(M)y Big (F)at Gypsy’s Sister and Her Secret Sex Dungeon [feat. incest]

I drove out to Darla's caravan site nervous of what I might find. She'd promised me her parents were out of town and that only her and her older sister remained.

Who was this sister that Darla confided in? And why did she want to meet me?

Darla kept up the game admirably. She wasn't going to tell me anything.

I rolled the car onto the site slowly and the gravel cracked underneath announcing my arrival.

It was a hot day in late August. One of those English summer days where everything is just right. A cool breeze blowed and the clear skies offered an occasional cloud to provide some respite.

The door to the smallest of the three caravans opened and Darla stood on the threshold.

Her long brown hair was free from the tight bun she usually kept it in. She'd tied it loosely behind her head in a long ponytail. She wore a white head band. She had denim shorts on and a grey, tight-fitting tank top. The cool breeze brought her nipples to attention. There was no bra.

As I approached the caravan she didn't move from her perch. No words were exchanged. The closer I came the more resolute she looked. She wasn't budging. I came all the way up to the bottom step so that my head was level with her tits. She leaned forward ever so slightly and brushed each boob against my face. I exhaled noisily in a release of nervous tension.

"So this is the mystery man then?" said a disembodied voice from behind Darla.

She moved aside and a girl of about 24 emerged onto the threshold alongside Darla.

"This is my sister…Della."

"Pleasure to meet you" I said.

"Come in" commanded Della.

Inside the caravan was bright and all the windows were open. It was spotlessly clean as traveller's homes always are. You could eat off the work surfaces.

I sat down on the sofa at the end if the caravan. The two sisters eyes me curiously.

"You're a bit of a one, aren't ya? Darla told me all about that stunt you pulled threatening to turn us in. Blackmail isn't your typical way to a lady's heart you know."

"No but it's a pretty effective way to her tits" I smiled back.

"You must be wondering why I wanted to meet you?"

I nodded.

Della had blonde hair and her skin was much more olive-toned than Darla's. On the face of it you wouldn't have had these two down as sisters. Except, of course, for their tits. It was clear that huge boobs ran in the family because Della's top, although loose-fitting, rippled in the breeze from the open windows and caught her breasts like the wind in a sail.

She caught me looking.

"I wanted to meet you because Darla and I are thick-as-thieves. We tell each other everything. We share everything." She glanced down at my crotch.

I caught her looking.

Darla piped up for the first time.

"Ever since we were kids we've relied on each other. Had to. No school, constantly moving. It's not easy."

"I still don't know what that means for me…" I remarked.

"Come with us" Della turned towards the door and Darla looked at me with a encouraging smile. I followed Della out with Darla right behind.

We walked across the yard toward the third caravan. The windows were blacked out.

Della pulled out a key and unlocked it. The door opened and we entered. It took time for my eyes to adjust. A switch was flicked and a dim light revealed our new surroundings. A leather sofa, chains running through hoops bolted into the wall, a wooden chair-like structure without any seat…

"Welcome to my office" said Della.

"This is what you do for work?" I asked "a travelling sex dungeon."

"It suits the lifestyle perfectly. We have privacy here. We can leave if we get any unwanted attention" said Della.

"And Darla here is old enough now to start learning the ropes and join the family business. As soon as she told me about you I knew you'd be the perfect deviant for her to practice on…now sit." She gestured to the leather sofa.

My back had been turned to Darla this entire time and now that I was sat in the sofa I could see that she was no longer there.

"You ready, sis?" called Della.

From behind a curtain at the other end of the caravan Darla emerged.

She was wearing a full black PVC catsuit and heels. Her hair was back in its usual tight bun. The catsuit had two large holes through which her enormous breasts hung. There was a large cutaway around her pussy and, I assumed, her ass. As she walked across the room toward me she creaked and cracked. My cock twitched into life in my trousers.

"There's something you should know about me, Della."

I did not take my eyes off Darla as I spoke to her sister.

"I'm not the type to get locked in chains to be whipped and abused… But I am the kind of man to do it to you."

"That's the beauty if this place" replied Della "you can be whoever you want to be in here. You can do whatever you want to do."

