I work alone..

It's crossed my mind. I've thought about it. How could it not? The PC repair guy is near to the equivalent of the milkman these days right?

Not something I've had an opportunity to dwell on. Even though I've been in the business for a while, it's very rare to be alone with a good looking female client. It happened today though, much to my surprise.

I've had the call in for about three days. The appointment was set for this morning at 10:00. I arrived a little early. It's a local business woman's home office in a gated community. Very quiet, private. The homes are spread out, giving the neighborhood a real out in the country kind of feeling.

As I approached the front door, I was struck with how large the house is. It felt awkward knocking on the door. Kind of like knocking on the door at WalMart or something, it didn't feel natural. After a few moments, an older woman opened the door, let me know that I'd been expected and to come on in and wait. It took me a second to figure out that this was a maid, and not my customer.

She went out a side door leaving me alone in the foyer. About the time I began to feel restless, I heard steps coming from somewhere off to my left and an attractive, slightly older blonde entered the room. "Good morning, sorry to keep you waiting. We're in dire need of your services. The damned computer won't let me do anything." She's wearing a button up shirt, white, and I can see through it just enough to make out the lace of her bra. She's wearing some kind of fuzzy pajama bottoms, and I think to myself, with the way her ass is shaking, she's not wearing any underwear.

"Hey, no problem" I replied. "Tell me what's going on with it. I'm here to help.".

She had me follow her up the stairs to her office. While she chatted me up about the weather and other small talk on the way, I was admiring her ass. I noticed that though she was a little older, she was fit and shapely. I imagined her working out in something skimpy. With her ass jiggling in those pants, my mind was turning to sex. I couldn't help it. I wondered what she looked like naked. I briefly fantasized about her bending over in front of me. I wondered if her pussy hair was blonde too.

We turned the corner into her office. It was a small room with a desk and PC, with a smallish office chair, two book shelves and a loveseat next to the window where the sunlight was beaming in. The loveseat had a multitude of pillows on it, some falling onto the floor along with a throw blanket half on and half off. One of the cushions was on a little askance.

"So…." She says, and quickly trails off into nothing, kind of looking away. Then, "this is kind of emabarrassing, what keeps popping up on my computer, you know it's umm.. well It's sexual." Then really quickly, "I don't know how it got there".

"Probably got through your email. Happens all the time" I said. I turned so I could look her in the eye. You don't have to be looking for porn to get hit with this kind of virus." I replied. She grinned at me and I sat down in her computer chair. She walked over to the loveseat and lowered herself into it as I watched her in the reflection on the monitor.

I bumped the mouse and the computer came to life, erasing the reflection in the glass and replacing it with the pop-up that I was there to get rid of. Along with three or four other windows declaring this or that virus scam, right in the middle of the screen, big as day, is an animation of a woman on her knees looking back at a giant penis stroking in and out of her pussy from the back. Just over and over, wet deep pounding in a constant loop.

"I can't get it to go away" she says. No matter what I try, it just comes back.

I look at the screen and try to close the window. I know it won't work but I click it anyway. It does close, but it's immediately replaced by another, a woman on her knees looking up POV while she sucks and strokes a big cock. The screen flickers for a split second and then he cums all over her face. The animation loops and inside of 15 seconds we see the same ejaculation again. I close that window, but within three seconds, it's replaced with another, again a blowjob, this time the woman is deepthroating it and looking up at her recipient…

I turn around to look at my client, just as she's standing up. She walks over, puts one hand on the back of the chair and the other on her desk, and leans in staring at the screen. She was so close I could smell her and feel the warmth of her body. "Well she says, I haven't seen that one before." She smiled down at me, looking me in the eye as I looked up, past her breasts to her face and eyes.

This is surreal I thought. Looking back now It seems obvious what was going on, but in the moment I wasn't sure and didn't make a move. There was no reason for me to do anything yet though, as I found out soon enough.

She nodded her head at the screen indicating that I should look too. "She really takes it in deep" she says. " I always wondered if I could do that. I would need a big cock to find out, wouldn't I? You have a cock don't you?"

I gulped, turned red-faced, and could feel the blood rush to my dick all in the same instant. I actually felt a little light headed. This was happening really fast. I'd fantasized that something like this might happen one day, but I never imagined it would escalate so quick. I wasn't sure if I wanted it or not. She was attractive, but I didn't know her and damn… so fast.

"Yeah, I said" and I tried to be cool about it but I was nervous as hell. I was almost shaking, and she was as best as I could tell thrilled by it. Her smile turned almost predatory. "Well, is it big?" she asked.

I stammered out something about half intelligible. She leaned in closer. "I want to see if it's big. Do you mind?" she asked, again with that predatory grin.

I shook my head and made some kind of emabarrasing squeaking sound, as she slid her hand down the front of my shirt, and over my jeans to stop right on top of the head of my now half hard dick. She squeezed it. "I can't tell" she said. "I need you to take it out. Pull it out of there for me". She went down to her knees, simultaneously spinning the chair around so that her body was between my legs. I unbuttoned my pants and stood enough to slip them down over my knees. My cock was standing straight up and throbbing with my heartbeat.

"MMHhhmm", She moaned. She ran her hands around my thighs as I sat back down, cupped my balls with one hand while gripping the base of my cock with the other. She squeezed it and held it there, leaned in and without any preamble took the entire head into her mouth.

The sensation was so strong that I bucked involuntarily while she held my cock in her mouth. She let it slide out, covered in saliva… "It is big" she said. "I hoped it would be and it is".

Just a little something I made up this morning sitting here horny. If anyone wants to read more, let me know and I'll see about finishing it. I have a few ideas on how it should end.

It's based in a small bit of truth, embellished for feels. :D

If you have an idea, of a direction you'd like to see this go. I'd love to hear about it. I'll try to work your thoughts into the rest of the fantasy as it plays out if I can manage it.

PM's welcome…. especially from women ! ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2z93r5/i_work_alone


  1. I liked it, and now I want to know how much is true. I’ll be looking for an end to this!

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