Sharing a night with my girlfriend, and sharing her too [BDSM]

We've been living in our little Scottish flat for a few months now. We were as happy as could be.

We planned to have a romantic New Year’s Eve. I told you I had a surprise planned. You told me the same. The night came and we exchanged surprises. We were both in the living room. I took you by the waist and pulled you into me. Although we were both fully clothed, you could still feel my big, rock hard cock against your stomach. I kissed you deeply. You let out a little moan. You pulled away to show me your surprise. You slowly unbuttoned your blouse and your jeans to reveal black lace lingerie. You left your clothes on and motioned for me to 'come hither'. I moved in to take your clothes off the rest of the way. As I slowly removed your blouse, I placed my lips on your neck. Kisses went from your jaw down your neck, to your collarbone. I slid off your jeans and whispered into your ear "time for my surprise." I locked your hands behind your back with fuzzy handcuffs and pushed you onto the sofa. You squirmed and squirmed but you couldn't get out of them, as if you wanted to. I looked out of our window and gave a nod. Suddenly, you could hear footsteps, many footsteps.

You were confused and scared not knowing what I was doing. But you knew deep down what was going to happen to you. You were afraid, but the fear was a little exciting.

Several men walked into our living room. I leaned in to you and said "I thought we'd start our New Year off with a bang!" I moved away and said to the strange men "she's all yours boys." The first man walked up to you and stripped down. He was shorter than either of us and had bright red hair. His penis was very long and quite thin. He walked up to you and slid his penis between your boobs. He started tit fucking you as he pressed your breasts together. His penis was long enough to bump into your chin with every stroke. You felt anxious and horny at the same time. You turned to me with a worried look. I smiled at you and nodded approvingly. You knew that your man loved you enough to let you have the night of your life and to simply enjoy it.

You turned your head back to the penis that was thrusting in and out of your boobs. You let your tongue meet the head of his penis. Once he felt your wet tongue on his manhood he grabbed your lace bra and tore it right off you. He picked you up and threw you over the arm of the sofa. You were lying on your back, staring at me upside down. Suddenly, the strange man stuck his penis in your face. You saw it only for a moment before he rammed it down your throat. You gagged and choked and panicked. But seconds later you realised that you were taking 9 inches down your throat with ease. His penis slid in and out in and out in and out. His balls smacked against your nose and eyes. Your saliva ran to your forehead. You couldn't stand the thought of what was happening to you. Then you realised how he was using your body for his own selfish pleasure. Thinking about it made your pussy all wet. He pumped harder and faster until he rammed his penis down your throat one last time. His cum gushed down into your stomach without you tasting or swallowing it. He withdrew and slumped into a chair.

You tried to get your breath back but before you could, the next man approached. He was already naked. He was a little taller than us, thin as a rake, had light brown hair, and a short plump cock. He grabbed you by the shoulders and threw you so your head was on the other end of the couch face down. He ran his fingers over your moist panties. He moved them out of the way to make room for his mouth. His tongue started to flick your clit. A hot sensation of pleasure radiated throughout your body. He then licked the entire length of your pussy, up and down, up and down. He clenched his fists around your panties and ripped them off of you. He moved his cock to your pussy. Just as his head touched you I grabbed him firmly by the shoulders. "That's my pussy" I reminded him. "Oh come on she wants it so bad!" He swiftly retorted. I grabbed him by the hair, pulled his face up to meet mine and gruffly snarled "Remember who's in charge here punk…" The man was quick to change his plan. He grabbed some lube and squirted some on his finger. His finger traced your anus. A familiar feeling as we've done butt stuff many times by now. He slowly pushed his finger inside you. You could feel your vagina pulsing, begging to be fucked. You lost yourself in the warm pleasure. The man took his finger out and squirted some lube on his cock. You suddenly realised this man's cock was much thicker than mine. But before you could brace yourself, his cock plunged into your ass hole. A sharp pain shot up your spine. You cried out. He grabbed you by the hair, pulled your head back and started pumping your ass. A few tears trickled down your face. It felt so good to be fucked by a thick cock but the pain was almost too much. You have never felt anything quite like this. The thought of being somebody's little anal slut turned you on like nothing ever has.

