Meeting for the first and last time [MF][first person].

I'd wanted you for so long. The cravings started from our very first conversation and increased tenfold when we decided to finally meet. I stood alone in the room of the hotel you'd chosen, just off of the main road and hidden from the prying eyes of anyone we might know. I must have changed my mind about my outfit at least five times, but eventually settled on a dress you had complimented before. You probably don't remember, but I do. A sleeveless, knee-length black dress with my favourite lace lingerie underneath. No shoes, minimal make up and a delicate silver chain around my neck. I was so nervous that I had to consciously control my breathing, between involuntary glances at the clock. Seven minutes until you arrived.

Eighteen months, thousands of messages, hundreds of pictures and hundreds of hours spent video chatting, and now just one night. We'd known it was​ unsustainable from the start, but neither of us could find the willpower to stop. At some point we started talking about making it real for one night. Imagining what it might be like and all of the possible ways it could happen. Both of us going back and forth on whether it was a good or bad idea, until eventually deciding it was the only option. It had fuelled our fantasies and made them that much more intense. I'd seen every inch of your body, but there were so many details missing from the version of you I'd carried around in my head all this time. The way you smelt, the rise and fall of your chest as I laid my head on it, and the sound you would make when I'd first take you into my mouth. Details which I would later lock away in my memory forever, because we could only do this once. Tonight.

I hear the muffled sounds of footsteps outside the door, and barely have time to glance at my reflection before I hear your sharp knock. Looking in the mirror one last time, I realise that this is the beginning of the end and promise myself that I'll savour every moment. The door swings open and there you are. You've come straight from work, wearing a crisp dark shirt which has been tucked into some chinos. I must have looked sad from my earlier thought because you give me a shy, anxious smile. It feels surprisingly natural as we hug and my head fits snugly into the crook of your neck. The softness and warmth of you hits me all at once, and as we break away I build up the courage to look directly into your eyes. Hidden behind your glasses, but kind and reassuring, as I had always found them. I invite you into the room and you place your bag on the floor, before accepting my offer of a drink. It feels slightly awkward and we make small talk for a while. Both of us trying to get comfortable with being in the same space for the first time.

We sit on the bed with a respectable distance between us, sipping our drinks politely. Neither of us sure what we were supposed to​ do. Wanting to appear calm and detached, but a mess of emotions inside. You clear your throat and say something about how you can't believe we're finally here. Slowly the nerves​ disappear and we're chatting like we normally do, just without the screen. Asking about work, the week so far and making jokes at each other​'s expense. Every so often there's a lull in the conversation and we look at each other, both feeling but not saying how much we want what's about to happen. I notice you glancing at my cleavage once or twice and my eyes are occasionally drawn to your lips.​ Eventually, there's nothing more to say. You move a little closer and I can smell your cologne and feel the heat of your body. Sliding a hand around my waist, you lean towards me and I part my lips. Before I know what's happening, my mouth is touching yours and we're kissing for the first time. It was electric. One of those perfect kisses.

I lean back further on the bed and you lean in closer. We start to melt slowly into one another. Your hand, now resting on my hip, travels higher up my side and caresses me over my dress. Through your hot breath I slide my tongue into your mouth and wrap my legs around you. I never wanted that kiss to end. Resting your hand on my bare thigh, you grow a little bolder and slide it upwards, pulling my dress up with it. Finally. It was happening. I hook my arms around your shoulders and run my fingers through your dark hair as you lie between my legs. I spread them wider, so that your pelvis is directly on top of mine and feel your erection press against me. I'd dreamt about it so many times and now it was mine.

My hips start grinding against your crotch of their own volition and I suck on your bottom lip. Your hands move straight to my ass. Cupping the cheeks, pulling them apart, digging your nails into​ the flesh. I moan softly into your lips and you take that as a sign to squeeze harder. I'm so wet that I'm sure you can feel it through my panties. I wanted you to feel it. You slip a thumb under the waistband and break away from our kiss to bring your hand to the front. Tracing circles around my clit with your fingers, achingly slowly. You smile as you notice the effect it has on me. For a brief moment your hand slips inside and your fingertips graze my pubic hair, but then I stop you. You look at me, confused, as I push you off and ask you to sit in the chair by the window. I follow and wait until you're seated, before standing directly between your legs​ and turning to face away from you. You always accused me of teasing you and tonight was no different.

