Okay. I lied. I stayed up all night and wrote another one.

During our vacation in India me my wife and her older sister roomed in a tiny hotel. I had the top bunk while the two girl had the lower bunk so that they could easily talk to each other from across the tiny room. Being at the bottom also gave them freedom to change while I was asleep. Making sure that I was sound asleep before undressing for bed.

On one particular night after strolling through an eerie tourist spot I decided to rush back to the room before them and hide behind the older sister's bunk since there was a space between it and the wall. I waited there to scare them.

Her name was Diana and she and my wife were amazingly beautiful. They both had amazing asses, very supple and plump. Diana admittedly had a much sweeter and softer kissable pair of lips. She would press them together when she thought and it looked rather adorable. She would be rather flirty at times and my wife would get a little jealous.

As I hid there in the dark waiting to scare the living daylights out of them. I get a good idea and hang a robe of Diana's in the middle of her bunk bed. I hung it off of the top bunk so that it would hide me as I stood. They would never tell that I placed it there as their memories weren't that great. I had planned to wait for them to get in bed before reaching under the blanket and clasp Diana's ankle just as they were about to doze off. Hopefully scare her enough to turn her pale.

I stood up behind the robe and waited for them to enter the room. I hear them come in and place their belonging down on the floor. They each yawn and talk about how tired the day made them. My wife tells Diana that she's ready to just collapse and sleep.

I stand there snickering to myself thinking about how funny this will be. Then I realize my predicament. Before they sleep they usually first disrobe leaving nothing on but a pair of panties. I peek from behind the robe just in time to catch Diana pulling her bra up and over her head revealing a lovely pair of breasts with tiny pink nipples. I flush with embarrassment realizing what I had just seen. They must think that I had fallen asleep.

I start to panic not knowing what to do and how to handle the situation. I peek once more to see her back turned to me as she places her bra down. She turns again back towards the bed. Frightened, I dart my head back behind the robe hoping that she didn't see me. I sense that I was a little too slow because she stood there for a while just looking in my direction.

I hear her turn around and walk towards the other bunk bed. I use this chance to peer back out and see that my wife is fast asleep by now. Diana is walking towards my bunk bed. She climbs a bit and she sees that I am not in my bed. Realizing that she probably knows where I am I duck back down behind the robe. She must not find me here. I will die if they realize that I was spying on them disrobing.

Much to my surprise Diana turns off the lights and climbs into bed as if I wasn't even there. She must know that I'm here, right? So why hasn't she checked? Confused I peek back over the robe and see that she is laying on her back with her eyes closed and the sheets covering up to her shoulders.

I am filled with relief. She didn't see me after all. I may still yet be able to pull off the prank! It's now or never. I reach out with one hand between the railings of the bunk bed and under the sheet trying to find her legs. My fingers touch warmth of skin and I grasp it hoping that it will startle her and make her scream in fear.

To my surprise she doesn't move. My hand is squeezing on her leg but she doesn't move an inch. Surely she feels my grip. Is she really that far asleep that she can't feel my grasp?

Just then a hand holds around my wrist and pulls. I release my grip realizing that it's Diana's and she pulls my hand higher. Feeling defeat that the prank didn't work I let out a sigh letting her know that she caught me. She guides my hand higher and she places it on something soft and warm. What is she doing? I stand there confused still hiding behind the robe.

My fingers wriggle around trying to figure out what she placed my hand on. I feel two extremely soft lumps, the tips of my fingers feeling something moist. I tense up. Is this what I think it is?! Just then her hands press on top of mine pushing my fingers down deeper between her legs. The tips of my finger rest at the opening of her pussy. She pushes the tips and they slide in with ease.

My breathing becomes heavier and my heart pounds faster. What is she doing?! I can feel her masterbating herself using my fingers. My cock throbs in my shorts and I can feel it swell. Another hand appears beneath the robes and is placed on my throbbing cock. Diana is squeezing my cock and rubbing back and forth.

I can't believe what she is doing. What if my wife sees us? I stand frozen behind the robes just in case. I feel her hand unzip my shorts and pull out my now throbbing stiff cock. I try to swallow a dry lump in my throat.

I hear Diana stir from under the sheets. She lay on her side facing her back towards me. She lets go of my cock and pulls the robe up and over her waist. I now have a full view of her amazing ass. She scoots further back pressing her ass against the railing of the bed. Her pussy lips pressing between the two bars between us.

It was an amazing sight. Her ass cheeks pressed up against the bars made it look so plump and squeezable. Her thick pussy lips subtly jutting out from between the bars. I could see how wet they were as they were smearing pussy juice along the sides of the bars.

She grabbed my thick throbbing cock with one hand and guided the tip to her lips sliding them up and down the length of her pussy. It felt amazing. She did this several times and then stopped as the tip rested at the opening. She reached back further grabbing my legs and pulled me towards her. My cock pushed on her pussy spreading her lips apart as it slowly entered into her. I pushed the rest of the way in deep as it could go. She let out a soft moan careful as to not wake her sister.

My cock was now fully into her and I stood there pressing up against her savering every moment. I slowly pulled back out until I could see the tip slowly push out from inside her then thrusted my entire cock easily back inside her. I pulled back out then in several times gaining speed with each thrust.

She clasped her hand over her nose and mouth trying to stifle her moans. I kept pushing into her faster now than before. The bed rattled slightly each time. I reached out with one hand and grabbed a handful of her breast. I massage her breast feeling her nipple rub between each of my fingers. It was amazing. I was fucking my sister in law right in front of my sleeping wife!

I continued thrusting in and out of her. The bed rattled and her moans stifled but it was quiet enough as to not wake my wife. I could feel the urge to cum getting closer. She started bucking in time with my thrusts and the bed shook a lot more. I could feel that she was about to climax. She bucked harder once, twice, then a third time each with greater force. My cock couldn't take much more and it quickly started pumping spurt after spurt of cum into my sister Inlaw. Her body tensed on the third thrust and I could hear her stifled moaning grow louder between her fingers. Then slowly subside with each breath.

Just then my wife called out to Diana. She asked if she was okay with a groggy sleepy voice. I froze with fear. My cock still deep inside of Diana pumping the last of my sperm. Luckily I was still hidden behind the robe and my wife did not see me fucking her sister. Diana said that she was really itchy and that she was scratching her leg. My wife gave a quiet understanding grunt and fell back sleep.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest. I slowly pulled my cock from her pussy and it slid out with a slight pop. A line of sperm followed the tip of my cock and ran down the side of the bars. Her pussy was still spread open and I slid just the tip of my cock in and out to tease her a little more.

She moved away from me and tilted her head back. Her mouth just shy of the bars. I took this as an invitation and slid my semi hard cock up to her luscious lips. She sucked the tip clean. I clenched my teeth shut trying to hide my low deep moans. She took the rest of my cock in her mouth and cleaned every last drop of our cum.

I slowly and quietly climbed over her and back to my bunk careful not to wake my wife. I climbed to my bed and laid there adrenaline still pumping in disbelief. I peered down to Diana and she looked at me with a huge grin licking the tip of her finger.

I could tell the rest of the trip was going to be equally amazing.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2uzzv2/okay_i_lied_i_stayed_up_all_night_and_wrote

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