Exit 94 Part 2 [M/F] [Public] [Oral] [Anal]

We quickly buy our snacks and get back on the road. Once were back on the high way I eat my snack in silence, staring out the window…you take your hand and start rubbing the inside of my thigh. To your displeasure, I still don’t give any reaction.

You give up after a couple minutes with a frustrated humph. You continue driving, and about 15 or 20 minutes later, I unbuckle my seat belt and start rummaging around in our bags in the back seat. Confused, you ask me what I am doing. I give no response. At this point you’re sexually frustrated and starting to get really angry with my attitude change.

After a couple minutes of rummaging I find what I’m looking for. I return to my seat and fasten my sea tbelt, still without having said a single word. The minutes drag by. I break the silence by asking you to pull over, and you pull over on the shoulder, expecting an explanation for my actions.

You have barely enough time to put the car in park before I pounce. In seconds my mouth is on yours and my tongue reaching down your throat. One of my hands slides up your skimpy skirt and finds your flooded pussy. Three of my fingers easily slide in while my thumb finds your clit. I maneuver my fingers inside you while I press against your nub. It isn’t long before you begin screaming and bucking.

Cars whiz by us on the highway as we continue. I sense that you’re on the edge and withdraw my fingers and mouth; you follow my mouth with your lips, not wanting it to be done. You try to kiss me but I’m adamant, no more.

"Get in my seat."

"Huh?” you respond, still dazed.

"Get out and walk around to my side of the car."

Without hesitation you get out of the car and walk around, not caring about the headlights on the highway that illuminate your skimpily dressed body. You excitedly open the door, ready to ride my cock; your heart sinks as you discover me buckling in in the driver’s seat. You flop into the seat and sulkily buckle up.

I look at you and grin.

"Oh c’mon. Don’t be that way."

You open your mouth to respond when you feel my hand shooting up the inside of your thighs. But you feel something cold in my grasp…

You scream as you feel the vibrator plunge into your wet slit. I push it deep inside you, and judging from the vibrations emanating from your mound, it was turned on as high as it could go. Your legs tighten around my arm in pleasure. I surprise you by withdrawing my hand from your legs, leaving the vibrator inside you. You reach down to play but I grab your wrist.

I shake my head, "Uh-Uh. I don’t think so. That stays right where it is. Neither of us is allowed to touch it."

Your only response is a groan of mock disappointment with a twinge of pleasure. I put the car into drive and pull back onto the highway. We’ve only been driving for a couple for several minutes when I can tell that you’re struggling. Every so often you let out a whimper and moan from the vibrations inside. Eventually you can’t resist any more. You unfasten your seat belt and undo my pants. My cock stands straight up as it pops out of my boxers, almost hitting you in the face as you lean over. Without any hesitancy you take the entire length of me into your throat, and I can’t help but groan. You hold it there for as long as you can before popping up and taking a breath as your saliva drips down my member. You take my cock back into your mouth and begin swirling your tongue around the tip while moaning loudly.

With my cock filling your throat you re-position in your seat, kneeling with your butt in the air. You continue to bob up and down on my cock as I drive, only just able to concentrate on the road. Without missing a beat, you grab my right hand and guide it to your ass. You make my hand caress your flesh before you guide my fingers down your crack to your tight asshole. You manipulate my fingers to massage your tight pucker before you press on one of my fingers in. I get the hint. I withdraw my finger and lubricate it with my spit before returning to your tight hole. I feel and hear you moan as my finger penetrates you. I slowly push it in and out of you while gradually pushing deeper. Much to your disappointment I pull it out once again.

But it last only second. I lubricate the rest of my fingers and put two, then three fingers into you, starting out slow then getting faster and faster.

By now you have completely forgotten about my cock. Your head lays limp in my lap and your loosely grasp my cock in your hand. You’re screaming and biting my leg in pleasure. With the vibrator in your pussy and my fingers in your other hole, it’s almost more than you can handle. You feel so….full. And it feels soooo good.

We continue driving like this for another minute before you scream "PULL OVER!!!"

Luckily there’s an exit, and we pull off at the last second. I find a dark spot along the road and you start getting vocal.

"Holy shit. Get out of the fucking car right fucking now!!!"

Of course I waste no time. We meet each other at the front of the car, illuminated by only the headlights. You kiss me long and deep, exploring my mouth with your tongue. It doesn’t last long though.

"Put your fucking cock inside me right now!!"

You plant your palms onto the hood of your car and push your rear end towards me. I start to pull the vibrator out of you…

"NO!!!! Don’t do that!! Leave it in!!! Fuck me in the ass!!"

Shocked I say ok, I just need to go get the lube.

You respond, "NO! No time just get your cock in my fucking asshole NOW!!"

At this point I can’t do anything but comply. I drop my pants and slowly push my cock into your cheeks, lubricated only with my saliva…but it’s not fast enough for you. You push into me. Hard. Taking the entirety of my cock into your butt. And it slides in so easily. You let out a loud moan as you collapse onto the hood of the car. I hike your skirt up so I can get the best view possible. I grasp your hips and start slowly thrusting into you.

"God Dammit!! Fuck me harder!!"

I waste no time. I grab your hips and start pounding your ass. I am in shock as I watch my cock disappear in and out of your tight hole. You begin to scream and flail around as your body erupts in goose bumps.

But I’m not done yet. I pull out of your ass and turn you around. I pick you up and put you on the hood of your car on your back. I get you in position and smoothly push my cock back into your ass. I grab your thighs and start to thrust in and out of you. Fast and hard. You begin to scream again. Your hips start bucking as another orgasm rocks your body. The movement from the vibrator, the tightness of your ass, and your double orgasm push me over the edge. With one last thrust I explode deep inside you.

Panting I collapse on top of you and light kiss your neck.

"That was fun. We should do it again", I say slyly.

The only response you can muster is a low moan of approval. I pull out of you and get my pants back up. You still haven’t moved. With a low chuckle I pick you up and place you in the passenger’s seat.

I get in and pull back onto the highway, leaving exit 94 behind us.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2uu9ny/exit_94_part_2_mf_public_oral_anal