Her story

Sorry I didn't realize you couldn't read it the other way. This is one of the first stories I've written. And the first I've had the balls to post. I hope y'all really like it. Any feedback would be great! Thanks!

It had been such a long day. All she wanted was to get home take a shower and crawl in bed with her latest book. The moment she walked in the door she started taking off her clothes. She thought she should pick them up but figured she would do it later. She lived alone so it wasn’t like anyone would care. She hopped in the shower and as soon as that hot water hit her skin she felt the stress from the day melt away. After spending so long the water turned cold she got out and toweled off. She slipped on her favorite baggy shirt and a pair of lacy black panties, grabbed her book and laid down in bed. She was so enveloped in the book she didn’t notice him in her bedroom doorway at first. He was able to stand there and watch her. She was so lovely, thick soft thighs that led to wide hips, and long curly dark hair. She smiled slightly at something she had read. He felt his dick getting hard just looking at her. This was going to end up being a fun night. She feels eyes on her suddenly and looks up. He’s standing there watching her he has broad shoulders that lead to a muscular chest. A trim waist and jeans that hugged all the right places. Under other circumstances she would have loved having a man like this in her bedroom, but now it terrified her. As he stepped into her room she saw he was wearing a ski mask as well. She opened her mouth to scream but he was already there and covering her mouth. He leans down and whispers in her ear, “Be quiet kitten and you’ll have fun.” He kisses her temple gently and stands up, keeping a hold of her. Her back is pressed against his chest, she can smell his cologne, and something about it is familiar. The way he called her kitten made something in her react. She could feel herself growing moist. She thought, I must be losing my mind, how can this turn me on? She knew it was wrong, but between the fear, the feel of his hard member against her lace covered ass, and the smell of his cologne, she couldn’t help it. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a red gag ball he slipped it in her mouth and told her to be still as he buckled it behind her head. He then pushed her down on the bed and grabbed one of her scarfs from the bed post. He held her wrists together as he bound them. Then he lifted them over her head and tied them to the bed. He stood up once done. As he looked at her one thought crossed his mind….beautifully bound. Her breasts are full and large. Her shirt still hides their true beauty from his eyes. He thinks it’s time to remedy that. He removes a knife from a small bag he had brought with him. He sees her eyes grow wide and she begins to struggle. He places his finger across his lips and makes a shushing sound. He grabs her shirt and slices it up the middle. He lays it gently open so he can see her body in all its voluptuous glory. He draws in a sharp breath, she truly is a man’s wet dream. He watches her breasts move as she breathes heavily. Her nipples harden under his stare, and he has an incredible urge to taste them. He leans down and lightly licks first the left then the right nipple. She tastes like honey and sunshine. The moment his tongue touches her nipples she feels her pussy contract. It’s like his touch had a direct link to her libido. She wants more of his mouth on her body. It has been so long since she had been touched. Maybe that explained her body’s reaction to this man. He can smell her arousal. It’s driving him crazy. He has to have her but knows he will take his time, make every moment ecstasy for her. He wants her to enjoy her this. To know no man could ever make her feel as good as he can. He stands up and removes his shirt and pants. His manhood springs free. He is hard as stone and very thick. He removes her panties with his teeth and it seems she enjoys having his mouth so close to her pussy. He inhales her sent and he feels an ownership. This pussy would be completely his before the night was over. He dips his tongue into her wet folds. And almost cums with the taste of her. She can’t believe how incredible his mouth feels! She doesn’t ever want this to stop. She feels him slip a finger into her. He moves it in and out as he focuses on her clit. First sucking then flicking it with his tongue. She is so close she can feel her orgasm building when he adds another finger she explodes! Everything goes black and it’s like she sees fireworks. Everything but his mouth and fingers disappear. She would be screaming if it wasn’t for the ball gag. He feels her pussy grab onto his fingers as she cums. It’s all he can do not to jump up and ram his dick into her. He watches her body convulse. The sweat beads on her skin. It’s the most erotic sight he’s ever seen. He can’t wait any longer, he has to feel her pussy wrapped around his dick. He moves up her body kissing her soft belly, her nipples, and her neck. He stares into her eyes as his dick is poised at her opening. He watches for any clues that she wants him to stop. She doesn’t give him any, in fact she seems to want more. She moves her hips toward his. He knows she’s ready. He slowly slips into her. He is mesmerized by the expressions that cross her beautiful face. How her big brown eyes roll up into her head and her brows crease. She feels almost to good. He had to take his time or he will cum to quickly. She is so tight, wet, and hot. He can’t ever remember another woman feeling this good. He knows after tonight he will be addicted to her. She can’t believe the way this strange man makes her feel. He seems to know her body and wants better than she does. She knows that this is exactly what she has needed. To be controlled, dominated, by a man. For him to take what he wants from her. Her body is his now. She knows that she will crave him for the rest of her life. As he pumps into her she can feel him getting harder she knows he’s close. It only escalates her own orgasm. As they both explode together, she can think of nothing but him and the way he has made every inch of her come alive. He can’t hold back anymore, he has to cum. As he reaches his release he feels her cum again. It only intensifies his own orgasm. He knew from the first moment he saw her that she would feel wonderful. But he had no idea it would be this good. She had to be his after this. It was time to give up the charade and show her his face. He sits up and unties her arms. He then helps her sit up and removes her gag. He pulls her limp body into his lap and smiles at the look of satisfaction on her face. She looks up at him and gives him a slow smile. He decides now’s the time. He removes his mask and her eyes pop open. The look of surprise is priceless. He almost laughs out loud. He had loved her for so long and she never knew. When he removes his mask she can’t believe her luck. He had been her friend for years now, how could a man as sexy as him ever want a woman like her? She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply. As she pulls away she asks him why he waited so long to do this. He just smiles and kisses her forehead, and replies “kitten I don’t know what took so long, but know from now on I’ll have you every night.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2vwmf9/her_story