[MF, mdom, fsub]The Phone – A small little story.

You have this phone, you are always carrying it with you, although you never use it. You only watch it for the slightest indication of activity, hoping for it to ring and show you something you were hoping for. You are doing the dishes as you suddenly feel the vibration in your pocket, freezing in everything you do. The phone is a leaden weight in your pocket and excitement rushes through your paralyzed body. Just slowly you regain your senses and reach into your pocket taking it out. He got you that phone and he is the one that send you that message.

‘You will be in your prettiest panties and blindfolded by the time I arrive. Master.’

You blush as you read that, rubbing your thighs against each other and hastily finish doing the dishes. You step into the shower leaving a trail of clothes across your apartment. The hot water runs over your body, gently following the contours of your body. You take to the razor, preparing yourself for your master in order to be on your best appearance. You know that he doesn’t mind any of this, but still you want to put yourself on display tonight. As you are finished you let your hands run over your body, feeling the silk like texture of your skin. As you cup your breasts playfully you blush a little, fantasizing about what he is going to do to you. One of your hands reaches down to your crotch, gently teasing the outline of your pussy, but not allowing it to touch you in any more direct way. You know that Master will take care of it for you.

As you step out of the shower you are slightly aroused and your cheeks are flushed slightly red. You dry off your body gently before you admire yourself in the large mirror and nod satisfied. As you walk into the hallway you see the trail of clothes you left behind and decide to clean it up right now, going through the apartment to pick up little pieces of clothes until you are back in the hallway leading to the bathroom as well as your apartment door. You bend down picking up the panties you wore earlier, with your back facing the apartment door, as you suddenly hear the keys turning the doorknob. You freeze, realizing he must be already there…

‘You are neither blindfolded nor in your panties… I am disappointed.’

You hear his deep voice and it sends a shiver down your spine. Your bare bottom is completely exposed to him and you hear him closing the door and walking up to you. As his hand grabs your ass forcefully you are finally freed from your shock and try to rise. He grabs you harder, making you understand that you are not allowed to do so. His other hand reaches into your crotch, gently caressing your bare pussy.

‘At least you prepared yourself.’

He lets you go, leaving you trembling slightly in embarrassment and excitement. You know you failed your Master and you will receive punishment. But you are prepared to take it.

‘Get into the living room and lay over the chair in the middle of the room.’

After that you walk into the living room, following his orders swiftly as he rummages through your things in your bedroom. He returns with the blindfold and straps it over your head roughly, before forcing your head down again. You are laying on your belly on the chair, your arms reaching down on the front and your ass up high, with your knees on your floor. You imagine him moving around you, inspecting your body with his scrutinizing eye. Finally you hear him stop.

But still you are not fully prepared what comes next. The loud smack and the pain following it, surging through your body take you on the wrong footing. You cry out in pain, as the paddle hits your firm butt. It was but one hit with it, still you feel the pain surging through your body and triggering that sweet feeling of belonging. You belong to him. It is in his right to hurt you. Although he does not want to, he is still your Master and does his duty in disciplining you.

Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack.

Four consecutive hits land on your bare bottom, leaving it in a red coloring. You regained your composure after the first stroke and took the beating like the good little sub you are. He puts away the leather sheathed paddle and kneels down beside you, gently stroking your ass and running his fingers over your reddened skin. He gives you another slap with his bare hand for good measure, before he commands.

‘Now undress me, pet.’

He is tall, handsome and slightly muscular in build. As you unbutton his shirt and gently caress his chest, you still feel the warm sensation of residual pain radiating from your bottom. You kneel in front of him, unbuckling his belt and sliding down his pants, together with his shorts, exposing his nakedness to you. You blush slightly as you see him already half erect and smiling down to you.

‘Although you misbehaved you took your punishment very well and made your Master excited to play with you.’

He says in his gentle tone. You realize that you haven’t spoken a word yet and still you feel like understanding each other without the need to speak. You gently cup his balls in your hand, kissing the tip of his cock gently. As you tenderly caress his manhood, you feel him stirring more and growing harder by the minute.

‘Kneel on the couch.’

He commands and leads you over to the broad couch and kneels in front of it, bringing his face level with your exposed bottom and pussy. You feel his warm breath on your most intimate parts, before he lowers his head and bites into one of your ass cheeks playfully, teasing you with it. But finally you feel his tongue licking over your closed lips, making them part with the tip of his tongue. You can feel it twisting and moving until he reaches your hooded clit, making it grow and harden, leaving its protective shell. He circles it, letting his tongue flick over it and making you moan in pleasure, writhing under his ministrations. As he can taste your juices flowing he laps them up, savoring the taste of your arousal, before standing up and grabbing your ass with his hands. You shudder in the slight pain this is causing, radiating from your sore cheeks, mixing with the pleasure and making this exquisite experience… Suddenly you feel him thrusting inside you. His cock was perfectly aligned with your pussy and slid into it without any problems. Your tight velvet walls envelope his erect cock, as he stays inside you, letting you feel the fullness of your conjoining. He grabs you by your shoulders pulling your body up. He stands behind you, holding you tight to his body while you are on your knees on the couch.

You feel him cupping a breast, biting your neck and making you feel closer to him than ever before. You moan in desperation, wanting him to move and he complies… His hip moves away from you slapping against you again and again hammering into you. Every thrust makes you moan in pleasure as he slaps against your butt and sends that mixture of pleasure and mild pain from the beating up into your fingertips. You feel light headed and tingly as you suddenly explode into that long craved climax. Just then he releases you, leaving a small bite mark on your neck and your face filled with blissful pleasure still washing over you.

If you have read this far: Thank you for staying with me. If you like my approach and didn't find too many mistakes in it you might want to read another one right here: http://gilgaa.tumblr.com/

I hope you enjoy some of it :)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2vx478/mf_mdom_fsubthe_phone_a_small_little_story


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