Just when you started to get used to what was happening, the final man walked up to you. He was well built and hairy. He had a beard that let people know he was a real lumberjack. He took of his jeans to reveal a slightly smaller dick. He was rock hard and was dripping with precum. His hands replaced the others’ at the back of your head. As the second man was still pounding your asshole, the last man wiped his precum on your tongue. It tasted so good, you wanted to savour it. Instead of humping your face like the first man, he forced you to suck and choke on his dick with his hands. The second man slammed his cock into your ass one last time, filling you with his silver strands of hot cum. You let out a whimper as you could feel it inside you. The second man lay down on the floor. The last man removed his dick from your mouth and let go of your head. He starting stroking his dick, grabbed your chin and said "open up wide." You opened your mouth and stuck you tongue out. He grunted as his thick cum drizzled from his dick. He came and he came and he came. There was so much cum that it nearly filled you mouth. It started dripping out when he wiped it up, shoved it back into your mouth and said "swallow." With one big gulp you swallowed the biggest load you ever would. He grabbed your shoulders and sat your up on the sofa. Your pussy was soaking wet and you were out of breath. I walked up to you. "Sydney." You managed to open your eyes enough to see me hovering over you. "You want more?" You nodded. "Oh that's too bad," I said with a smirk, "I'm feeling a little tuckered out." I faked a yawn and stretched my arms. You tried to say "please", but the words wouldn't come. "What was that? I couldn't hear you. Did you say something?" I teased. You struggled to say something. You took a deep breath and with a faint voice managed a whisper, "please Klip. F- f-," you almost couldn't finish "fuck me". I pulled off my shirt and undid my belt, "well since you begged me like the naughty little slut you are." I took off my pants. There it was, the cock you were all too familiar with, rock hard and throbbing. I grabbed your inner thighs and spread your legs. "Watch closely boys, THIS is how you fuck a woman."

I leaned in and bit your lip. You sighed with pleasure. I let my cock rest against your pussy. Then I pushed in against you harder. You could feel how thick, hot and veiny it was. I grabbed your left boob firmly and approached it with my face. I began flicking your nipple with my tongue. You could feel it but you were disappointed with how little you could feel. Then I wrapped my lips around your areola and starting swirling my tongue around. You moaned having felt more pleasure. Then I started sucking on your tit as hard as I could. Your breathing got heavier. I grabbed your boob harder and kept sucking. I could feel how close you were to coming. I stopped, grabbed some rope, and tied your feet together behind my back. "You're not going anywhere until I'm good and fucking ready. Understood?" You barely managed a nod. I started rubbing my cock along your vagina. The moment you've been waiting all this time for. I put my head against your hole and stopped. You looked up to see me staring at you. "Are you sure you want this cock?" "Yes! Please! Please fuck me!" You replied in a soft desperate voice. "I wanna hear you scream it."

"I want your cock!" You raised your voice

"LOUDER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

"I NEED YOUR COCK" Your voice cracked as you screamed

Then, I pushed my cock deep inside you. Your head rolled back as you gasped. I stayed perfectly still for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted you to feel every last inch of me. You looked into my eyes. Then I started humping you. It felt so good to have your man inside you. It was so comfortable and familiar. Then I started pounding you hard and harder until I was fucking you as hard as I possibly could. "Oh god Clip don't stop don't stop!" I kept a steady pace. Your head rolled back, your eyes clenched, you stopped breathing. Your entire body began contracting. This was the strongest orgasm you've ever experienced. You caught your breath only for a brief moment. I was still fucking you with everything I had. Your body cringed and came again. This time it was more intense. Everything went blurry. You couldn't remember the next few minutes. You came to only to see me still fucking you. You quickly remembered what was happening and started feeling horny again. I pumped and pumped until I eventually came. My cock throbbed inside you. The first contraction made you come a third time. Our orgasm contractions were in sync. I growled at the others to leave, and none of them hesitated. You laid there helplessly, panting like never before in your life. I laid on top of you, my cock still inside. I unlocked yours handcuffs and cut your feet free. I rolled out a blanket on the floor and led you to it. We snuggled up to each other. "Happy new year sweetie" I whispered. I kissed your ear and we fell asleep.