My hand reaches back to undo the zip of my dress and I slip an arm through each strap to reveal my back. Making a show of wiggling my hips from side to side, it drops to my feet and gets tossed to the side. I turn around and watch your eyes move from the smooth skin of my stomach, up to my breasts, and down to my thighs. I'd seen you look at me like that before and nothing turned me on more. Leaning down to kiss you softly, I unbutton your shirt and take it off. My fingers trace up and down your chest, before I turn to sit in your lap. Your hands are everywhere. Hair, neck, breasts, waist, crotch, thighs. The bare skin of my back pressed tightly against the bare skin of your chest. I can hear your breathing get heavier as I grind my ass into you. You'd spoken about having a lap dance before and I'd fantasised about it ever since. You push my hair to the side and kiss and bite my neck, as my ass massages your cock. It glides back and forth between the cheeks and your raspy breaths tickle my ear. I'm leaning forward now, with a hand on each of your knees to balance myself. Grinding harder. My eyes closed, just focusing on the feeling of your bulge pressing against me. Your hands grip tightly at my waist. I can feel how much you want me. Eventually I hear a groan escape your lips and take it as my signal to stop. I squeeze your crotch playfully before moving away to sit on the edge of the bed. My panties are now uncomfortably wet and I slip them off before settling to face you.

One at a time, I slide each bra strap off my shoulder and part my legs to show you my pussy. The trimmed pubic hair has been shaped into a triangle, and points towards my moist lips. I lean back to give you a better view and then bring my knees up. Looking into your eyes, I start to play with myself. Teasing the stiff nub of my clit, running my fingers along the slit and then sliding a finger in. Fuck, I'm so wet. The finger glides in and out effortlessly. You could hear how wet I was. Your hand has moved to your crotch and you rub your cock through your pants as you watch. We'd done this countless times before, except now it was just foreplay. Tonight it would lead somewhere and I'd have you inside of me.

You tell me to take off my bra and I comply. My nipples are stiff and sensitive, and tingle as I pinch them. I squeeze my breasts together to show them off to you and then go back to fingering myself. Spreading the juices over my outer lips. Exposing my clit and rubbing a fingertip over it. Biting my lip as I stare at the outline of your cock. Enough teasing. I'm back in your lap again and we're kissing hungrily. You have a hand on each breast. Massaging them. Feeling the nipples stiffen against your palms. I stroke your hair and tilt my head back, as you suck on them. Eagerly sucking them into your mouth. Licking and biting one as you pinch the other. I'm lost in the sensation when I suddenly feel your finger slide into my tight, wet cunt. Fuck, it felt good. I didn't realise how much I needed it until it was there. You lick your finger clean and taste me for the first time, before sliding it back in again. I'm slowly grinding against the palm of your hand.

I'm suddenly aware of your cock straining beneath me, wanting to be free, and all of my patience disappears. I kneel down to hastily undo your pants and slide them off along with your boxers. And there it is. Your beautiful cock springs to life. Thick and hard and begging to be touched. I reach out and wrap my hand around it, completely mesmerised. Feeling every ridge and vein as I slowly move my hand up and down. It's perfect. I can't remember how many times I'd told you this before, but now I could finally show you. I squeeze it to see the precum leaking from the tip and immediately lean forward to taste it. It's sweeter than I was expecting and I lap it up. My lips wrap around the head and I take you into my mouth. Sliding up and down the shaft as I stroke your thighs. My tongue licking the underside of your cock, while my lips form a tight seal around the head. It felt so fucking thick. Your fingers are tangled in my hair and you pull my head back to watch me suck. I'm tracing circles with my tongue and then flicking from side to side until I've covered every inch.

My hand glides up and down the shaft easily now, while I tease the skin of your balls with my lips. I suck them into my mouth. Run my fingertips over the head of your cock. Trace every vein along the shaft. Your grip on my hair tightens and I know you want to be back in my mouth again. I look into your eyes as I kiss the tip slowly. Wrapping my lips around the head again and gradually moving them over you. I run my tongue along your stiff cock while it lies inside my soaking wet mouth. Sucking faster and harder, in response to your moans. It was the sexiest sound I've heard to this day. You're pushing my head down onto your cock as your hips lift off the chair. Controlling my movements. The tip reaches the back of my throat before I can fit all of you into my mouth. I squeeze the base tightly with one hand and stroke your balls with the other. I could have worshipped that cock all night, but neither of us could wait any more.

You pull yourself out of my mouth and I look up at you with shiny, wet lips. Returning to the bed, you motion for me to get on my knees with my face down. Your favourite position. I'm so excited that I know it won't take much for me to cum. My body shivers with anticipation in response to your gentles kisses and soft licks along the inside of my thighs. I feel your breath on my clit. You run your tongue over it, making the thinnest of contacts. Enough for me to arch my back. Oh god, I wanted you inside me. You flatten your tongue against my outer lips. Licking the full length of my pussy, before sliding it inside. Tasting my wetness. Oh fuck. Your fingers massage my clit as you fuck me with your tongue. I'm burying my face into the pillow now and you've replaced your tongue with your fingers. Fuck, yes, I'm getting close.

