[MF] Renovate

"We should renovate," I say, looking around the dining room. He studies me over his breakfast sandwich.

"What's wrong with the way it is now?" He, too, looks around the room with fresh eyes. I'm not sure if he'll really care or defer to me and trust that I know what I'm doing.

"I just want some color. It's so dull, all white like this. Or even just an accent wall or something."

"Accent wall?" he parrots, skeptical.

"Yeah, when you paint just one wall, or do a special pattern on it, something like that." He makes a noise of acknowledgment and continues surveying the room.

"Huh. So do you have anything particular in mind or just thinking out loud?"

I shrug, sheepish. "Probably one of those things I say and will never get around to–although we're actually pretty good at doing the things we talk about." I sip my hot cider before adding, "And maybe I want to get in a paint fight with you…" He looks back at me, surprised, and takes in my silly Cheshire Cat grin.

"Oh really now." The way he says it, it's not a question. He smiles, too, and pushes his chair back from the table. There is a hint in his expression of something that excites me, that makes my blood run hot. I squirm in my seat as he comes to stand next to me.

"Really. Sir." I add the title as an afterthought, knowing it will exacerbate this part of him that I love to see so much.

He almost growled as he pulled the chair out from under me and pressed my chest down on the table. His hand found my shoulder for leverage as he trapped my hips between his and the table. I felt his cock between my ass cheeks, surprised he was so hard again after how I'd woken him up this morning.

I felt his warmth leave my backside and he twisted my arms behind me, holding my wrists together. With his other hand he deftly pushed my sleep shorts and panties aside to slide a finger slowly inside me. He groaned.

"You're so wet for me, you little slut." I could hear the strain in his voice and I knew he was using a lot of self control not to take me right there on the table. He worked his finger slowly in and out, and I began to moan as he started applying pressure in different directions.

"Baby, faster," I pleaded, breathless.

"Ahhh, fuck." And I knew his control had gone. He bared my ass in a quick motion and spanked me once, hard, leaving my skin tingling. And then his shorts were gone and he was inside me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2v6hmp/mf_renovate


  1. Originally I wrote this in a journal that I keep, after I’d been away from my bf for a month on school holiday. My first thought when I read it again yesterday was, ‘Damn, I chickened out on the ending, didn’t really go anywhere with it.’ Then I flipped the page and kept reading where I went back to journaling, and realized that I hadn’t chickened out on writing more porny stuff, I’d just gotten distracted from writing fiction and was thinking about what I wanted my bf to do to me when I got home. x)

  2. I would love to read more, this was really hot. Your body is so beautiful and sexy, and so is your mind. Massive turn on…

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