I stood up. My dick had swollen and began to throb in anticipation.

"If I'm in charge then here's how it's going to go… Darla, strip your sister naked."

There was a brief pause but the sisters had seen each other naked before so Darla did as she was told.

She set about peeling Della's clothes away to reveal a figure similar to Darla's but slightly fuller. She had gentle rolls across her belly and her tits hung a little lower. Her areolas were a deep, peachy colour. Whereas Darla's tits had a network of veins that converged on her large areolas, Della's were less obviously veiny – her skin tone prevented them from standing out. They were there though. Any tits as engorged as these would have them. Della's veins ran around her areolas in a circular pattern.

"Sit" I gestured towards the chair-like device that had no seat.

The device was the skeleton of a chair. It was made of black metal. Black leather cushioned areas were placed in key spots – the small of the back, along the arms, behind the head and knees – enough to support the sitter. There was a large hole where the seat should be. The chair was fixed to a horizontal pole with a large wheel attached at one end. The wheel turned and so did the chair. You could make your subject hang downwards or tilt them backwards to the point of being upside-down if you wished. As soon as you were in the chair you were helpless.

Della sat as best she could and Darla strapped her wrists and ankles into their clasps and tightened a strap around her midriff.

Della's ass poked out through the hole and I immediately rotated the contraption so that she hung there face down like a pig on a spit.

Her tits swayed with the motion. I slapped her ass hard three times and rotated the wheel so she was facing upwards, on her back. I grabbed a ball gag and fastened it. She let out a few garbled words of approval.

I took two lengths of rope and ordered Darla to gather her sister's full breasts in her hands one at a time so I could tie the rope tightly around each at their base. Immediately the veins on her tits began to show themselves as her tits changed colour from olive toned, to slightly pink and then a deepening purple.

I took two clasps and clamped them around her nipples and areola roughly. She let out a dull moan of excruciating pleasure.

I threaded a thin chain through the back of the clasps and pulled her tits around by their pinched attachments.

Her pussy was dripping wet. I could see a trail of slime running down into her ass cheeks. An occasional drip could be heard as the rivulets found their way to the floor.

I spun her around so she was again facing the floor, her bound tits hanging, swaying.

I slapped her ass hard, again and again. I reached back and roughly massaged her sodden pussy lips. Pulling and tweaking them, taking great pleasure in the exploration of her every fold. I was in no mood to give her any satisfaction yet but my rough-housing of her pussy was too much for her. She shuddered once, twice, three times with her whole body straining against her bonds. With each shudder a gush of cum sprayed backwards over my hand and wrist and onto the floor. Her whole body fell loose as far as the bonds would allow.

I rotated her round so she faced the ceiling and removed the clips from her nipples. They were pinched and discoloured. She winced with pleasure and pain when I removed them.

"Suck your sister's tits" I commanded Darla.

She hesitated. Della came round from her rapturous semi-consciousness with a wild look on her face. She looked from me to Darla and back. In my mind I dared her to shake her head, to say no to this breach of natural law. She looked back at Darla who was a picture of confusion. She stared greedily at her sister's inflated and abused tits. Wordlessly they both submitted to their lust.

Darla clamped her mouth around Della's puffed and swollen nipple. She slathered it in her spit and soothed the tender skin with her lips and tongue. Della moaned gently through her ball gag.

I watched the two of them together for several minutes. Present but totally ignored by them both. Darla worked her way over every square inch of her sister's throbbing tits. She indulged herself by playing with the spit, weaving threads of it across each breast, watching it slither into pools between them.

I rotated her again so that she was still facing the ceiling but at an angle so that her head was closer to the floor and her legs toward the ceiling, at head height.

I unzipped my fly and pulled out my aching dick. Darla's spit had left a film over Della's tits and the rope tied around each held them artificially erect. I slid my length between them and smeared my balls over Della's gagged mouth and face as I fucked her tits.

I squeezed Della's tits together tighter and grinded my dick in and out of her wet mounds.

"Do you see that Darla? I'm fucking your sister's tits like you fucked my duck with yours. Do you remember how swollen they were?"