You slide your wet tongue along the groove of my ass and it finds my tight asshole, tracing circles lightly around it. Your fingers still pumping in and out of my pussy. Oh god. The tip of your tongue slides in and I breathe in sharply. My toes curl and my hands grip the sheets. Oh fuck. Your thumb rubs over my clit and that's it. I'm bucking my hips and moaning for you into the pillow. Pushing and pulling against the fingers inside my pussy. Your tongue still teasing my ass. And my clit…oh god, my fucking clit. Fuck. It felt like it would burst. My whole body tenses just before I feel the release and then I'm cumming all over your fingers. Rocking my hips against you as each wave washes over me. My moans become softer and the warmth spreads to every corner of my body. Your hand and tongue stay where they are and you feel my pussy get wetter and creamier. Fuck, that felt good. Better than anything my imagination could have created. You wait for my breathing to slow down, caressing my thighs and back while I recover. Eventually I lift my head up off the pillow and turn to look back at you. My smile telling you I'm ready.

You grab my waist as you kneel against me and I feel your hard cock against my bare skin for the first time. My clit is still sensitive and I jolt as you rub your cock along my pussy. Getting it wet as you slide back and forth across my lips. Fuck, it felt incredible. The head slips in and you watch as your cock disappears inside me. Inch by inch it slides into my smooth, silky pussy. Oh god. I forget to breathe until you've entered me completely. It belonged there. I'd known from the start. You look down at the sight of your cock being gripped by my pussy. So tight and wet and warm. We stay like that for a minute, savouring how perfectly you fitted inside me. And then slowly you start to thrust. Pulling out almost completely and sliding back in again. Oh fuck, I can feel everything. Every vein on your cock, I can feel it, against the ridges of my pussy.

My hand reaches for my clit and your nails dig into my hips. Your balls smacking against me as you thrust. Pushing and pulling me onto your cock. Out to the tip and all the way in again. Burying yourself in me. My eyes are open, but glazed over. Staring into nothingness. The only thing I'm aware of is me and you, and your cock in my pussy. Finally, after all this time your cock was inside my pussy and I wasn't going to let it go. I could feel it twitch and pulse as it moved back and forth. Fuck, it felt good. Your hands move to grab my ass. Squeezing it and kneading the flesh as I ride your cock. Oh fuck, yes. My lips are slightly parted, both of us moaning. All those times and it was finally happening.

You pull out without warning and leave us both panting. Grabbing my hair, you motion for me to get on my knees and taste myself off of you. I rush to lick you clean. Your cock twitches upwards as my tongue makes contact with it. Precum mixes together with my juices and coats my tongue. Your thumb moves over my lower lip to catch any escaping drops and soon we're fucking again. You're sliding your cock along the groove of my ass, before shoving it inside my pussy in one smooth motion. Fuck. Your hand slides up my back and grabs a fistful of hair. Oh god, yes, fuck me. You tug on it, making me arch my back for you as I ride your cock. That thick, hard cock I'd waited so long for.

I start pushing my hips back and forth. Harder. Faster. I can feel that I'm going to cum again, this time over your cock. You bend all the way over me and we fuck like animals. Losing ourselves in one another. Your hands reach under me to grip my breasts and you feel them sway from each thrust. We kiss briefly as I tilt my head towards you, and I notice the look on your face I'd seen so many times before. I know what it meant and I wanted it badly. I needed your cum deep inside my cunt. The only thing that existed in that moment was us. Pure, raw, animal lust.

Your hips are slamming up against my ass more urgently. Fucking me so hard that it knocks the breath out of me. I could feel my pussy getting tighter and the pressure starting to build. Oh god, I never want you to stop fucking me. I finally had you. My legs start trembling and I tell you I'm about to cum. Your thrusts become more determined. That's it. Oh god. Fuck. Yes. That's it. Don't stop. You bury yourself in me completely and my pussy clamps down on your cock like a vice. Oh fuck, yes. My legs part wider and allow you deeper access. My pussy lips pressed tightly against your pelvis. I'm contracting uncontrollably and it pushes you over the edge. A moment later I feel it. Fuck, yes, I feel it. Your cock pulses and you're cumming inside me. Emptying yourself into me. The cum shoots up into my​ ​wet cunt. Spurt after spurt. Warm, thick and sticky. Filling me up, like I've needed for so long. Finally.

You collapse in a sweaty heap onto my back and we bask in the afterglow. Lying there with your cock still inside me. Your cum leaking out of pussy. Breathing slowly and heavily. I knew I'd never feel this satisfied again but right now I didn't care. You were mine for tonight.



  1. made an account to comment!! been following you for so long.. read thousands of pieces.. but this one.. girl dont have words to describe how exceptional and intense it is.. you’re the woman! kudos to you :)

  2. creeped on your profile a bit more and realized your a fan of the weeknd!! bonus points in my book hahah

  3. Wow! That is one of the hottest stories I’ve ever read. Well done! I’m spent just from reading it.

  4. words are not my strong suit…I don’t think I have a strong suit. Do you think it’s too late to get one?

  5. That was intense! I felt like I was there, an observer and participant… You penned a great one. ;)

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