Sneak peek: The Visitor Takes a Trip [MMF threesome]

The Visitor Takes a Trip A Friendly Ménage Tale

“Mmm,” purred Lea, lowering herself onto Sean’s straining erection, feeling the flare of the head spreading her open. “Feel good, Sean?”

“Damn, Lea-honey,” Sean growled into her breast, “you know it does.” His big hands pressed gently but insistently down on her hips, pushing her further onto him, straddling him on one of the kitchen chairs. His cock pressed past where the membrane between her pussy and her ass was pushed tight by the butt plug that was planted deep inside of her, and now it was Lea’s turn to growl.

Then she gasped as his teeth clamped onto her nipple. Her whole body tingled, and she slid the rest of the way onto him — the rest of the way home.

Gazing up into her eyes, , Sean sighed, “Love you. Love you so fucking much.”

Suddenly the pressure of imminent tears narrowed Lea’s vision. “Love you too, Sean.”

Behind her came a deep, muffled moan.

Sean’s eyes flashed over Lea’s shoulder, but she rocked her hips, giving him (and herself) a taste of the delicious fuck that was yet to come.

“Ignore him, Sean.”

Blue eyes, lust heavy, floated back up to hers, and Lea smiled. She didn’t need to turn around to see Andy, their lover, gagged and handcuffed to another chair, just close enough to hear and smell everything. Lea kissed Sean. “Andy’s got no one to blame but himself. Isn’t that right, Andy?”

Another moan came from behind, but beneath Lea, Sean smiled ferally. “Uh-huh.” Sean’s cock was pulsing inside of Lea, his fingers twitching where they dug into her hips.

Her lips still against Sean’s, Lea murmured — just loudly enough to be sure that Andy could hear — “Fuck me, baby. Show me you love me. Fuck me hard.”

It really was Andy’s fault. Really.

In the weeks after Andy had finally admitted what had been obvious to Lea for a while — that he was as in love with Sean as he was with Lea — Andy had grown more and more withdrawn.

It wasn’t that he didn’t seem to love fucking Lea and Sean any less, or that he didn’t love having each of them fuck him. It wasn’t that they hadn’t tried and enjoyed every sexual permutation that they could think of combining all of their various body parts since that first mindblowing threeway fuck in the stage manager’s booth at the theater where Lea worked.

It wasn’t that he didn’t seem to love them any less.

It was more that Andy seemed less and less able to talk to them about anything.


He became monosyllabic. Sullen. And then his schedule and Sean’s at the fire house, which they’d kept in sync since before Lea had even met Andy, mysteriously changed. Instead of being on duty the same two days a week and off the other five, Andy and Sean had only one day a week at work together.

In some ways, Lea was delighted. It was a treat after all these months to be able to spend some time alone with each of her boys. But while her nights with just Sean were wonderful — a fulfillment of the daydreams (and the more nocturnal ones) that she’d had about being with him since she was in college — Andy seemed closed off to her. Except of course when they were fucking.

And so, one steamy, early summer evening, Lea pressed the issue while Andy’s calves were over her shoulders, she more literally pressed her strap-on cock deep into his ass. Leaning into him, Lea squeezed his weeping erection, making him gasp. “So. Andy. What’s gotten into you?”

For once his answer had two syllables: “Wedding. . .”

“WHAT?” For a moment Lea thought he might be trying to propose, which she thought would be sweet, but kind of weird timing.

Well, the two times she’d been proposed to before had been even weirder — but only because she’d been trying to break up with the men at the time, not because she was fucking them with a bright purple silicone phallus. “You want to marry…?”

He shook his head and whimpered, “Naw, naw… But… Don’t stop, please, I’ll… Promise. I’ll… Just… don’t stop, please, fuck, Lea, fuck me, baby, FUCK!”

Lea began long, hard thrusts with her hips, driving her dildo into his ass and driving his cock through her fingers in a way that she knew drove Andy wild.

Fine. He’d promised. He’d keep his promises. He was a Boy Scout, even if he was a mute Boy Scout.

She fucked him hard, both of them screaming, sweating, until her muscles were begining to burn (How the hell do they keep going…?) before Andy closed his eyes and arched, his butt clamping around the dildo, and a pearlescent geyser streaming onto his belly and chest.

By that point Lea herself was so excited, the blood pooling around her clit, her nipples buzzing, that she knew she was close. Deciding the answer to her question could wait just a little longer, thanks, she shifted to the smaller, rolling thrusts that pressed the strap-on’s nub against her own, and rocked the other, bulbous end of the dildo against her g-spot, bringing her quickly to a small but very satisfying and very well-earned orgasm.

They lay, panting and sweating on Andy’s much-neglected bed. “Damn,” Andy grunted.

“Uh-huh.” agreed Lea. Honestly, that was all she could manage in that moment.

When Andy began to lap at her breast as he unbuckled the strap-on, however, she found the energy to stop him by gently grabbing his ears. Slack-faced, he looked up at her, his brown eyes managing convey both satisfaction and hunger.


“Huh?” He blinked at her before shaking his head — not telling her no, just trying to remember what they’d been talking about. “Oh. Yeah.” He began to look down again, either to kiss her boob or maybe to talk to it, but Lea had gotten tired of him not talking. She held onto his ears until his eyes met hers again. “Right,” he sighed. “Wedding.”

Read some more of the story here, on my blog!