Darla said nothing. She stood there watching me fuck her sister's tits. Transfixed. I don't think she even realised she was rubbing her own clit.

"Do you remember how I sucked your pussy last time, Darla? I command you to do it to your sister."

She stopped rubbing her pussy and I could sense a change in Della, too. I pulled my dick from between her tits and looked down. Her face was red having slowly filled with blood. She was trying to say something. I removed her gag expecting her to draw the line at my demand.

"Do it Darla" she pleaded "suck my pussy like he sucked yours."

"And you" she said to me "fill my mouth with your balls as you fuck these titties."

I placed my balls on her lips and she opened as wide as she could. They were too big to fit without help so I pushed them past her stretched lips so they were enveloped in the hot, wet confines of her mouth. Her tongue lapped at them and I began fucking her tits once again, loving the way the motion tugged at my balls.

Darla stepped around and surveyed her sister's dripping vagina. Even having seen her sister naked many times over the years this was a whole new territory. Now, having gorged herself on her sibling's breasts, she was contemplating the consequences of taking the next step.

She looked down at her own dripping pussy and noticed that she had again started rubbing her clit unconsciously. She wanted this and so did her sister.

She pushed her mouth into her sister's cunt, rolled her tongue around its entirety and took her labia between her lips.

Della's body tightened instantly. A primal reaction perhaps to something so wrong. Her mouth clamped tightly around my balls as she pulled her head backwards, hard. It was painful but incredible and I let out an anguished sigh of pleasure and pain. Della moaned and the vibrations resonated within my balls.

Darla remembered how I had pleasured her in my office. She took a firm tongue and lapped at her sister's clit, moving in a figure-of-eight motion. With each new sensation Della's pussy gave up more of its juices which dribbled down her sister's chin. Darla ushered as much of the cum as she could toward Della's asshole. There she began to massage the tight ring in circular movements. She inserted a little finger. Again, Della's body tightened. Again, my balls were tugged downwards. Next Darla inserted two, then three fingers into her sisters anal cavity and massaged the internal wall between her pussy and arse. Della was writhing in unimagined pleasure. She let out a bestial, long drawn-out moan as her stomach and pelvic muscles convulsed. I felt that roar deep within my balls. She released them with a "pop" as she gave herself to her sister-given orgasm. Each convulsion sent a wave of cum over her sister's face, hair and tits. Darla kept fucking her sister's contracting asshole as the fountain emptied onto her.

I had stopped fucking Della's tits to watch the fireworks. Darla stepped away from the mess she'd made and moved quickly across the room.

She pushed me backwards onto the sofa, placed her feet either side of me and hooked her arms around my neck to support her as she lowered herself onto my prick. I remembered the travellers' strict "no sex before marriage… But anal is fine" code and prepared for her tight, puckered ass.

She plunged downwards and took my full length straight into her virgin pussy.

"Darla…" I began to jabber in surprise.

"Shhhh, I just made my sister cum. Now fill me with your seed."

She plunged herself down and pulled herself up the shaft with wild abandon, her head tilted back and monstrous tits slapping together.

The "thop, thop" noise of her tits mixed with the squelch of her pussy juices in an orchestra of pleasure.

Her pussy, un-entered by man until now, was as tight as any I had experienced. It was a greedy vagina, too, deep and seemingly hungry for more inches, never satisfied, it wrapped itself around my pole with a vacuum seal. I could not last.

"I'm sorry Darla, I can't hold on."

"Fill me up you pervert!" She screamed.

I must have pumped 10 thick ropes of hot cum into her. She kept plunging up and down. As her pussy began to fill the pressure forced gushes of my sperm out and onto my balls and lap. It dribbled down the sides of my dick and spread onto her ass and upper thighs as she slammed her pussy into this new mess she had made.

All three of us were silent. No discussion was had. No sheepish looks were exchanged.

I dressed and strode towards the door leaving Darla to attend to her still-tied sister.

My final command as I left?

"Tell your mother about me."

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2xprwf/my_big_fat_gypsys_sister_and_her_secret_sex

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