[F4M][very light BDSM/BD] Your Hands

Your hands were the first thing I noticed about you. Strong, solid, rough hands. Not rough as in the opposite of soft – your touch could be soft if you wanted it to be – but almost rough as in powerful. Mighty.

The moment I felt your hands against my skin, I needed more. When you pulled down the zipper of my dress for the first time, your fingertips grazed my suddenly exposed skin, trailing down my spine to the small of my back. My dress fell to the ground and you set it aside.

I was left in just sheer black stockings with a panel of lace reaching the middle of my thighs, held up by garters attached to my matching black lace panties. Such pretty little things that served not much function other than to look pretty. I suppose that was fitting anyway, considering I served no function tonight but to look pretty for you; to please you in any way that you wanted me to. I smiled to myself with the thought, wanting to please you in every way possible. All because of those hands that I can’t stop thinking about now.

You sat down on the sofa and motioned for me to join you. My stocking-clad feet padded lightly across the plush cream colored carpet, stopping as I stood just in front of you. Your hands, those beautiful things, reached around my knees, making contact with my skin through the stockings.

My eyes closed as your hands slowly and firmly made their way up the backs of my thighs, passed the lace panel, to my ass. I felt one palm resting on each cheek as you looked up at me. Your fingertips spread my cheeks apart, disregarding my panties as you slid a thumb along my crack, down between my legs to pet my lips, wet with anticipation.

“Good girl,” you cooed at me. I beamed. Your thumb hooked around me and forced its way between my soft, shaved pink lips, finding its way to find my clit. It took all of the strength in me not to buckle at the knees. You noticed and grinned. You thumbed my clit harder – my weakness encouraging you. I couldn't hold back – I moaned loudly.

“Shhh,” you cautioned in a voice so full of lust that it drove me wild, “be a good quiet Kitten.”

Your thumb working circles around my button quite easily now. I was practically dripping. Your thumb did not ease up. In fact, my soft purring moans egged you on, and you wanted to challenge me. Deftly, your thumb continues to trail quick circles around my clit as you slide two fingers between my lips, pressing them as far as you can into me.

One rough hand against my ass grabbing firmly, you pulled me towards you, fingers still deep inside of me, twisting and writhing as I dripped down your arm. You pull me across your lap, ass up in the air. Your continued pushing your fingers into me, your pace quickening as I squirm.

With your free hand, you petted my hair lightly before grabbing it with your first, wrapping it around your knuckles and pulling my head up to your face. You placed a deep kiss on my lips. My lips kissed back, desperate and full of desire. When you pull away, you whispered darkly “Remember to be quiet…” trailing off as your fingers plunge deeper, your hand turning to flip your thumb in the other direction, now seeking out my tight perfect asshole.

As I lay sprawled across your lap, I could feel your bulge pressing against my belly. Knowing that using me was exciting you, I couldn't help but let out a shallow moan, filled with desperation. I wanted to feel you hard inside of me. Instead of acting on that, I behave. I do what you wanted me to do.

Your thumb traced the outline of my delicate hole, fingers working their way harder and faster, all I could do was try to lay still. Your free hand raised above me and came crashing down in a loud CRACK against my cheeks. I hadn't been expecting it. I let out a loud whimper which only resulted in another hard spank. With that second spank though, just as my body was recovering, came a third and a fourth in quick succession.

While I gasped against a pillow on the couch, your thumb pressed its way slowly into my anus. Your fingers massaged my insides, pressing back towards your thumb, which only made me gasp louder. It took all of my strength not to moan. My muscles pushed against your fingers, my legs tensed hard. You could tell I was close to orgasm.

“Not yet” you breathed. “Don’t you dare cum yet, Kitten.”

I whimpered between gasps as you began counting loudly. You started at one hundred and counted so slowly down to twenty five, with each number your fingers slammed harder into me. Your thumb explored gently. Once you reached that mark, you added a spank on each cheek between numbers. By five I was panting, squeezing my muscles tight and desperately needing a release. And then you stopped.

My legs twitched with anticipation. You pulled out of me, re-positioning me to lay back beside you on the sofa. You lowered yourself between my legs, pulling aside the sheer fabric against my crotch. You blew gently on my soaked lips which caused a shiver up my spine. Pressing your tongue flat against my lips you sucked up the accumulation of my juices.

Your tongue darted forward against my clit, flicking it hard and circling it. You plunged your fingers back inside of me as your lips formed a suction around my clit. I held back as long as I could but watching you tonguing me and sucking me was too much. My muscles squeezed against your fingers again and before you could pause to tell me no, I let go. I couldn't not. You and your hands… and your lips and tongue… it was too much.

I gripped my fists into the fabric of the sofa as my orgasm ripped through my body. You didn't stop or slow down. You kept going until I was done. You pulled yourself up and kissed me deeply, forcing me to taste myself. I moaned against your mouth until you broke away.

Leaning up, you slid your fingers between my lips, pressing my tongue down as you spoke. Each word had purpose. “Naughty Kitten. Get me a glass of scotch and my paddle. We’ll try again later.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2u5x12/f4mvery_light_bdsmbd_your_hands