[M/F]From /r/dirtypenpals to my hotel room

Turn the clock back 6 months and I posted (under a different name, obviously) in DPP looking for a very specific kind of role play. I only got a few replies, and of those only one went on for more than a few messages.

About me, I'm a 33 year old white male, 6'1", in okay shape (cardio like 2-3 time a week). I'm not especially large, maybe a 6" cock. I work as a consultant. I basically spend half my time on site at various customers across the US. I get paid pretty well, but I'm gone all the time, so relationships have never been easy.

So anyways, I post in DPP, and get a response. The girl in question tells me she's 28, and finishing grad school on the west coast. She's tight lipped at first, but her writing is unbelievable. Easily the hottest RP I've ever done. We find ways to keep the RP going and interesting, and at this point we're basically collaborating on a choose your own erotic fiction.

A month ago, I find out I'm heading to SFO for a week and a half of work. I Fly in Monday, fly out the following Wednesday. I casually mention this in one of the headers of my DPP message to my penpal. I knew she was on or near the west coast because of the timezones.

The day before I'm supposed to fly out I get an email from her asking if I wanted to meetup. WTF?!?! Was she serious?! I got on gchat and she was still online. We chat for a while and she tells me that she trusts me and would like to meet me in person and see if the chemistry went past email. Alarms start going off in my head. Was this a trap? Was she a trap? Did I want to ruin an awesome DPP because I wouldn't be able to separate her in person persona from her DPP persona? I decide I'm being an idiot and agree to meet her. I tell her that once I get settled into the job and know my schedule I'll email her my contact info while I'm in town.

Fast Forward to last Friday, I send her my contact info and the hotel I'm staying at. Tell her to meet me at the bar at 8:00pm. I hear nothing all day.

Around 7:00 I get an email saying she just left, and should be there just a bit before 8:00. It's ON!

I should note, at this point, I still have no idea what this girl looks like or who to look for in the hotel bar. She sent me this: http://i.imgur.com/ZPL6LjY.jpg?1

She'd always RP as a petite, strawberry blonde girl with smallish breasts, but a great tight ass. Her character did tons of yoga (we worked that into the RP all the time) and flexibility was a big part of our RPs. I always assumed it was a made up, more idealized version what she thought I'd find attractive, but in my head this is what I expected to walk in wearing the dress I linked.

About 8:15, and no sign of her. I had emailed her that I was at the bar. I'm now two bourbons in, and thinking I've been stood-up, she probably got cold feet. Whatever, it was foolish to think that she'd actually come given the risks for her.

8:25 and I'm debating between emailing her again, a 3rd round, or just closing out my tab and getting room service. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn around. In front of me is a short, maybe 5' 3" Asian girl (if you include her heels) wearing the dress in the email. I greet her, tell her my real name, and offer her a seat next to me. Her face is beyond flushed, but she looks so innocent and cute I can barely focus. Her hair is jet black, and straight, down to mid back, and she has clips pulling her bangs away from her face.

"Okay, well you're not 28, white and finishing grad school?" She shakes her head and smiles bashfully. She's 21, an undergrad at UC Berkley, her mother is Chinese and her father is half-Japanese. We talk more she tells me that she's been on reddit for 3 years, and uses DPP as a way to be sexual without having to piss off her parents, etc…. She's had a few boy friends, but nothing long term. She lies about her ethnicity and age because she doesn't like the kind of replies she gets when she's honest (horny teenagers, yellow fever, etc…).

After she's finished her drink I suggest we get food, and she agrees. We continue talking, and as dessert arrives I ask her, point blank, why she wanted to get together?

"Of all the DPPs I've done yours has been the most fun and felt the most honest, you seemed like a nice guy, and I know you can turn me on!" I instantly get hard at that comment. I'd been having so much fun talking to her, I hadn't really thought through what would happen after dinner. Sure, there was 11 years of age difference, but we clicked and definitely had chemistry going. We wrapped up dinner, and I decided to man up. "Want to come upstairs with me?"

She looked down at the table, and nodded quickly, then looked up and flashed a huge grin at me.

We sprinted toward the elevator and into my room. Before the door latched I had my arms around her waist and had started kissing her. The almost foot of height difference was a new experience, since I tended to date taller girls. I ram my tongue into her mouth and felt more turned on by her than I had by a woman in years. She must have felt the same way, because while we kissed she was unbuckling my pants, letting them drop to the floor. My hands roamed her body. She really was tiny, but had surprisingly generous curves.

"Sit on the bed!" she barked at me in between kisses. I complied and sat on the end of the bed, taking my shirt and sport coat off as I walked, leaving me in my boxers.

She came over, stood a few feet in front of me, and unzipped the dress. She let it fall off her shoulders revealing her underwear: a simple black strapless bra and a pair of low cut lace panties. With her dress was off I saw that she was very curvy for her height. She'd kicked off her heels when we came in the room, so now she was flat footed almost naked. She reached back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall off. Her breasts weren't big compared to most women, but on her frame they appeared very large, and exceptionally firm, topped with small, thick brownish pink nipples.

She walked up to me and kissed me while sliding on top of me to straddle me, forcing me to lay back on the bed. My cock was pressing hard against her, nestling between her butt cheeks. She ground lightly against my groin. My shaft was straining against the material of my underwear, until she slid off me, and onto her knees in front me of me.

She pulled down the waistband of my underwear and grabbed my cock as I sat up. She started working it with her tiny hands (which made it look even bigger to me, so bonus point there) until eventually she started licking it. This carried on for a while, and exquisite as it was, didn't compare to the sensation of her taking me in her mouth.

Her right hand was wrapped around my cock, working the shaft, while her mouth was holding the head. Her tongue swirled around the top of my penis. The combined sensation was divine. Her left hand was massaging her breast, teasing her nipple, and occasionally lightly stroking my sack. Seeing her with my cock in her mouth was as erotic a sight as you could imagine. I shouldn't have been surprised though. One of the most prevalent themes in our DPP roleplays was her sucking dick and taking loads to the face. As I neared climax I wondered what she'd do as I felt my balls begin to tense up. I grunted I was going to cum, and she increased her pace. I felt the surge hit me, and my balls contract. She pulled away from my cock and I felt myself shoot.

Four ropes hit her. The first, and largest one in her hair, another across her cheek, the third in her mouth and on her lips, and the fourth on the top of her left breast. She immediately resumed sucking me, cleaning my cock off. It was almost too much for me to take.

She wiped up all the cum on her skin and out of her hair, licking it off her fingers, savoring it, another trademark of her characters. After watching her do that, I wished to hell I could muster another erection, but alas I'm not a young man.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/2z9uou/mffrom_rdirtypenpals_to_my_hotel_room


  1. Yes, there’s Saturday and Sunday mornings, but I’m already too long-winded, so I’ll write those later. I wrote this for her to read, so hopefully she enjoys it, and depending on the feedback she gives me, I’ll write more.

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