Home From Work [MF, bdsm, Fdom, Poetry]

I step through the front door and she's waiting for me
In leather and lace
My mistress, my goddess
"We're going to fuck," she says,
voice full of calm authority,

I know the routine.
My clothes come off immediately
(No barriers, no secrets can come between us)
Into the shower, I scrub
Without delay, without rush,
Face, chest, legs, ass,
Erection, already anticipating,
Then present myself, clean and dry, for her pleasure

She looks me over,
"Good boy. Put this on."
I enter darkness
And strain to sense every other way I can
Her scent is light and fresh
Her heels click against the wooden floor
Her breath is warm against my ear as she whispers,
"I've been planning this all day"

I shiver.
What lies ahead?

Her hands lead me closer to the bed
Where she sits on the edge and instructs me
I move to kneel on the bed behind her and begin
First massaging her bare shoulders
Above her corset
(Red, if I remember)
Then caressing her arms,
her strong, gentle hands,
back up to her neck,
then down to her thighs
(wonderfully supple under tight leather)
Using all the techniques she taught me

I move again, and kneel at her feet
"May I remove your shoes, mistress?" I murmur
She assents
Blindly I feel for the straps
Unbuckle, and set the heels (long and lovely) carefully aside
Kisses and caresses for her feet now
Paying due homage to she
Who brings me pleasure and pain in equal measure.

"Enough. Lie down now"
I start to stand to move to the bed,
"No. Right there. Ass up."

Stretched out on the hardwood floor
My cock presses into my stomach
I hear the rustling of something long
Perhaps leather, perhaps silk
In my mistress's hands
"Time to try my new toy," she says, slowly, sensually,
"Answer only yes or no"
"Yes, mistress"

"Did you eat a proper breakfast today?"
"Yes, mistress"
A line of fire erupts across one of my ass cheeks
I resist the urge to cry out
In agony
In ecstasy
"Did you get to work on time?"
"Yes, mistress"
The other side of my ass likewise burns.
"Did you touch your cock at all today?"
"No, mistress"

This is no punishment for my answers.
No reward either.
The question, the answer, the strike, and sensation
Are all a single entity
Her power. Her control.
My lust and my submission.

Interrogation finished,
She draws me up to the bed
Silk sheets and soft pillows are almost orgasmic alone
By comparison
But I know she is not done with me
Fingernails drag across my back,
My sore, reddened cheeks
Then I am made to roll over
And her hands repeat the movement
Ticklish tingles across my chest,
My stomach,
And my hardness.
Her long hair brushes across my thighs
As she leans down for the faintest of kisses
Upon my very tip.

"Sit up," she says,
"Remove my corset."
I move to obey
(Obedience is immediate,
Obedience is automatic,
Obedient is all I desire to be)
My fingers fumble, then steady and pull
String by string,
Releasing her luscious breasts from their confinement.
"You know what to do with these," she says,
placing my hands over her hard nipples.

I do know,
And the next minutes are all softness,
Except for those two points in the very centers
Of her voluptuous mounds
I grasp, I massage,
I lick and suckle,
While her hand eventually drifts to my balls
Playfully teasing me

"Enough. Lie down. Hands up."
In moments she has secured my wrists
To the bedposts
(Rope is the symbol of my freedom
to let myself be bound)
My ankles are tied together
My cock throbs and twitches achingly in the empty air
But only until she returns to drag her now naked body across me.

She presses herself to me,
Chest to chest,
Lips to neck,
Her wet warmth against my hard shaft
"Tell me what you want," her whisper tempts me
To come inside you, I think,
But out loud I say,
"To obey you."

"Good boy," she says, "Don't. Move."

She shifts, then, sliding her herself
Up and down my length,
Never quite far enough for me to enter her
Until just as feel I am nearing the edge of an explosion
She lifts up,
Straddles me, kneeling,
And lowers herself, spearing herself,
Agonizingly slowly,
Upon my shaft.

I hear and feel the vibrator she is pressing
Against the point where our two bodies meet
Her slick warmth envelops me,
But the only movement is the external buzzing
Against her clit
For her pleasure
The struggles and thrusts I long to make
Are stifled by her command
But we moan in unison

Finally, she moves, grinding against me,
Vibrator still between us,
Then, one hand on my chest,
The other holding her toy in place,
She slowly dances upon my cock
Nearly allowing me to slip out entirely,
Then once again surrounding me with herself
I feel my desire for her,
My need to release
Building to a frenzied, impossible height
But two things hold me back

Her rhythm, exquisitely varied,
Excruciatingly unhurried,
Never quite bringing me past my limits

And her command, precisely stated,
Expertly ingrained,
That I shall never come without her permission.

At last,
She gasps,
Quivers in delight.
I feel her spasms enfolding me,
Clutching at me,
And the tension that flows out of her
In an ecstatic vocalization
Of primal, sexual energy.

The thrumming stops.
She lifts herself from me.
I ache for completion.

She lies down beside me,
Trails kisses across my chest

"You HAVE been a good boy," she says, rising,

"I need to go clean up.

I'll be back soon to let you out of those ropes.

Oh, and you may come now.

If you can."

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2u6ec3/home_from_work_mf_bdsm_fdom_poetry