Exit 94 Part 1 [M/F] [Public]

As we get situated in the car, I hand you your skirt back and say "You’re keeping this on for the rest of the day. No matter what happens or where we go. The skirt stays on. You can choose to wear underwear or not. I’ll leave that up to you." You give me a glare, but I can see the twinkle of excitement in your eye. You grab the skirt from my hand and proceed to wiggle in your seat as you get is adjusted around your waist. After you’ve gotten it all situated you grab your shirt and slip it over your head. I mimic your actions. We pull off the exit and onto the highway. Unfortunately, since it is Friday night we get stuck in the skier traffic heading into the mountains. For the next several hours we sit in traffic and talk about all sorts of things, letting the sexual energy from earlier dissipate. After driving for a while, dusk has set in and we realize that we haven’t eaten yet and were getting pretty hungry. I suggest we stop for a place and grab a bite.

Your face reddens as you realize what that means. You try to argue for a drive though, but you know me and I’m being as hard headed as ever. After a couple minutes of debating we finally come to an agreement. We decide on getting snacks at a gas station. As we approach an exit the mood changes in the car. Excitement fills the air, accented by a hint of hesitancy and fear. We pull up to the gas station and you can help but let out a sigh of relief. Were the only ones in the parking lot. You turn the car off and sit in silence for a couple seconds gathering your will power. You steel yourself and you make to open the door. And right as you’re about to step you I grad your arm and pull you back into the car.

You have a fleeting moment of confusion before you feel my tongue plunge into your mouth and my hand tangle itself in your hair. I kiss you deeply for several seconds before my free hand starts to explore. I reach in between your legs and you gasp as my fingers glide up your thigh and find your clit. I run them in circles for several seconds before I plunge one, then two fingers into your aching slit. You press into me begging me for more but I pull away and you let out a whimper. Wanting more. As my fingers slide out of you see your wetness glistening in the moonlight. I shoot you a mischievous grin as I quickly get out of the car, leaving you shocked with your mouth agape. You quickly stand up out of the car; becoming extremely aware of how short your skirt is… you grasp the bottom of it and give it a pointless tug, trying to cover up the bit of ass peeking out the bottom. You take a deep breath and take a step forward, and begin to follow me into the gas station.

I hold the door open for you as we enter, letting my eyes fall to just below you skirt. I watch you walk in, with your hips swaying sensually from side to side…like you know I’m watching. The moment only lasts seconds before I’m snapped back into reality. I close the door and follow you down the snack aisle. I stand in the middle of the aisle trying to decide what I want. You stand next to me furtively glancing around and looking over at me. You begin pacing the aisle trying to decide what you want. You start picking up items off the shelf, looking at them for a couple seconds before replacing them. You start at the top and work your way down to the bottom shelves. At this point I can no longer concentrate on food.

I am standing in the middle of the aisle, mouth agape, and still holding a package of Cheetos as you reach the very bottom. By this point you know I am watching and you begin to exaggerate your movements. You leave your legs straight as you bend down which causes your skirt to hike up revealing your dripping pussy and luscious ass for me to see. You remain bent over while you inspect the chips you had picked up.

I feel my pants get tighter as my cock swells watching you. You replace the chips and slowly, sensually stand back up, grazing your fingers along your legs, starting at your ankles and continuing up to your waist. As they reach your thighs they catch the bottom of your skirt, raising it completely, and giving me an incredible view.

"What?” you ask innocently.

My voice cracks as I answer, "Huh? What? Oh…hm. Nothing."

You press yourself against me, push your hand into the front of my pants and whisper in my ear.

"Are you sure?"

Your tongue snakes out of your mouth and you start tracing my earlobe while your hand strokes my cock.

"Are you still sure now?"

The only response I can muster is a helpless moan. My hands grasp your hips pulling you closer. It isn’t long before they slide down further. I lift your skirt and take two big handfuls of your ass. While my right hand lingers on your cheek, my left hand begins to explore. I slide my fingers in between your cheeks and slowly make my way down. I hear you gasp as you fingers slide over your tight pucker before they find your aching pussy. I push one, then two fingers into you. You push closer into me, begging for more…

I bring your head off my shoulder and our lips are about to meet when we hear…BANG! My heart jumps as we separate and twirl towards the source of the noise

The gas station attendant steps out of the bathroom, drying his hands on his pants. While walking toward the counter he spots us in the aisle. Much to our embarrassment he begins walking towards us. As he approaches us he asks us if there’s anything we need. We share are heads no, that were fine thank you. You blush as his eyes linger on you before he walks away.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2uu7ws/exit_94_part_1_mf_public


  1. Check out part two. If you like this one, you’ll definitely like part 2…probably even more.

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