take the command again and decide to give her the treat she wants to badly – turning her onto the mattress and bang the fuck out of her. You see her eyes getting bigger and with every thrust into her you can see she's already near to orgasm. You're getting slower and lean even further to her: "Don't even think I would allow you to come yet". She takes it with a nod and you begin to play with her craving for you – spitting in her mouth, kissing her like nobody else could and giving her orders to be a good submissive. After a while she can't take it anymore and begins to beg "Please let me come! Pleeeaaase", giving you desperate looks and you give your permission – she comes. Looking you deeply in the eyes she lays there and her whole body is shaking, biting her lips and moaning just because of you. You don't even give her the chance to gasp for air, you just continue to ram into her and building up her waves again and again until she comes the second time, so hard her head starts to spin and everything gets black for a few seconds. Her nails clawing into your back and ass, her noises of gasping and moaning are just the perfect timing for you too: With a few thrust which are the hardest she ever felt you cum into her like probably no time before. Laying still on top of her feeling totally exhausted you listen to her soft voice:

"YOU are a good boy!"

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2z8kgp/who_is_a_good_boy_mf_bdsm_domsub_puppyplay_drugs

1 comment

  1. You should look into femdom erotica … I think you would really like it. :)

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